Love is an Action Movement Project Made With Passion

The project Love is an Action Movement joins together people inspired by Love.

In the last year, I’ve watched as negative news, actions and images have overtaken our social media platforms and our news outlets.  I watched devastated as families were torn apart, friendships severed, fear, hopelessness, and discouragement among other things further engulfed our world.  I felt strongly that something had to be done,  but what could I do? I am only one person.

It seems as if we as a people have forgotten who LOVE is and how to express it properly.

Love is Action Movement

The “Love is an Action Movement” is to remind the world about what Love means according to 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and how love is expressed according to 1 John 3:18.

What do I want from you? 

A few moments of your time…. and a request that you would use the hashtag #LIAAmovement; #/@sweetstartministriesinc along with your own hashtags when posting positive images, quotes,  kind acts, and videos. Together we can begin to shift what we see in our social platforms from negative to positive. 

Love can not be censored or banned. It is a universal language. 

Social media as you know is a tool. Like all things, it can be used negatively or positively. This is where I’m starting,  shifting the focus and pushing back the darkness.

Love is an Action Movement

By the way,  this isn’t to cover or ignore issues that need to be addressed. It’s simply to be the light we were called to be,  to shine the light and love of Jesus in a world that’s getting darker by the second.

Our Love Rocks are being placed in parks,  walking trails, and anywhere that’s populated with people.  The idea is to get these rocks moving from city to city,  state to state, and country to country. This is a way to spread the message that Love is an Action.  Check out our website Sweet Start Ministries. Every day is a brand new start so begin again with an open heart!

Will you join me? 

In Ecclesiastes 4:9,10 the bible states, “Two are better than one because they can help each other succeed. If one falls down, his companion can lift him up but woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up”.

Love is an action, not just a word. So many times we say we love others but our actions say something different. When we say we love others what does it mean?​

Love is an Action Movement

The Bible defines love as this…

1 Corinthians 13:4 – LOVE is patient, LOVE is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, hopes, and preserves. Love never fails.​

In 1 John 3:11 we are commanded to love one another. Love is active, demonstrative and responsive.​

The lack of love in this world is causing darkness and cold-heartedness to spread far and wide. We need to be the light of the world by showing godly love as 1Corinthians 13: 4-8 defines it. The bible says GOD IS LOVE.

3 things to join this movement: ​

1. Use #LIAAMovement and #sweetstartministries on all your positive images, videos, and post.​

2. Participate in Love Rocks! ​

3. Spread the Word!

Encouragement, affirmation and love is something we need to thrive in this life. The goal of the project Love is an Action Movement is to offer these three elements to everyone within our reach. Love is a universal language and we intend to show it in word and in action consistently.

Love is an Action Movement

Positive Words Research – Love is an Action Movement Project

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