Discover the requested references for our research findings about the profound impact of positive words on well-being, communication, and personal growth. Explore the sources that support our insights and enrich your understanding of the transformative power of positivity in language. We receive many messages from people asking for references for the research performed at Positive Words Research. They want to understand how we come up with the list of positive words and what empirical evidence we have to back up our statements. People want to know, for example, if for our research we have empirical evidence that was conducted in a lab experiment or a field experiment and was published in a journal.
Visitors say that the website has a lot of useful words that their research team could definitely use in their own projects, they stumbled across this website and it has been an excellent resource. They know that creating a website like this could have not been easy, and we must have done a lot of preparation research to get the information needed. And this is true. From the references below we have either extracted positive words or we have validated words to be positive and added them to the list of positive words from Positive Words Research.
In the realm of language, positivity shines as a beacon of hope and transformation. At Positive Words Research, we receive countless requests for references supporting our research findings on the incredible impact of positive words. In this article, we respond to these queries by providing you with the requested references that validate our insights.
Our journey through the world of positive words and their transformative potential has led us to a wealth of knowledge. These references serve as pillars of evidence, reinforcing the profound influence that positivity in language can have on various aspects of life.
As we delve into these references, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the research, studies, and insights that underpin our work at Positive Words Research. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey, exploring the sources that substantiate the remarkable power of positive words in enhancing well-being, communication, and personal growth.
If you use this list of positive words from Positive Words Research, please cite as follows:
“List of Positive Words created by Calin Elena Daniela, founder of Positive Words Research:“
Please find below a list of references we have used since creating Positive Words Research:
Books References
- Positive Thinking by Vera Peiffer, 1989
- More Positive Thinking by Vera Peiffer, 1990
- The Magic of Thinking Big by Dr. David J. Schwartz, 1959
- The Good Mood Guide by Ros & Jeremy Holmes, 1993
- A guide to rational living by Albert Ellis and Robert A. Harper, 1961
- The case against religion: A psychotherapist’s view and the case against religiosity by Albert Ellis Ph. D
- How to control your anxiety before it controls you by Albert Ellis, Ph. D founder of REBT Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, 1998
- Dating, mating and relating – How to build a healthy relationship by Albert Ellis, Ph. D and Robert A. Harper, 2003
- Feeling better, getting better, staying better. Profound self-help therapy for your emotions by Albert Ellis, Ph. D, internationally renowned psychologist, and author
- How the Mind Works by Steven Pinker, 1997
- How brains think by William H. Calvin, 1996
- Kinds of minds. Toward an understanding of consciousness by Daniel C. Bennet, 1996
- The complete idiot’s guide to public speaking, Second Edition by Laurie Rozakis, Ph. D, 1999
- How to start a conversation and make friends by Don Gabor, 1983
- 101 ways to improve your communication skills instantly by JO Condrill and Dr. Bennie Bough, 1998
- The art of civilized conversation. A guide to expressing yourself with style and grace by Margaret Shepherd and Sharon Hogan, 2005
- Positive words, powerful results. Simple ways to honor, affirm and celebrate life by Hal Urban
- La therapie cognitive by Philippe Breinster, 1995
- J’apprends a apprendre by Christian Drapeau, 1994
- All you ever wanted to know from his Holiness The Dalai Lama on happiness, life, living and much more, Conversations with Rajiv Mehrotra, 2009, Tenzin Gyatso, HH The Dalai Lama
- An Open Heart. Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life by The Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, edited by Nicholas Vreeland, 2002
- How can we overcome them. A Scientific Dialogue with The Dalai Lama narrated by Daniel Goleman, 2003
- Healing Emotions: Conversations with Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Emotions and Health by Daniel Goleman, 1997
- Social Intelligence. The New Science of Human Relationships by Daniel Goleman, 2006
- Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ by Daniel Goleman, 1995
- Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie Mickee, 2002
- A Primer on Rational-Emotive Therapy by Windy Dryden, Raymond DiGiuseppe, 1990
- The Magic by Rhonda Byrne, 2012
- The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, 2006
- The Power by Rhonda Byrne, 2010
- The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne, 2008
- The Astonishing Power of Emotions. Let your Feelings be Your Guide by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham)
- You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, 1984
Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life by Katherine Woodward Thomas, 2004
- Magic Sparkles of Happiness by Calin Elena Daniela the founder of Positive Words Research, 2012
- Positive Words That Will Enrich Your Mind and Soul by Calin Elena Daniela, the founder of Positive Words Research, 2015
- The I Can Alphabets: A Unique Collection of Words Just for You by Teffanie T. White, 2012 (Pictureless book)
- I is for Invigorated (the i m a g i n a t i o n series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2011 (Pictureless book)
- I is for Inspiration (the i m a g i n a t i o n series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
- W is for Walnut (w e l l n e s s) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2011 (Pictureless book)
- C is for Canvas (the c a n v a s series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
- A is for Apple (the a n g e l series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
- E is for El Nino (the e x p l o r e series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
- The I Can Alphabets: A Unique Collection of Words Just for y O U by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2012 (Pictureless book)
- Ur Txtbk (the n o t h i n g series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
- N is for Never Night (the n o t h i n g series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
- A is for Angel (the a n g e l series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
- Minqing Hu and Bing Liu. “Mining and Summarizing Customer Reviews.”; Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge; Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2004), Aug 22-25, 2004, Seattle; Washington, USA
- Bing Liu, Minqing Hu and Junsheng Cheng. “Opinion Observer: Analyzing; and Comparing Opinions on the Web.” Proceedings of the 14th; International World Wide Web conference (WWW-2005), May 10-14; 2005, Chiba, Japan
Home Training Programs References
- Love or Above by Christie Marie Sheldon, Mindvalley
- Unlimited Abundance. Clearing Past Beliefs and Fundamental Blocks by Christie Marie Sheldon, Mindvalley
- Creative Visualization, Mastering the System by Vishen Lakhiani founder of Mindvalley
- Bending Reality. The Master Program for Creating Wealth and Impact by Vishen Lakhiani founder of Mindvalley
- 5 Principles for Winning the Mind Game by Bob Proctor, Mindvalley
- 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor, Mindvalley
- Creative Visualization. Guided Journeys by Lisa Nichols, Mindvalley
Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life by Katherine Woodward Thomas
Internet References – Lists of Positive Words/Positive Word Vocabulary Lists/Sentiment Analysis
- UIC University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering – Sentiment Analysis Resources found at In the list of positive words you will notice many misspelled words in the list. According to the researchers they are not mistakes. They are included as these misspelled words appear frequently in social media content. (Note: You will not find the misspelled words in the list of positive words created at Positive Words Research)
- The list of positive opinion words (or list of sentiment words) from GitHub which is the same as the one from UIC
- Opinion Lexicon: Positive, list of positive opinion words (or sentiment words) from Idiap Research Institute which is the same as the one from UIC
- A to Z of Positive Words – List compiled by Paul Foreman from Mind Map Inspiration
- The List of Positive Words from The Benefits of Positive Thinking
- The List of Positive Words from Winspiration
- The Positive Words Vocabulary from Enchanted Learning
Internet References – Articles
- Happy Endings Slash Big Reveal by Teffanie Thompson, former Teffanie T. White (from Positive Words Research)
- Positive Words by Lu Yu (from Lu Yu website)
- How research is done at Positive Words Research
- Positive thinking may be a sign you are going to live longer (from Daily Mail)
- The Power of Words by Jonathan Madison (from The Daily Journal)
- Sentiment Analysis Resources (from Positive Words Research)
Internet References – Blogs/Websites
- Pictureless Books
- Positive Thesaurus
- Positive Words Dictionary
- Word of the Day from The Crazy Perfectionist
Please note that from the references above we have either extracted positive words or we have validated words to be positive and added them to the list of positive words created at Positive Words Research.
In conclusion, the references we’ve provided serve as a testament to the extensive research and studies that support the transformative influence of positive words. These sources underscore the profound impact that optimism, encouragement, and positivity in language can have on various facets of our lives, including our well-being, communication, and personal growth.
Through our commitment to spreading the message of positivity, we have sought out and compiled these valuable references to validate our insights and findings. We believe that understanding the empirical evidence behind the power of positive words is crucial in appreciating their significance.
As you explore these references, we hope you gain a deeper appreciation for the role of positivity in language and its ability to uplift, inspire, and transform. May these sources inspire you to embrace the use of positive words in your daily life, contributing to your well-being and fostering meaningful connections with others. Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery and empowerment through the magic of positive words.