There is a secret you need to know and it’s a wonderful secret. And also it’s simple truth:
Look at yourself in the mirror directly in your eyes and tell yourself how beautiful you are. Daily. You need to hear those words. From you, not from someone else. Our thoughts about us matter a lot. In vain do those around us tell us that we are unspeakably beautiful if we did not believe this about ourselves. And especially if we don’t tell ourselves how beautiful we are.
The first time you say it out loud looking into your eyes, it is possible that it will bring tears to your eyes or you will not be able to say it. You will feel a knot in your throat. But have courage. After all, it’s not a big deal. You just have to tell yourself how beautiful you are. It’s just words.
But see how much it matters. The knot in your throat is your blocked emotions. Your negative thoughts about you. Take a deep breath. Breathe again. Take a few deep breaths and continue. Because you really are beautiful. You deserve it.
You deserve to tell yourself every day how beautiful you are. You are a miracle. You are a gift to all of humanity.
Positive Words Research – The Wonderful Secret You Need To Know