Words can have a powerful impact on our bodies, both negatively and positively. Words are spoken, thought, heard, and even seen. All these sensory inputs cause ease or stress. Words have the power to generate negative emotions that will further cause you stress. One aspect that many of us have not thought about is the fact that the lack of positive words that we do not hear from the outside or in our mind, we do not read and do not see, can cause us as much stress.
According to doctors at Best HGH Doctors and Clinics, during times of negative emotions or stress, cortisol levels rise, which can affect various aspects of your life, such as concentration, anxiety, learning, and memory processes.
1. Improve concentration
One of the enemies of concentration is interruption and distraction. Research shows that it takes you more than 20 minutes to get back to your original level of concentration if you are interrupted even by a simple message. In order to remember how harmful the interruptions are, you can put different reminders either on the phone or on small notes on your desk to remind you to stay focused. Words are useful because with their help you can write a simple message of “stay focused” or “take a break for 10 minutes after 50 minutes of focus”.
2. Have a better memory
A good memory is needed for everyone. Many times our memory is good not because we have not trained enough in our mind but because we have too many words in our heads. The easiest way to get rid of mind clutter is by journaling. Take an A4 sheet of paper and simply start writing any sentence that comes to mind. Don’t bother writing meaningfully. In fact, the more unrelated sentences you have, the more you clear your mind.
Our brain can only support a certain number of words a day. These words depend on the person. Think about it! In one day you hear words, you think words, you say words, you read words. There are so many words! Research shows that one day a book passes through a person’s mind. That means 7 books a week and 30 books a month. Journaling is the best way to get rid of negative thoughts. Journalism can help you come up with new ideas and improve your creativity.
3. Fight against depression
One of the best ways to fight depression and to overcome it is by practicing gratitude. Gratitude is a strong positive feeling that gives you a state of joy. It means taking time to think about the good things that have happened to you so far in your life. Think of the little things you can enjoy in the present and be grateful for the opportunities of the future. One of the processes of depression is to remember the bad things that happened to us, to remember the sufferings of the past. The emotion of gratitude is exactly the opposite, we help our brain to think and to remember happy events from the past.
4. Release anxiety
Anxiety is a destructive feeling that paralyzes your life. It’s not just the fear of something. It is a generalized fear combined with negative generalizations of all kinds. If you read a book from time to time about psychotherapy against anxiety you will start to understand more about this condition. With understanding comes solutions and the power to take control of your life. I highly recommend the books on anxiety and how to conquer it by the psychotherapist Dr. Albert Ellis.
5. Balance heart energy
Often the heart picks up packages of negative thoughts from all around. Yes, you read that right, I wrote thoughts because it has been scientifically proven that the heart has its own brain. As we know, the heart reacts positively to beautiful words. So I recommend that you write a list of positive words at least once a week. Then find out on the internet what resources you can find about these words. You can start with harmony, peace of mind, peace of mind, hope, gratitude, blessing, resilience, and more.
We often ask ourselves and read all sorts of articles and books about the differences between mind and heart. And we wonder which is more important? The answer is both. Both the heart and the mind are important to the human being. Think about it! If your heart stops then you die and if your mind doesn’t work at all you are in a coma at the hospital. You could say it’s better to be in a coma than dead. The perspective I am trying to emphasize is that life is neither dead nor in a coma, so life is lived with both heart and mind working together.
6. Think Positive
We often hear and read about the benefits of positive thinking. But what is positive thinking and especially how to think positively? Simple. To think positively all you have to do is form sentences and questions with positive words. Search the internet for lists of positive words and start memorizing them and getting used to them. Then your mind will do the rest. You will wake up talking about those words in your mind. And you will feel good.
When you think positively, the solutions come faster, you manage to control your anxiety because you don’t worry too much and stay away from sadness. A positive attitude is contagious and helps you a lot in relationships. Research has shown that the productivity and efficiency of a project are ensured by positive thinking.
When you have problems with projects, positive thinking helps you not to give up. When you don’t give up, you manage to find a solution in the end. In order to be able to complete the projects, you have to believe that you will succeed and have the hope that in the end, you will complete the project with flying colors. Confidence in yourself and your abilities, that “I can”, also comes from the ability to think positively.
In conclusion, good and nice words can help you focus better, have a better memory, develop your gratitude and gain against depression, fight anxiety, make sure your heart has good energy, and help you think positively.