I truly believe in the power of love and kindness. This power is the reason for which every day, in the past five years, I’ve been painting #wordrocks and scattering them everywhere for people to find.
Almost five years ago, my son Antonio created Word Rocks Project. He was only ten years old at that time and willing to leave some joy around to make people smile. We never expected the idea to grow that much. But it did. We are all over the world now. And we keep trying to make people happy through our message rocks.

I always have them with me. No matter if it’s walking my dogs, Sgt. Pepper and Hey Jude, or doing groceries,if it’s mailing a letter or having a coffee with a friend. Sometimes I pass by a playground and will pull over the car to leave a wordrock. I will always find a nice spot to surprise someone.
Many people have found amazing comfort and encouragement at the exact right time in running into one of these rocks and being able to keep them as their own.
Knowing that random acts of kindness can bring so much for people, I was encouraged to expand my ideas. Love notes, golden tiny fairies, sparkle unicorns, autumn leaves, messages in recycled med bottles. So many ideas! Energy flows where attention goes. I turned my heart to leave these love messages and love keeps flowing.

Not a long time ago, I created another project: Love it, Forward List. In few words: every time I get to know someone who is going through a hard time I send a mail to my #loveitforwardlist volunteers explaining what is going on with this person. So they start to “lovebomb” the person, with letters, cards and a lot of other amazing love things. Right now I have 2.000 volunteers writing the letters with me.

In this world that is so digital, the power of a handwriting letter is amazing. So, can you imagine when someone receives a couple of letters full of encouragement? The feeling just lifts them up, brings them pure healing joy.
Every day I learn with this project. The world is full – very full – of people in need of love. Or affection. In need of attention and comfort. And this has been a great and deep lesson in my life. It’s wonderful how the rocks have connected me with people around the world I would never have known otherwise.

It fills my heart daily that with a simple act of kindness I am bringing positive feelings to people. I truly believe that when you open your heart to a greater love, everything makes sense, and life becomes more beautiful As I always like to say: love shared is love multiplied.

These wonderful and inspiring positive words were written by Carol Arêas – a Brazilian living in California, a wordrocker, a kindness encourager, Beatle maniac, Boston Terrier lover & other fairy tales.
Instagram: Love is Action Movement
Facebook: Love is Action Movement
Contact: wordrocks.me@gmail.com
Hashtags: #wordrocks, #loveitforwardlist, #loveisactionmovement
Positive Words Research – Love is Action Movement ~ The Word Rocks Project
