Exploring the World of Untranslatable Positive Words

Language is a beautiful and complex tapestry, weaving together the unique cultural, historical, and emotional threads of its speakers. Among its many wonders are words that defy direct translation – words that capture feelings, experiences, or states of being that are so specific to their language of origin that no single word in another language … Read more

HARMONY: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

HARMONY Definition and Meaning Harmony is a noun and it means agreement in action or opinion. Related words to harmony: accord compatibility congruence peace agreement concordance friendship order unity sympathy consensus cooperation goodwill conformity unanimity like-mindedness balance Harmony is an antidote for: conflict disagreement inconsistency List of positive words to inspire yourself for more positive … Read more

ALTITUDINARIAN: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

 ALTITUDINARIAN Altitudinarian is an adjective that means someone who has a high level of ideals, a high level of goals, or a high level of leadership. In other words, someone who has lofty ideals. How being altitudinarian can lead you to unbelievable success With the unique power of our imagination, there is nothing we set … Read more

10 Best Writing Tips How to Enrich Your Vocabulary Now

Verbal communication remains one of the most widespread ways of how we transmit our ideas to other people, apprehend information, and collaborate with people around the globe. And the thing is, the richer your vocabulary is, the easier it is for you to express yourself orally or in writing, and the higher is the chance … Read more

198 Easter Words Vocabulary List To Bring Happiness

Positive Words Research has put together an Easter Words Vocabulary List. Use this basket of inspiring words to add some Easter magic to your writings. The Easter Sunday Words are arranged in alphabetical order. We have included also some Easter phrases for you to use. Easter Words Vocabulary List Christian eggs-actly pastel a basket of … Read more

15 Positive Words Untranslatable in English For You To Enjoy

Find in this article 15 positive words untranslatable in English language to add to your positive vocabulary. Tim Lomas, Ph.D., a positive psychology lecturer at the University of East London, has gone see a conference at the annual International Positive Psychology Association symposium in Orlando in 2015. He came back inspired. The speaker, Finnish researcher … Read more

SILVER LINING: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is Silver Lining? Definition and meaning of Silver Lining Silver Lining A consoling aspect of a situation The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations. Serenity has written a poem about the word Silver Lining. You can read it at this link: Serenity Sought within the Sanctity of the Silver Lining  Serenity recently published  a compilation … Read more

SAGACIOUS: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is Sagacious?Definition and meaning of Sagacious Sagacious having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd. The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations. Serenity has written a poem about the word Sagacious.You can read it at this link: Ode to the Sagacious Soul Serenity recently published  a compilation of positively peaceful poetry entitled: A Compilation of … Read more

IMPASSIONED: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is Impassioned?Definition and meaning of Impassioned filled with or showing great emotion. The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations. Serenity has written a poem about the word Impassioned. You can read it at this link: Impassioned Pursuit of Purpose Positive Words Research – IMPASSIONED definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words

ESOTERIC: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is Esoteric?Definition and meaning of Esoteric Esoteric Intended for, or likely to be understood by only a small number of  people with a specialized knowledge or interest. The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.Serenity has written a poem about the word Esoteric. You can read it at this link: Solace within the Esoteric Echoes … Read more

ASCENSION: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is Ascension?Definition and meaning of Ascension  Ascension The act of rising to an important position or a higher level. The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations. Serenity has written a poem about the word Ascension. You can read it at this link: Ascension within the Abyss Positive Words Research – ASCENSION definition – meaning | … Read more

TRANSFIGURATION: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is Transfiguration? Definition and meaning of transfiguration: ~ a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state. ~ The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations. Serenity has written a poem for the word transfiguration that you can find at this link: Transfiguration Through the Tender Transparency of your Tears. … Read more

INEFFABILITY: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is Ineffability? Definition and meaning of ineffability:~ Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. ~ The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations. Serenity has written a poem about the word ineffability. You can read it at this link: Expansive Ineffability. Positive Words Research – INEFFABILITY definition – meaning … Read more

HALCYON: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is Halcyon?  Definition and meaning of halcyon: ~ Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful. ~ These inspiring pictures are made by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations. Serenity has also written a poem about what halcyon means. Find the poem at this link: Halcyon. Positive Words Research – HALCYON … Read more

HOPE: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is HOPE? HOPE ~ A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen ~ The above picture is done by Serenity, the inspiring person behind the full of Light website Positively Peaceful Inspirations. Serenity has written a poem about hope called Hymn of Hope. Positive Words Research – HOPE definition – meaning … Read more

DOTING: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is DOTING? Doting ~ Extremely and Uncritically fond of someone, adoring. ~ The above inspirational picture is done by Serenity, the person behind Positively Peaceful Inspirations. Serenity has written a poem about the word doting called Endearingly Doting Daughter. Positive Words Research – DOTING definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words

GRATITUDE: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Definition of gratitude Gratitude is the quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation and return kindness. Gratitude means showing appreciation and returning kindness; it is a feeling of gratitude and appreciation for the gifts or favors received. Gratitude means taking time to remember the good things that have happened to you in the past, whether it is an event, a … Read more

SERENDIPITY: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is Serendipity? Serendipity ~ the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way ~ The above image has been created by Serenity, the person behind Positively Peaceful Inspirations. Serenity also wrote an amazing poem about serendipity named Serendipity: What you Seek is Seeking You. Positive Words Research – SERENDIPITY definition – … Read more

MINDSIGHT: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

Serenity has written a lovely poem for this positive word called Moonlight Mindsight. Related to mindsight Serenity has written an inspiring article called “The Magic of Mindsight: Manifesting a More Meaningful Life, Bestowing a Bounty of Bliss &Eternal Sunshine, Making your Life Aboundingly Bright” ~ click here and read this amazing article Positive Words Research – MINDSIGHT definition … Read more

DAUNTLESS: Dictionary Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Books

What is Dauntless? Dauntless daunt·less ˈdôntlis,ˈdänt-/ [dawnt-lis, dahnt-] Adjective Showing fearlessness and determination. The artwork that this post represents was created by Serenity! Serenity also wrote an amazing blissful inspiring poem for this word intituled Dauntless Dame! Positive Words Research – DAUNTLESS definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words