Get In The Journey from Self Criticism to Self Appreciation

Have you cornered yourself with the following statements? I cannot do anything. I am the one doing wrong. Other people are better than me. I am good for nothing. If you have, then you have been in the self-criticism zone. Self-criticism by definition is to disapprove or criticize oneself/one’s own actions. In this fast-moving world, … Read more

Formal Ladies Dresses on Events: Dress To Impress Now

A gala is usually a formal event that takes place during a fundraiser or special occasion. Women and men must all go out and wear their most beautiful formal ladies dresses because there are generally strict enough codes to respect to this kind of event. Opt for elegance and extravagance! Wear a sumptuous dress and shiny accessories, … Read more

Top 10 Simple Ways for Rapid Fat Loss for the New Year

2017 is just around the corner, and who doesn’t want to get rid of that last piece of flab hanging near the belly just in time for the count down? Losing weight might not be easy, but there are things you can do to bring the onset of rapid fat loss just in time for … Read more

6 Non-Threatening Ways to Get out of Your Comfort Zone

We read about people who have quit their jobs, found their passports, and taken off to another country with only a few hundred dollars in their pockets. In many ways, we envy them – we wish we had the “guts” to do something like that. We don’t have the guts, because we have never left … Read more