Let’s be clear: stresses and anxiety are unavoidable and are an important part of anyone’s life. One cannot get rid of them entirely. Moreover, the necessity to overcome anxiety can become another stress, as you’re supposed to be good at dealing with it. But anxiety and stresses are not only about psychological health. They also affect your grades. Here are some easy rules you can follow to eliminate the influence of anxiety on your studying and ease the stress of college.
1. Eat well
This is the most obvious and the most underestimated piece of advice. What you eat affects your grades on a direct basis. Compose at least 80% of your diet with minimally processed healthy food, and indulge yourself with no more than 20% of junk food. Avoid relaxing with alcohol as well, especially if you’re an addictive type of person.
2. Get enough sleep
You must have seen it out on your own: bad sleep the night before leads to the lack of productivity the next day. Coffee and energy drinks are lifesavers if you take them from time to time, but if you can help it, it is better to opt for a good 8-hour night of sleep.
3. Socialize
Studies show that socializing helps eliminate the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It can be difficult for you to make new friends if you have social anxiety or are an introverted type of person. To make socializing easier, check out the fraternities on your campus and try some sports. Scan the hobby groups in your college and involve yourself in some of them. Get along with your roommate. Speak to people in classes. And don’t forget about your family.
4. Don’t procrastinate
It is easier to overcome a bad grade if you know you’ve done everything you could. In this case, the only things you have to blame are the circumstances and your teacher, who does not like you too much. If you were deliberately postponing your homework and haven’t done everything you could to make it better, the only person to blame is you. Self-blame is one of the reasons for having major depressive disorder some studies say.
5. Ask for help
Find some legitimate research paper writing service and use it when you need it. Stress from getting a bad grade or any assignment you’re unable to cope with on time is one of the most common happenings among college students. Remember that there is always a way out and there are always people who are willing to help. Just ask for it.
6. Write down your expenditures
Money can be another stressful factor for freshmen. If you’re not willing to take a part-time job yet, opt for controlling your spending. We assure you that after several weeks of writing your expenditures down or using budget planning and tracking mobile apps, you will be shocked by how much money you pay for nonsense.
7. Help others
Doing good makes you feel good, and some even say that the secret to happiness is helping others. There is always a chance to help those in need — if not with your money then with your time and devotion. Maybe there are some subjects you can assist your classmates with. Speak to students for whom English is not a native language. You will both improve their English and you will find out a lot about foreign cultures.
8. Take time out for yourself
It might seem that every minute of life in college is written down, but there is always a couple of hours a day you can devote to yourself—just search better. A day in a spa would be perfect, but a simple walk in a park also will do. Read or dream instead of scrolling through your Instagram timeline when you’re already in bed. Christmas holidays with your family and summers vacation in Europe also count.
9. Think about the future
It is not as easy as the rest of the list, but someone has to do it and it better to be you. We encourage you not to overthink stuff, like “Did I choose the best college?” or “What should I do if I fail my exams?” but analyze what you want and how you can get there. Create a pool of if-then plans in your mind and it will be easier for you to face the future.
Sorry to say that again, but one’s college years are really one of the brightest periods of your life. Enjoy it and don’t let anxiety and stresses take away all the opportunities life gives you now.