Tag Archives: Definition and Meaning

SILVER LINING meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

What is Silver Lining?

Definition and meaning of Silver Lining

Silver Lining

A consoling aspect of a situation

The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.

Serenity recently published  a compilation of positively peaceful poetry entitled: A Compilation of Spiritual Poetry: Serenity Sought within the Sanctity of the Silver Lining

Positive Words Research – SILVER LINING definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words

Silver Lining 2

SAGACIOUS meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

What is Sagacious?
Definition and meaning of Sagacious


having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd.

The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.

Serenity has written a poem about the word Sagacious.
You can read it at this link: Ode to the Sagacious Soul

Serenity recently published  a compilation of positively peaceful poetry entitled: A Compilation of Spiritual Poetry: Serenity Sought within the Sanctity of the Silver Lining

Link for Purchase

Positive Words Research – SAGACIOUS definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words


IMPASSIONED meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

What is Impassioned?
Definition and meaning of


filled with or showing great emotion.

The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.

Positive Words Research – IMPASSIONED definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words


ESOTERIC meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

What is Esoteric?
Definition and meaning of Esoteric


Intended for, or likely to be understood by only a small number of  people with a specialized knowledge or interest.

The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.
Serenity has written a poem about the word Esoteric.

You can read it at this link: Solace within the Esoteric Echoes of Sacred Questioning

Positive Words Research – ESOTERIC definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words


ASCENSION meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

What is Ascension?
Definition and meaning of Ascension


The act of rising to an important position or a higher level.

The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.

Serenity has written a poem about the word Ascension. You can read it at this link: Ascension within the Abyss

Positive Words Research – ASCENSION definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words


This week’s positive word is PASSION: Find Your Inspiration

This week’s positive word



Victoria J.Brown

 Much unhappiness comes from people not following their passion. Many people are on the treadmill of life; following a routine, having a job just to pay the bills, raising a family and generally getting on with life because they have to.

We all have bills to pay and maybe you’re not in a position to just drop everything and start following your dreams. But incorporating your passions into your daily life will make life much easier and a nicer place to be.

This could be spending an hour or even 30 minutes on something you love every day. If you continue to do this and ensure your passion is embedded into your daily routine before you know where you are you may just be able to give up that day job. My biggest belief is that small steps count. Small steps are better than taking no steps at all.

We’re all here for a reason, if you have a passion deep inside that isn’t being fulfilled, then you know your purpose for being. Follow your heart and your dreams will come true. Start putting plans in place to make this happen. It’s a New Year, so make this year count for you. Get off the treadmill and start doing some real walking and you’ll be amazed at what you see and find. 

Just remember time is passing anyway, so make sure you fit your passion into your day. Don’t regret not moving forward, don’t let other ‘stuff’ get in the way, you deserve to be happy and if you have a yearning to do something with your life, follow that yearning because that is your passion calling out to you. That is the reason you are here.

 Check out the amazing website of Victoria at www.victoria-brown.com

Access the list of positive words to brighten your day!


This Week’s Positive Word is NOTICE: Increase Awareness

This week’s positive word is


By Victoria J.Brown

You may be thinking that this isn’t really a positive word … it’s just a word!

Well it depends how you look at the world, and if you were one of those people who did think, ‘Notice, is just a word,’ then please have a read of this post and really think about what you actually notice about yourself and the world around you.

Notice Picture 1

When you start noticing the world around you, you’ll notice how a word such as ‘notice’ can be very positive. How noticing life can be one of the most positive things you can do for yourself.

The world is a beautiful and wonderful place if you just stop for a second and notice it, you will see it too. We are often so focused on our ‘to-do list’ that we take for granted all the good that surrounds us, we become to expect rather than notice.

The world is full of busy … busy people, busy lives … busy, busy, busy – especially at this time of the year! People don’t have time to stop and notice the world around them. There’s so much to do … but there is actually so much to see.

If you feel this sounds like you … have you noticed? Have you noticed how stressed you feel? Take 5 or 10 minutes out to just breathe! 5 or 10 minutes of your time will not damage you as much as not taking that time to breathe.

Breathe. Look around you. Listen. Use all your senses to notice your world. It’s wonderful to be here and alive, we must not take these days for granted.

 Be thankful always and take notice.

Positive Words Research – This Week’s Positive Word is NOTICE – www.victoria-brown.com

TRANSFIGURATION meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

What is Transfiguration?

Definition and meaning of transfiguration:

~ a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state. ~

The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.

Serenity has written a poem for the word transfiguration that you can find at this link: Transfiguration Through the Tender Transparency of your Tears.

Positive Words Research – TRANSFIGURATION definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words


INEFFABILITY meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

What is Ineffability?
Definition and meaning of ineffability:
~ Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. ~

The above picture is created by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.

Serenity has written a poem about the word ineffability. You can read it at this link: Expansive Ineffability.

Positive Words Research – INEFFABILITY definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words


HALCYON meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

What is Halcyon? 

Definition and meaning of halcyon:

~ Denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful. ~

These inspiring pictures are made by Serenity from PositivelyPeacefulInspirations.

Serenity has also written a poem about what halcyon means. Find the poem at this link: Halcyon.

Positive Words Research – HALCYON definition – meaning | Dictionary Positive Words

Halcyon 2