Hooponopono Meditation Letter to Myself For Empowerment

Today I will write a Hooponopono meditation letter to myself. Remember and repeat the four Ho’oponopono affirmations which are: I AM SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME I LOVE YOU THANK YOU I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I allow the Divine Intelligence to solve the sickness in my body. I allow the Divine … Read more

Energy Clearing Letter to Myself To Gain Power And Clarity

Enjoy below a wonderful and powerful energy clearing letter to myself. Read the following clearing affirmations and let go of negative patterns. Energy Clearing Letter to Myself I love myself and life and people love me. All the people around me are kind. And I am kind. I am kind. I am happy. I am … Read more

Think Good About Myself Project: Get Power and Inspiration

Today I started a new project called 100 Good Thoughts About Me and Think Good About Myself.  I used the tags: #100goodthoughtsaboutme and #thinkgoodaboutmyself. Can I think 100 good thoughts about myself? I hope so. Well… let me start with #affirmation1  The first good thing that I think about myself is: “I see beauty, therefore, I am beautiful, … Read more