Effective Spelling Practice Techniques by Kari Erkkilä

Discover expert tips and techniques for enhancing your spelling skills, courtesy of Kari Erkkilä. Elevate your language proficiency with these valuable insights and practical guidance. The idea that words have power is still new to me. I have loved playing with words to tell stories and make rhymes since I was a young girl, but it wasn’t until recently that I started to realize that words have power.  I shouldn’t be surprised. I learned in Sunday School, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1).  Words are the foundation of our reality. Everything we see in the world is a manifestation of a thought, and thoughts are made up of words. If we choose positive words, then we can create a positive world. It’s that simple.

When I came across the list from Positive Word Research, I started brainstorming all the different ways I could use the words. The first idea was inspired by the water experiment by Dr. Emoto. He discovered that consciousness can affect the molecular structure of water. Water infused with positive intention formed beautiful crystalline forms when frozen.

I started by selecting a few words from the list and writing them on a post-it note. I would stick the word on a mason jar full of water and put it out on the deck so the sun could infuse the energy of the word into the water.  I would drink the blessed water and let the positive energy electrify my veins.

Then, one evening I was sipping my infused water as I relaxed at the kitchen counter. My doodle pad, Sharpie, and word list happen to be right next to me. I picked up the pen and started writing the words in alphabetical order. What happened next was amazing. I got in a groove and just started writing. I started playing with each word as an individual art form. I copied each word in different styles and flourishes.  It made me appreciate the nuances of each word, as if each word had its own flavor. I would visualize the quality of each word, and feel the feeling that each word evoked as the pen scrolled across the paper. The words became me.

God Love

It shouldn’t surprise me. Our stores are filled with adult coloring books and markers. Social media is full of articles on the meditative practice of coloring. But I found something different about doodling the words. Maybe it is because words access a different part of our brain than coloring does. Maybe it is because it is so simple, you can do it anywhere. (All you need is a blank paper, a pen, and words. No need to tote around a hefty book or box of colored pencils.)  Or maybe it is because the words truly do have power. And with each stroke of the pen, I am infusing my spirit with the essence of each word I write. There is something so soothing, so therapeutic, and yet so simple about just sitting down and writing the words. As a writer,  I also noticed that it is a nice break to relax and pluck the words directly from the word list. No need to stretch my brain for words.  They are already there for me to draw from. Each word is its own vessel of positivity.

As I write this, it feels like the words are magic. And in fact they are. A magic “spell” is the very act of using words to manifest a desire. It’s inherent in the actual word, “spell” as in to spell a word or cast a spell.  So by  “spelling” these positive words, we are casting our own positive spells. It gives new meaning to the idea of spelling practice.

I am still exploring ways to use the fabulous words found in this treasury. (Did you notice how I tried to infuse the above sentence with more positive words? Another fun way to use the word list in everyday interactions!)

Infusing our life with a bevy of positive words can only help us to create a positive world. I am going to call this art, “spelling practice.”  By using these words in our journals, in our conversations, and in our thoughts, we are building our positivity muscles. And the more we continue to practice, the more we are infusing the world with our positive energies. The world can’t help but become a better place. Let us start practicing our spelling, and cast spells of love! Namaste.

—  Kari Erkkila

Kari Erkkila is an explorer of the world, and enjoying the process of discovering the powerful impact positive words can make in our lives. Follow me on Instagram as Skurlfriend. Facebook as Kari Erkkila, and watch for her forthcoming blog.


In conclusion, effective spelling practice is a valuable skill that can greatly enhance your language proficiency and communication abilities. Through the insights and guidance provided by experts like Kari Erkkilä, you have the opportunity to refine your spelling techniques and become a more confident and accurate writer. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply someone who values clear and effective communication, the techniques and tips you’ve learned here can be a powerful tool in your language toolkit. So, don’t hesitate to put these strategies into practice, and watch as your spelling skills continue to improve, opening up new opportunities for success in various aspects of your life.