Applied Positive Psychology: Positive Affirmations Manifest

Key Ways that Positive Affirmations Change Lives for the Better – Applied Positive Psychology The way in which you think about yourself greatly influences how you live your own life. If you have constantly put yourself down, you negatively impact your own self-esteem and the way that you engage with others. Alternatively, when you adopt … Read more

4 Feelings Which Prevent You to Start a New Positive Life

All people in the world have one common goal in life – achieving true happiness. The main factor that holds us back from leaving a positive life and achieving cherished dreams is, simply and solely, our own selves. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, we allow feelings of regret, frustration, and shame to form our actions in … Read more

Positive Words Can Change Your Brain And Restructure It

The words you choose to use can literally transform your brain because positive words can change your brain. While researching about positive words this article came up: “Speak with kindness: How your words literally restructure your brain“. From this article you can understand the followings: Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Thomas Jefferson University, and Mark … Read more