4 Feelings Which Prevent You to Start a New Positive Life

All people in the world have one common goal in life – achieving true happiness. The main factor that holds us back from leaving a positive life and achieving cherished dreams is, simply and solely, our own selves.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, we allow feelings of regret, frustration, and shame to form our actions in the present and have a huge influence on our future. We put limitations on ourselves worrying about everything and holding stress in our minds. Trying not to give serious thought to our emotions, we replay past experiences and mistakes in the head over and over again. After a while, we begin to accept this state of permanent tensions as the norm. As a result, it leads to serious health problems and even panic attacks.

When your positive emotions are tied to all circumstances in your life, this is no way to live. In fact, there are so many ways we can alleviate negative feelings. Once you no longer let them guide you, you discover the flows of natural calmness inside. There is an unchangeable truth – life driven by feelings won’t make you happy. Let’s shine the spotlight on some feelings you need to let go of in order to start a completely new positive life and become a happier person.

4 Feelings Which Prevents You to Start a Completely New Positive Life

Anger and Bitterness

Did you know that these feelings can eat you from the inside? Making peace with someone who has hurt you is not only about forgiving the other person. First of all, it’s all about letting it go and relieving the pain in your heart.

If you hide your anger deep inside, sooner or later it will leak out and affect people around you (and not just an individual who offended you). Remember that the one who angers you controls you. If possible, express your pain to the cause of your upset. This may help you move on without holding onto bitterness.


What you send to the universe comes back to you, right? So why don’t you change the way you think? Honestly speaking, we all have been there. Sometimes life knocks us down, and we begin to feel disappointment in everything.

Negative thoughts may cause overthinking which in its turn makes any problem bigger than it is. Thus, you center around a glass half empty then rather half full. You have to choose whether continue to feel bad about everything around you or take responsibility for your own happiness. Believe that there are so many things to be grateful for. Decide to appreciate them, around yourself with positive-minded people, and you’ll see there is nothing impossible for a positive thinker.


People full of happiness tend to accept who they are, radiate confidence, and don’t look back. Spending too much time in the past and reflecting upon old mistakes leads to new failures over and over again. On the other side, thinking too much about the future evokes monsters and worries in your mind.

There is no need to be insecure in life. If there is something that makes you feel concerned about, go out of your comfort zone and strive to change it. Focus on things that are going on around you at this moment, because only you have the power to create a better version of yourself.


People who show jealous of other’s success can’t live a happy positive life. True freedom comes when you appreciate what you have and feel no envy at others. Every person is unique. So if someone has something you want, don’t be jealous. Instead of getting offensive, set your own goals and do your best to achieve them.

Jealous can steal your happiness and bring negativity into your life. Don’t waste your precious time looking at others. Your days will be much better if you can overcome this creepy feeling.

Conclusion – Positive Life

Life will never be plain sailing without challenges. There will always be dark hours as well as times of joy and pure happiness. But what the most important thing to remember is that even in the pitch darkness you can always find sources of blessing. The only thing you have to do to live a full positive life is to stop being a slave to your feelings.

4 feelings to give up for a positive life

About the Author:

Veronica Hunt

Veronica Hunt is an edtech expert and an experienced content marketer from Philadelphia, PA. As a blogger, she sees her purpose in providing her readers with up-to-date info in the spheres of marketing, entrepreneurship, and psychology. Currently, works for Aplusonly as a content manager. Apart from work, she adores traveling and yoga. Follow @VeronicaHuntt on Twitter or find her on Facebook.

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