25 Positive Affirmations To Add Positivity To Your Day Now

Positive affirmations can sometimes make you feel better instantly. All you need to do if to find the right one for you.

I am enough.

I am loved.

I am special.

I am connected with the love of all things.

I know what it feels like unconditional love.

My mind is peaceful.

I think prosperous thoughts.

I have more than enough.

I am grateful.

I am blessed.

I am a gift to the entire world.

I am a light.

I am powerful.

I am pure love and light.

I am grace and ease.

There is abundance for me.

There is a lot of love for me here on Earth.

I am nurtured in every way.

I become richer by the second.

I get paid for being me.

I get paid with a lot of money for the things I do in the world.

I have all the money I want.

I am healthy.

I am full of vitality.

Joy expects me at every moment of my life.

There is a lot of happiness waiting for me in my future.

Positive Words Research – Positive Affirmations

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