This week’s positive word is
By Victoria J.Brown
You may be thinking that this isn’t really a positive word … it’s just a word!
Well it depends how you look at the world, and if you were one of those people who did think, ‘Notice, is just a word,’ then please have a read of this post and really think about what you actually notice about yourself and the world around you.
When you start noticing the world around you, you’ll notice how a word such as ‘notice’ can be very positive. How noticing life can be one of the most positive things you can do for yourself.
The world is a beautiful and wonderful place if you just stop for a second and notice it, you will see it too. We are often so focused on our ‘to-do list’ that we take for granted all the good that surrounds us, we become to expect rather than notice.
The world is full of busy … busy people, busy lives … busy, busy, busy – especially at this time of the year! People don’t have time to stop and notice the world around them. There’s so much to do … but there is actually so much to see.
If you feel this sounds like you … have you noticed? Have you noticed how stressed you feel? Take 5 or 10 minutes out to just breathe! 5 or 10 minutes of your time will not damage you as much as not taking that time to breathe.
Breathe. Look around you. Listen. Use all your senses to notice your world. It’s wonderful to be here and alive, we must not take these days for granted.
Be thankful always and take notice.
Positive Words Research – This Week’s Positive Word is NOTICE –