Tag Archives: Vocabulary Learning Free

Exploring the World of Untranslatable Positive Words

Language is a beautiful and complex tapestry, weaving together the unique cultural, historical, and emotional threads of its speakers. Among its many wonders are words that defy direct translation – words that capture feelings, experiences, or states of being that are so specific to their language of origin that no single word in another language can encapsulate their full meaning. This article delves into the realm of untranslatable positive words, exploring their significance and the rich cultural insights they provide.

1. Saudade (Portuguese)

Saudade is a deeply emotional term for Portuguese speakers. It describes a profound, nostalgic longing for something or someone that is absent. More than just missing, it’s a feeling of longing for an indescribable aspect of a past experience, place, or person, with a subtle understanding that what is longed for might never return.

2. Hygge (Danish)

Hygge (pronounced “hoo-ga”) is a Danish word that describes a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being. It’s often associated with enjoying the simple things in life, like a warm, candlelit room or a cozy night in with friends.

3. Ubuntu (Nguni Bantu)

Ubuntu is a term from the Nguni Bantu languages of Southern Africa. It can be translated as “I am because we are,” and it reflects the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity. This word embodies the idea of interconnectedness and the importance of community and collective care.

4. Wabi-Sabi (Japanese)

Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese aesthetic concept that finds beauty in imperfection and transience. It represents an appreciation of the beauty and serenity that come with age, and it values asymmetry, simplicity, and the natural cycle of growth and decay.

5. Iktsuarpok (Inuit)

This Inuit word describes the feeling of anticipation while waiting for someone to arrive, often leading one to keep going outside to check for them. It’s a unique blend of anticipation, impatience, and excitement.

6. Gigil (Tagalog)

Gigil is a Filipino word that describes the irresistible urge to squeeze or pinch something that is unbearably cute, like a chubby baby’s cheek. It’s a visceral response to cuteness overload.

7. Tarab (Arabic)

Tarab is an Arabic word that refers to a state of ecstasy or enchantment brought about by music. It’s not just about listening to music; it’s about feeling it deeply and letting it move you emotionally.

8. Firgun (Hebrew):

A Hebrew term that describes the feeling of unselfish joy or pride in the accomplishments of someone else. It’s a genuine, heartfelt happiness for another person’s success, without any envy.

9. Sobremesa (Spanish)

This word refers to the time spent lingering at the table after a meal, chatting and enjoying each other’s company, without any rush to get up and leave. It’s a time for savoring both food and friendships.

10. Komorebi (Japanese)

This beautiful word describes the effect of sunlight streaming through the leaves of trees. It captures a unique and serene moment that is deeply connected to nature.

11. Gezelligheid (Dutch)

A word that encompasses the heart of Dutch culture, it refers to a feeling of cozy, warmth, and social relaxation. It’s often used to describe an atmosphere that allows good times to happen.

12. Hiraeth (Welsh):

A profound, often melancholic longing for a home, person, or era that may never have existed. It goes beyond mere homesickness to describe an unattainable desire for belonging or nostalgia.

13. Jugaad (Hindi)

A word that represents a creative or innovative solution born out of ingenuity and resourcefulness. It’s about making do with what you have and coming up with a makeshift but effective solution.

14. Mångata (Swedish)

This word refers to the reflection of the moon on the water that looks like a road or pathway. It’s a poetic term that captures a special, almost magical aspect of nature.

15. Gluggaveður (Icelandic)

A word used to describe weather that looks beautiful from inside but is actually quite unpleasant to be in, such as a snowstorm or heavy rain. It literally means “window-weather”.

These untranslatable words offer a fascinating glimpse into how different cultures perceive and experience the world. They remind us of the diversity of human experience and the richness of our emotional landscape. By exploring these unique words, we not only broaden our linguistic knowledge but also gain insight into the values, priorities, and perspectives of other cultures. These words, in their singularity, celebrate the beauty of the human spirit in all its varied expressions.

HARMONY meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms


Definition and Meaning

Harmony is a noun and it means agreement in action or opinion.

Related words to harmony:

  • accord
  • compatibility
  • congruence
  • peace
  • agreement
  • concordance
  • friendship
  • order
  • unity
  • sympathy
  • consensus
  • cooperation
  • goodwill
  • conformity
  • unanimity
  • like-mindedness
  • balance

Harmony is an antidote for:

  • conflict
  • disagreement
  • inconsistency

List of positive words to inspire yourself for more positive words:

Dictionary of positive words in other languages:


ALTITUDINARIAN meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms


Altitudinarian is an adjective that means someone who has a high level of ideals, a high level of goals, or a high level of leadership. In other words, someone who has lofty ideals.

How being altitudinarian can lead you to unbelievable success

With the unique power of our imagination, there is nothing we set out to do in our lives that we won’t be able to achieve. Being an altitudinarian and setting lofty ideals leverages our imaginative abilities and pushes us to accomplish something beyond our imagination.

Success begins in our minds, and if we are not limited in our thinking, we’ll always love setting big goals.

Many are too afraid to set big goals. Perhaps because they don’t want to fail or they feel they don’t have enough courage and think the bigger things are not meant for them.

In this article, we highlighted how altitudinarians can achieve unprecedented success in life by setting lofty goals.

We at Livetray.com value healthy living and with the positive attitude of altitudinarians, this article can help you turn your life around so keep reading.

What are lofty ideals?

Lofty ideals are goals that aim for something big, of a high standard, and often require overwhelming efforts to attain.

Lofty ideals are beneficial as they can help you raise your level of thinking and change your status. Lofty ideals may sometimes sound beyond reach for the fainthearted, but to the brave, they are the kind of ideas that help people to accelerate their success.

Here are some examples of lofty ideals that can be set by an altitudinarian

  • Lose 30 pounds of fat in 8 months
  • Achieve financial freedom at 30
  • Publish an international bestseller
  • Climb Mount Everest after 1 year of preparation
  • Break a Guinness World record
  • Reunite with an ex-partner
  • Achieve family harmony
  • Beat terminal disease
  • Travel to all European countries before you turn 40
  • Buy your dream house without debt
  • Establish a foundation and help 5,000 people finish college

Dare to dream big by becoming an altitrudinarian

You can achieve enormous success in your life if you get out of your comfort zone and begin to dream big. Making it a habit to set lofty ideals will make you hungry for success.

Never settle with small achievements; you can always achieve something bigger and better.

To dream big, practice keeping your latest achievements as the benchmarks and setpoints for the next goals you are aiming to attain. Move up from one level to the next level of success until to reach the top.

10 important factors to achieving lofty ideals

For your lofty ideals to become actualized, you have to really treat them as goals and not just mere wishful thinking. You must have a willingness to pursue them with everything you’ve got.

Here are 10 factors that will guide you on how to set and achieve your lofty ideals

1. Connect your ideas to a bigger purpose

In order to succeed, connect your lofty ideals to a bigger purpose. Having your goals connected to a bigger purpose means there are bigger things at stake and you will be encouraged to work for it. It does not make any sense to have a different goal and purpose.

2. Make ideals your top priority

If you really want to achieve something, make your goals and ideas your top priority. No one achieves something by just putting in 50 percent of his effort. As Arnold Schwarzenegger said, “I don’t believe in plan B that’s why I do all I can do to avoid failure without having a safety net”

There will always be some conflicts and drawbacks but if you are determined and make your goals a top priority, you are set to achieve what you aspire.

3. Make plans that will get you there

Working without a detailed plan is always a recipe for failure. In order to reach your goal, a detailed plan must be drawn and how that plan should be executed along with your ultimate purpose.

4. Make ideals scalable and reachable

As mentioned earlier, our imagination is so powerful that we can accomplish big dreams but it will be useless if we can’t put that dream into reality. This is why our lofty ideals would be measurable, attainable, reachable, and scalable.

5. Keep it under your hat

Keep your lofty ideals by yourself. Sometimes, telling others about your plan can jeopardize the whole thing. You don’t want to hear negative comments from other people who don’t know your purpose. Other people’s skepticism can kill your whole dreams and can discourage you to continue.

6. Acknowledge fears and confront them

All goals have challenges and you should know this. By acknowledging these challenges, it will be easier to confront them. Don’t avoid fears and challenges. Face them properly and confront them based on your set of standards.

7. Think only in terms of success

Always look forward and don’t think of any fallbacks. Only think about the positive results and why you are doing this, what do you want to achieve, and what is your purpose. Your ultimate purpose is the driving factor why you are doing this and shy you should succeed.

8. Prepare for opposition

Oppositions are part of the challenges. But it is better to confront oppositions when you are half-way or near to success. Again this is the reason why you should keep your goals within yourself. It’s hard to confront opposition when you are not even starting yet.

9. Plan for contingencies

Although Plan B is not recommended, you should always check and prepare for solutions even before the problems arise.

10. Get help if necessary

Asking for help from people who you think could support your goals is a great idea to turn your lofty ideals into achievement. That’s why you should surround yourself with people who are also altitudinarians – so you could share common goals.

If you want to read more articles about healthy living, visit Livetray.com for more encouraging and inspirational articles.

Also, check out our amazing article with awesome 5 letter words.


10 Best Writing Tips How to Enrich Your Vocabulary Now

Verbal communication remains one of the most widespread ways of how we transmit our ideas to other people, apprehend information, and collaborate with people around the globe. And the thing is, the richer your vocabulary is, the easier it is for you to express yourself orally or in writing, and the higher is the chance of being understood correctly. I decided to share my ten favorite techniques of how you can start learning new words and phrases quickly, easily, and with fun! Let’s start with the most important one.

1.       Read, Read, Read!

Our brain is an amazing thing and it soaks in the information it processes, so we remember it and can use later on. When we read, we train our memory to match the words and concepts we know, and when we can’t do it, it means this is something new to us and we should understand what it is before remembering that. I know, it looks like the whole process when I explained it, but in our head, it takes milliseconds to digest and either move on or alert that this is something unknown. Why am I telling you all this stuff?

Because usually, the unknown triggers surprise and wonder which positively affects our memorizing things. Consequently, the more you read, the more you come across the unknown words you look up in a dictionary,  the more new phrases you can use in writing or speech. And don’t take it from me – ask any writer what is the best way to learn new words and they will tell you the same. BTW, reading doesn’t only include books.  

2.       Play Word Quizzes

From Scrabble to Google Word Coach and other apps and games on the market – these are your tools to use to build a solid vocabulary base. Their convenience is that you do it online and can look up the meaning of the unknown word right away, so you check it in your fast memory. When you see it in writing or recognize it when someone is speaking, you’ll easily memorize it, and when you use it in the context, you can be proud that you’ve just added a word into your active vocabulary. Plus, there is a competition factor if you play it against somebody else, which also accelerates learning.  

3.       Get Into the Acting School

I know this is one of the tips you didn’t expect to see here but let me explain. Step zero to successful acting is to learn one character’s lines and try to feel everything in his/her skin. Most likely, the school will stage the plays of the classic and modern playwrights, and believe me, you’ll find unknown words in any of them. One of the reasons why this is a proven technique of how to enhance the quality and variety of one’s vocabulary is that it is learning in context, and you will have strong associations with the terms you try to memorize.

4.       Learn Other Languages

And the students who deal with languages at the university won’t let me lie on this. When you learn a new language and if it happens to be from the same language family as your native one, you’ll learn new words. How is it possible?

Let’s assume English is your native language and you study French (and you already know there is a lot of borrowings from French in English). Your topic is fashion. In French, it can be either “mode”, or “couture”. In English, you can also use “couture” as a synonym to “fashion” and “mode” instead of “form” or “way”. Plus, you’ll understand the word-formation better (like in host and hostess, which are also from French) and learn that there are a lot of word characteristics the English language doesn’t have. Like gender that is expressed either by endings or articles, or both. Isn’t grammar fun? 

5.       Talk to Different People

People who work in different spheres use different discourses and vocabulary. If you’re friends with a future doctor, lawyer, programmer, and visual artist, you’ll know what a synonym to nose, contract, code, and installation is. Yes, by simply hanging out with them and talking about how their day was at the college.

6.       Get Into Writing for Money

My favorite method on this list also means learning through hands-on practice. If you love writing, you can do it for money and for different clients. You can do a blog for a chef, or an SMM agency, or the local barbershop – it doesn’t matter, because you will have an actual need for a vocabulary that ‘slightly’ differs from your regular one. What will you do? Read more professional articles, find the job-specific words, and learn a lot from it!

7.       Use Social Media (but Not Abuse It!)

The easiest way to keep updated on neologisms and put a word or two daily. A year ago nobody knew what “to Meghan Marke” was, not this is a legitimate verb which means to get out of the situation that causes a lot of difficulties in your life.

8.       Learn Lyrics to Your Favorite Songs

It may ruin your appreciation for the song, but you will know what they are singing about. For some genre, it may be a bit difficult  (like with spoken word or rap) if you aren’t familiar with it or not a native speaker. Still, I had to include it as music made me visit the Cambridge dictionary quite a few times.

9.       Find a Synonym for Every New Word

Hard and difficult are synonyms, not the exact ones though, and knowing the nuances is what makes your vocabulary rich and the speech perfect. Thesaurus is a great tool when you need a list, and I highly recommend checking the meaning in the vocabulary and paying attention to the examples of usage.

10.  Watch TV Series

Especially the field-specific ones. For instance, if you study the law and want to improve your professional vocabulary, search for law series like Suits or Law and Order. If you’re into fantasy or Sci-fi, GoT or Rick and Morty will do good. And you know there are a bunch of those, right? 

These were the tips I wanted to share with you to turn the learning into a fun activity. Almost forgot about the most important: don’t learn random things. Focus on something that you know you will use as it makes the process more goal-oriented, and you will succeed in it faster.

Author’s Bio:  Eve Maygar is a major contributor to PapersOwl. She is an education expert and has done endless research and spent hours gathering information on remote learning. Eve has many published pieces that appear in journals also manages an online education blog. As one of our top boggers, Eve continues to provide readers with the latest information on modern education. Be sure to check out her other work at PapersOwl and learn more about distance learning.

Best Writing Tips

150 Easter Words To Paint On Eggs For Kids Vocabulary

Positive Words Research has made a list with Easter words to paint on eggs for kids. Use these Easter happy words to add positive energy to your Easter eggs.

Easter Words To Paint On Eggs For Kids

be happyfamilyprayer
best surprisesfeastpurify
blessed Easter Seasonfriendsrejoice
candygather togetherrenew
caregloriousrenewed life
celebrationGood Fridayresurrect
Christ is risen todaygospelreturn
Christ’s ascenthappyring the bells
comfortHappy Easterrise again
commemoratehave a joyous Easterrisen
communionhave a sp’egg’tacular Eastersacred
cute and fuzzyHe is risen!Savior
day of hopeheavenseeing the new light of day
delighthippity hoppitysing
delightfulhippity-hopsome bunny loves you
Easterholidaysome bunny special
Easter blessingsholysome-bunny
Easter eggholy celebrationsome-bunny loves ewe
Easter eggs-travaganzaholy daysome-bunny loves you
Easter feastHoly Saturdayspring
Easter miracleHoly Weekspring flings and Easter things
Easter morninghonorspring grass
Easter surpriseshopspringtime
Easter treatshop for joy: spring is finally here!Sunday
egghoppySunday roast
egg-cellenthurrah for spring!surprise
egg-citedI’m so egg-cited about Easter!sweet egg-scape
egg-cited about Easterimmortaltake communion
egg-citementinspirationalthe faithful
egg-citingJesusthe first Sunday after March 21st
eggs-actlyJesus Christthe glory of Easter
egg-shaped candiesJesus is alive and lives in methe joy of Easter morning
egg-speciallyjoyfulthe joyful news that He is risen
eggs-pertjoyousthe miracle of Christ’s resurrection
eggs-tra speciallive in glorythe promise of eternal life
eggstra-specialmay you have a blessed Easterthe spirit of Easter
eggs-travanganzamiraclethe traditional Easter egg hunt
eggs-trememiraculousthe true light of Easter
eternalnewbornthe true meaning of Easter
eternal lifepalmthis holy day
eternityPalm Sundaytoday we see the light
everlasting lifepay tributetruth

Are you looking for more Easter Words? For more go to 198 Easter Words Vocabulary List. Have a lovely Easter full be wonder and magic. May you be blessed in all ways.

Easter Words To Paint On Eggs For Kids

198 Easter Words Vocabulary List To Bring Happiness

Positive Words Research has put together an Easter Words Vocabulary List. Use this basket of inspiring words to add some Easter magic to your writings.

The Easter Sunday Words are arranged in alphabetical order. We have included also some Easter phrases for you to use.

Easter Words Vocabulary List

a basket of eggs decorated with careegg-shaped candiespay tribute
a holy celebrationegg-speciallypink
a holy occasioneggs-pertpray
an eggs-tra special dayeggs-travanganzapurify
ascendeternalraise voices
basket full of goodieseternal liferead from the gospel
be happyeternityrebirth
be with family & friendseverlastingrejoice
blessedeverlasting liferemember
candyfaithfulrenewed life
carrot patchfamilyrepent
children delight in finding eggsfind eggsreturn
children’s Easter basketfunring the bells
chocolategather togetherrise again
chocolate bunnygloriousrisen
Christgloryroll the Easter eggs
Christ is risen todayGood Fridaysacred
Christ’s ascentgospelseason
colorhappyseeing the new light of day
comfortHappy Eastershine
commemoratehave a joyous Eastersing
communionhave a sp’egg’tacular Eastersome bunny loves you
cute and fuzzy as a bunnyHe is risen!some bunny special
day of hopeheavensome-bunny
decorateheavenlysome-bunny loves ewe
decorate Easter eggshippity hoppitysome-bunny loves you
decorate eggshippity-hopspring
deliciousholidayspring flings and Easter things
delightholyspring grass
delightfulholy celebrationspringtime
dress your bestholy daySunday
dyed eggsHoly SaturdaySunday roast
EasterHoly Weeksurprise
Easter baskethonorsweet egg-scape
Easter basket grasshopsymbolize
Easter bellshop for joy: spring is finally here!take communion
Easter blessingshoppythe faithful
Easter blessingshuntthe first Sunday after March 21st
Easter brings the best surpriseshurrah for spring!the glory of Easter
Easter brunchI’m so egg-cited about Easter!the joy of Easter morning
Easter bunnyimmortalthe joyful news that He is risen
Easter dressinspirationalthe miracle of Christ’s resurrection
Easter eggJesusthe promise of eternal life
Easter egg huntJesus Christthe spirit of Easter
Easter egg rollJesus is alive and lives in methe traditional Easter egg hunt
Easter eggs-travaganzajoyfulthe true light of Easter
Easter feastjoyousthe true meaning of Easter
Easter flowerlight candlesthird day
Easter meditationlilythis holy day
Easter miraclelive in glorytoday we see the light
Easter morningmay you have a blessed Eastertradition
Easter surprisesmiracletriumphant
Easter traditionsmiraculoustruth
Easter treatsmorningtulips
eggmoveable feastblessed Easter Season
egg-cellentneverendingyou are egg-specially cute
egg-citednew clothesyou are egg-stra special
egg-cited about Easter hoppeningsnewborn
egg-citingPalm Sunday

Are you searching a list of easter words to paint your eggs? Looking for some Easter happy words? Inspire yourself from our article Easter Words To Paint On Eggs For Kids.

Easter Words Vocabulary List

15 Positive Words Untranslatable in English For You To Enjoy

Find in this article 15 positive words untranslatable in English language to add to your positive vocabulary. Tim Lomas, Ph.D., a positive psychology lecturer at the University of East London, has gone see a conference at the annual International Positive Psychology Association symposium in Orlando in 2015. He came back inspired. The speaker, Finnish researcher Emilia Lahti, talked about the concept of sisu which means someone who has “extraordinary determination in the face of adversity.”

“She was describing it as this psychological skill or quality that was very integral to Finnish culture and their identity.” She presented how, despite being a Finnish word, it was an ability of all people, regardless of their native tongue that anyone could possess or cultivate.

He returned to England with an idea: To create a database of meaningful, positive words for feelings, character traits and relationships, expressed with words untranslatable in English. He wrote a paper on the topic published in The Journal of Positive Psychology that contained just over 200 words. The paper drew attention in the positive psychology and linguistics communities, and people began sharing their ideas for words to include in the database with Lomas. In 2016 The Positive Lexicography Project was born.

The next list presents 15 positive words that can not be translated in English:

  1. ‘Bilita mpash’ – it comes from Bantu , a language from Central and South Africa and it means a beautiful , blissful dream ( the opposite of a nightmare).
  2. ‘Trouvaille’ – it comes from French and it is a correspondent for a lucky find , something good or valuable that you discovered by chance. Most of the times it is associated with clover because it is the symbol of luck.
  3. ‘Agape’ – it is a Greek word that is the feeling of selfless, unconditional and devotional love for someone it is something like love but in a different way of thinking.
  4. ‘Hachnasat orchim’ – it comes from Hebrew/Yiddish and makes you a person that brings guests and offer hospitality and respect to strangers. This is a popular way to live in those countrys.
  5. ‘Kæk’ – it is a Danish word and it suggests that someone is bold, cocky (not in a pejorative sense) with a gung-ho spirit.
  6. ‘Samar’ – it is an Arabic word that is used when you sit together in conversation with people at sunset or in the evening.
  7. ‘Suaimhneas croi’ – it comes from Gaelic and it means that you are feeling happiness or contentment for finishing a task. It is a sign of perseverance!
  8. ‘Nakama’ – it is a Japanese word for someone that is your best friend, someone you feel deep, platonic love for.
  9. ‘Yuán béi’ – it comes from traditional China and it is a sense of complete and perfect accomplishment.
  10. ‘Apramāda’ – it is an old Sanskrit word and it means moral watchfulness or awareness of the ethical implication of one’s actions.
  11. ‘Singurista’ – it is a Philippines word from a dialect called Tagalog , and it’s used for someone who would not initiate an action unless certain of obtaining the desire result.
  12. ‘Cafuné’ – it is a Brazilian word meaning the act of tenderly running one’s fingers through someone’s hair.
  13. ‘Wabi-Sabi’ – it is a Japanes word for a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay.
  14. ‘Hyggeling’ – it is a Danish word , Its “literal” translation into English gives connotations of a warm, friendly, cozy demeanor, but it’s unlikely that these words truly capture the essence of a hyggelig; it’s something that must be experienced to be known. I think of good friends, cold beer, and a warm fire.
  15. ‘Sewa’ – is short for the word Kar Seva, which is a Sanskrit word meaning hands or work and service, to pay homage through the act of love. Seva is the labour done with love and performed in the service of others without expectations.

Positive Words Research – 15 Positive Words Untranslatable in English to Add to Your Vocabulary

15 Positive Words Untranslatable in English

SILVER LINING meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

What is Silver Lining?

Definition and meaning of Silver Lining

Silver Lining

A consoling aspect of a situation

The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.

Serenity recently published  a compilation of positively peaceful poetry entitled: A Compilation of Spiritual Poetry: Serenity Sought within the Sanctity of the Silver Lining

Positive Words Research – SILVER LINING definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words

Silver Lining 2

SAGACIOUS meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

What is Sagacious?
Definition and meaning of Sagacious


having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd.

The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.

Serenity has written a poem about the word Sagacious.
You can read it at this link: Ode to the Sagacious Soul

Serenity recently published  a compilation of positively peaceful poetry entitled: A Compilation of Spiritual Poetry: Serenity Sought within the Sanctity of the Silver Lining

Link for Purchase

Positive Words Research – SAGACIOUS definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words


IMPASSIONED meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

What is Impassioned?
Definition and meaning of


filled with or showing great emotion.

The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.

Positive Words Research – IMPASSIONED definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words
