Power of Words: World Championship of Public Speaking

“The Power of Words” is the speech with which Mohammed became the World Champion of Public Speaking in 2015. Watch this inspirational speech from Toastmasters International, the World Championship of Public Speaking. It will show you how words have the power to save or take a life. 2015 World Champion: ‘The Power of Words’ Mohammed … Read more

Discover 12 Powerful Universal Laws That Guide Your Life

There are 12 powerful words that represent powerful universal laws, that guide your life and is better to know what they stand for, to know the energy that they master. 1. Cause and Effect “As your saw, so shall you reap” Whatever we put out in the Universe will come back to us. What you saw is … Read more

Smile With Your Eyes And Generate Compassion Every Day

Remember to smile with your eyes all the time in a gentle way. It strengthens your inner smile, having a direct positive effect on your happiness. When you smile with your eyes you generate compassion for yourself.Get inspired by this list of powerful words.

7 Fun and Inspiring Acrostics To Inspire Your Mind And Soul

Today a friend that follows Positive Words Research sent us a link with abbreviations for text messages. We scanned the list and found some creative writings really amazing, some are so inspiring and some are actually very funny. These are called acrostics. An acrostic is a poem (or other forms of writing) in which the first … Read more

Best 18 Rules of Positive Living By The 14th Dalai Lama

Among so many heritages, many of inestimable value, the 14th Dalai Lama also gave to the entire humanity 18 rules for managing to achieve living life in a happy and fulfilling way. The rules for positive living are by far superficial, instead, they are actually harsh. The 14th Dalai Lama proves as he has done … Read more

Woke Up: Powerful Saying To Enlighten Your Today Spirit

I didn’t change. I just woke up. Source: Lessons Learned in Life This is a powerful saying. Reflect on it by writing a couple of thoughts on a piece of paper. But try to think out of the box. Try to think with your own thoughts. Free your mind. And always remember to be gentle … Read more

10 Behaviors Optimistic People Have Which Gives Them Power

There some behaviors all optimists tend to share that immediately make them stand out in a crowd. Some believe that practicing these behaviors every day could actually turn a pessimist into an optimist. 1. Optimists Tend to Think in Idealistic Terms Because optimists tend to see the positive side to everything, they are also more … Read more

Arsenie Boca: When Life Is Dire Do Tea In The Prettiest Cup

The best-known story told by the Father Arsenie Boca aims to bring relief to those in distress. The parable of the little cup of tea told by the spiritual guide from Prislop teaches people what they can do “if life is hard and are hit, beaten, pushed almost mercilessly when the world seems to be … Read more

List of Masculine Words: Masculine Energy For Empowerment

Positive Words Research has gathered a list of masculine words. This masculine words represent masculine energy. The words and phrases are positive. Masculine Words – Masculine Energy CAPABLE CERTAIN FOCUS BENEFIT TRUST – TRUSTING ACCEPTANCE – ACCEPTING APPRECIATIVE – APPRECIATION* ADMIRE – ADMIRATION APPROVAL ENCOURAGEMENT POWER STRENGHT COMPETENCY – COMPETENCE EFFICIENT – EFFICIENCY ACHIEVEMENT HONOR … Read more

Love is Action Movement: The Word Rocks Project Inspiration

I truly believe in the power of love and kindness. This power is the reason for which every day, in the past five years, I’ve been painting #wordrocks and scattering them everywhere for people to find. Almost five years ago, my son Antonio created Word Rocks Project. He was only ten years old at that time … Read more

Change Your Frequency Change Your Life: Christie Marie Sheldon

Christie Marie Sheldon speaks at Awesomeness Fest about how to change your frequency to change the reality of your life. The Awesomeness Fest is called now A-Fest and it’s a celebration of happiness organized in spectacular places by the company Mindvalley founded by Vishen Lakhiani. How to Change Your Frequency To Change Your Reality | … Read more

The Power of Vulnerability: Brene Brown TED Talks inspiration

Brene Brown speaks at TED Talks about the power of vulnerability and inspires us all and at the same time, she releases us from the burden of hiding our own inborn vulnerability. The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown Positive Words Research – The Power of Vulnerability ~ Brene Brown ~ TED Talks

Best 94 Affirmations for Financial Prosperity and Abundance

Find below 94 affirmations for financial prosperity. These money affirmations will change what your brain thinks about financial abundance. The prosperity affirmations will change your thoughts from thinking scarcity to thinking abundance and you will attract very fast financial prosperity. Repeat and reflect constantly on the below affirmations for financial prosperity and you will for sure increase … Read more

Why Thank You: Best Thought and Affirmation For The Day

Why Thank You for being here on Earth. You are loved. You are wanted. You are enough. You are special. I love you. You are forgiven. People enjoy your presence. May you be blessed with pure love and light and unconditional love. Thank you for everything you have done so far, the good and the … Read more

Top 10 Reasons to Smile and Lift Your Mood For Today Now

10 Reasons to smile It makes you attractive. It changes your mood. It is contagious. It relieves stress. It boosts your immune system. It lowers your blood pressure. It releases endorphins. It lifts the face and makes you look younger. It makes you seem successful. It helps you stay positive. Positive Words Research – 10 Reasons … Read more

Where Will Your INSPIRATION Take You: Find The Secrets Now

Where will your inspiration take you? Inspiration comes from within, your thoughts are whispering to you. There is an abundance of opportunities waiting for you to discover them. The voice of inner inspiration will always speak to you in a subtle way. You need to be peaceful within to hear it. But there are wonderful … Read more

SHINE DAZZLE GLOW SPARKLE: 4 Words To Inspire You Today

The positive words for today are SHINE ~ DAZZLE ~ GLOW ~ SPARKLE Shine like the stars. Dazzle everyone. Glow your beautiful internal light on everything around you. You are a miracle. You are a gift to everyone around you. You are enough. You are beautiful. Every details of your body and soul is beautiful. … Read more

MAGIC POWER: Butterflies and Angel Wings Are Magical

Picture yourself with huge butterflies wings or with huge angel wings and discover a magic power. We are Light beings. We have divine energy inside us and when you visualize yourself with big angel wings you access this divine power. Positive Words Research – MAGIC POWER: Butterflies & Angel Wings

What Is Your Favorite Positive Feeling And Positive Emotion

This is a quiz for positive feelings designed for voting. This Poll/Vote quiz is updated by Positive Words Research and by you, the person voting. If you don’t find your favorite feeling in the list, select Other and insert your own favorite positive feeling. Enjoy! If this poll is not working properly, vote for this … Read more

What Is Your Favorite Positive Word And Optimistic Word

This is a quiz for positive words designed for voting. This Poll/Vote quiz is updated by Positive Words Research and by you, the person voting. If you don’t find your favorite word in the list, select Other and insert your own favorite positive word. Enjoy! If this poll is not working properly, vote for this … Read more