Good Friday To Hope For Easter Miracle: Inspiring Words

Today is a Good Friday to hope for Easter Miracle. Actually it is the perfect Good Friday to hope for an Easter blessing. Over the time we have called Good Friday “good,” even if is such a dark event commemorating a day of suffering and death of Jesus Christ. We can do the same now. … Read more

How to Make Writing an Essay Brings Only Good Emotions

There is a lot of space for emotions and feelings in our life. Your life will not be complete without the myriad of emotions. It is only through positive emotion that we achieve a lot in our lives and also make it meaningful. They will drive us to enjoy the completeness of our persona and … Read more

Think Good About Myself Project: Get Power and Inspiration

Today I started a new project called 100 Good Thoughts About Me and Think Good About Myself.  I used the tags: #100goodthoughtsaboutme and #thinkgoodaboutmyself. Can I think 100 good thoughts about myself? I hope so. Well… let me start with #affirmation1  The first good thing that I think about myself is: “I see beauty, therefore, I am beautiful, … Read more