This week’s positive word is RELAX: Find Your Life Balance

 This week’s positive word is


By Victoria J.Brown

I remember I was well into the New Year, Christmas felt like a long-distance memory and I noticed that the last thing on many people’s minds is relaxation. I understand that maybe the Holidays period is very busy, so there’s not much relaxing going on. Then the new year has started and most people are back to rushing from one place to another, appointments, meetings, deadlines … I’m definitely one for advising that you set yourself goals and targets, but I believe in relaxing too. Relaxing helps us focus, truly focus on where we are and what we need to do. It helps to eliminate that fuzzy fog that surrounds many minds as they sleepwalk through life day in, day out.

Taking time out to assess and soothe your body and soul is the key to moving forward.

How many times have you heard people saying: “I haven’t got time …” These are the people who need to relax more than most.

So if you’re one of those people who feels the need to keep moving, there’s no time for chilling … ask yourself how fast are you actually moving forward? If you feel you simply CAN’T STOP! Even the thought stresses you out. Then you are probably that person that needs to relax.

Here’s a little task for you … start writing a journal, look back over it week by week and see how fast you’re moving. While writing your journal put some feelings, thoughts, and emotions into your writing, turn your writing into a relaxation technique. It’s an amazing method. If you do this, you’re still ‘working’ as you’re writing down your achievements, but at the same time, you are actually allowing yourself to put things into perspective.

So remember, when you are relaxing, you are not being lazy, you are not wasting time … the exact opposite … you are re-fuelling your mind, body, and soul.

Positive Words Research – This week’s positive word is RELAX


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