How Do You Access Your Endless Supplies of Inner Power

Did you know that your innermost self is gifted with endless supplies of power and energy? Have you ever felt connected to them? If so, it’s probably only been a couple of times and you don’t know how to open those channels again. Not only do you feel great when you manage to tap into your inner power, but you also exude confidence on the outside. You’ll also be more capable of eliminating negativity from your life, as well as more able to fulfill your every single objective. Let’s look at a few ways in which you can give yourself the wonderful gift of limitless inner power:

1. Visualize for More Inner Power

With athletes, it’s a known fact that most of them tend to visualize their results before going into a competition. They actually take the time to envision what it would be like to score those points, to bounce back from brutal attacks from the opponent and to finish the competition as winners. If this works for them, it’s further proof that visualization has tremendous value in accessing inner power. 

So take the time to think about everything that you would like to happen to you. Visualize that loving relationship you yearn for – what kind of person would you need to be daily to be part of such a love connection? What kind of person would your partner be? Visualize your perfect job. What tasks would you need to do? What would be the rewards? What kind of person would you need to be for that job? The key is to be honest with yourself because the more and better you envision everything that’s at stake, the greater are the chances to actually attract those things and wonderful feelings with them.

2. Discard the Scarcity Mindset

One subconscious mindset that a lot of people unknowingly adhere to is one of scarcity and poverty. They feel they can’t attain more in life and that they can’t tap into an abundance mindset. They just feel it’s not for them – regardless if we’re talking about financial abundance or human relationship abundance. One way to create this shift in your mind is to ditch the thought of impending poverty and instead imagine yourself rich. Become generous with the little resources you have and you’ll soon start to attract the type of wealth you actually want. If you act from an expansive mindset and if you’re aiming for growth, you’re already positioning yourself to expand your limits.

3. Be More Authentic and Responsible

Striving to be more authentic and responsible in your day-to-day life is a key to unleashing inner power that’s often overlooked by many. We tend to think that it’s no big deal if we told a white lie once in a while or didn’t make the deadline for a project we had. But the truth is all these failings pile up in the back of our minds, taking away from our power to act on our desires and create new limiting beliefs about ourselves. Instead, you should try to always do what you say you’re going to do or restore this situation with the ones you faulted. Become aware of the immense power of words in your life. Additionally, you should always only do things you’ve opted for, instead of doing them half-heartedly and out of compromise. It’s amazing how much more whole you’ll start feeling as soon as you become more responsible and authentic.

4. Access Spirituality for Inner Power

Taking a step back, zooming out in life and connecting to the higher forces that govern us is sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself. Take some time to meditate each day in absolute silence and let your mind, soul, and body feel that liberating smallness and greatness that define our beings at the same time. Practice becoming more patient, more forgiving and more grateful with yourself and those around you. 

Process and let it seep in that our experiences are not assigned with either bad or good value to them, but it’s in our complete power to choose how we react to them. All our experiences are meant to lead us someplace new, from which we can grow into better, wiser versions of ourselves. Try to remember all the negative experiences you had and strive to integrate the positive lessons they ultimately came attached with.

These are only a few of the ways in which you can draw yourself closer and closer to that endless reservoir of power and energy you’ve always had within. Once you start tapping into that and get a taste of what it feels like to be in charge of your life, you’ll want more of it each day. This will prompt you to renounce cultivating negative emotions and start feeding positive thoughts that are meant to help you thrive.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

How Do You Access Your Endless Supplies of Inner Power

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