There some behaviors all optimists tend to share that immediately make them stand out in a crowd.
Some believe that practicing these behaviors every day could actually turn a pessimist into an optimist.
1. Optimists Tend to Think in Idealistic Terms
Because optimists tend to see the positive side to everything, they are also more likely to think in idealistic terms. For this reason, it’s great to have an optimist around when you’re embarking on a new project because they can give the courage and motivation you need to take on any challenge. Idealism tends to be contagious.
2. They Are Forgiving
Optimists are really great at finding the good in every person or situation. This is way, they never really hold a grudge. They may be a little bit disappointed, because of their idealistic nature. But they’ll always be quick to forgive and forget, because, deep down, they know everything happens for a reason, and nobody is really to blame in most situations.
3. Optimists Lead Healthier Lives
It’s a scientific fact that optimists are healthier than pessimists. That’s not just because having a positive attitude every day tends to lower your stress levels. Optimists are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors, such as exercising and eating healthy. And because they tend to have a really positive outlook on everything, they’re more likely to continue with these behaviors, even if they don’t see results immediately.
4. Optimists Don’t Give Up
Because they tend to focus more on the positive side of things, optimists tend to stick with a task for a longer period of time, even when things aren’t working out as expected. It helps that they don’t stress out about all the things that could go wrong, and just focus on what they have to do, and that great feeling of having accomplished something that comes in the end. They can look past minor setbacks, and see them as learning opportunities.
5. They Focus on Future Possibilities
Optimists don’t really focus so much on the present. When they look at current actions and events, all they see is the world of possibilities behind them. It keeps them motivated, and willing to put in the extra legwork to see their vision achieved. But it can also lead to some frustration, and sloppiness when things aren’t moving as fast as they would like them to.
6. They’re More Prone to Taking Risks
Optimists can’t really see all the dangers involved in a task because they don’t see them dangers. They think more in terms of challenges, or puzzles begging to be solved. As such, they are more likely to be risk takers. This tends to make optimists more successful in the long run. All they really focus on is the rewards they are bound to get at the end of the day. Optimists also tend to have higher self-esteem, which means it’s easier for them to see themselves as being capable of accomplishing anything.
7. They Care About Helping Others
Optimistic people make a habit out of helping whenever they can. This practice comes from their belief in people, and what they can accomplish. Because optimists trust not only themselves but everyone around them as well. They know, deep down, that the small amount of time and resources they are gifting is going to bring great benefits for everyone involved. And because they tend to take a genuine interest in other people’s lives, they are more skilled at reading those subtle signs that let them know exactly what others need.
8. Optimists Sleep Better
Pessimists and people who tend to overthink stuff, in general, have a hard time falling asleep, tossing and turning over every little thing that might go wrong in some distant future. Optimists don’t worry about these things so much, and as a result, they tend to sleep better and wake up more refreshed.
9. They’re Proactive
Instead of looking at a problem from every single angle, considering every possible solution, and all the ways in which they could fail, optimists tend to just jump straight in. They are confident in their abilities, and the abilities of those around them. They believe that if anything comes up, they are sure to find a solution as they go. And they find it easier to think as they go, rather than sitting around, making plans.
10. Optimists Tend to Look for Creative Solutions
When it comes to a solution, optimists have a talent, and an inclination, to move away from the beaten path. They tend to be more creative in general, but they’re really excellent when it comes to problem-solving. This is partly due to their natural self-confidence, and partly due to their dynamic and active personality. Since they have the ability to see so much potential in the world around, optimists have a tendency to get bored with stuffy, tried and tested formulas.
Optimists, in general, are distinguished by their strong belief in the ultimate good of the world. Practicing these behaviors might help in that direction, even if you’re not yet thoroughly convinced.
Positive Words Research – 10 Behaviors Optimistic People Have