Top 6 Types Of Case Study And Its Features And Methods

Before we can talk about types of case study and the features, we have to know- what is a case study?  It is a method of research that uses a well-detailed, thorough and exhaustive examination of the subject matter at hand and its condition as at that time.  A case study is a form of … Read more

Society Offers Learning Opportunities With Online Platforms

Nowadays, future specialists must possess not only the basic theoretical skills and be competent in the chosen professional activity, but also have a high level of development of mobility. Therefore, the training of specialists in different fields should be based on the use of active teaching methods, which will allow students to master the material … Read more

Top 5 Cost Effective and Easy to Implement SEO Strategies You have probably heard a lot about SEO. Some of the information you might have managed to gather might be true while others like SEO being magic are just but myths. One thing is for sure though: SEO is real and gives results. Nevertheless, you need to understand that you need to devote a … Read more

Top 3 Successful Strategies For Digital Brand Marketing

Are you excited about starting your new business in this business dominating world? Then it is always important for you to follow the best marketing strategies in order to reach the target audience in a shorter period. Well, one should keep it in mind that whenever you have started your business, make sure to check … Read more

What Words To Use To Make Your Thesis Look Better Now

Thesis writing remains an integral part of academia even in the unforeseeable future. It is a test of expertise, excellence, knowledge,experience and skills in postgraduate studies. The big question is whether you’re doing it right or writing thesis help will put all your worries behind. The truth is that students exhibit wide-ranging skill levels when … Read more

Positive Words Emotions Used These Days On Social Media

Social Media (SM) has become the first choice for users to express their feelings with freedom. For many people all over the world, tweeting a tweet, hashtagging an Instagram caption, posting Facebook status from now onwards is common practice. In the past, people communicate via emails, forums, and newsgroups. Recently, SM has gained a lot … Read more

Positive Words Analysis: New Thought Pattern Louise Hay

Explore the transformative power of positive words through an analysis inspired by the wisdom of Louise Hay. Discover how cultivating a new thought pattern can lead to a more positive and fulfilling life. POSITIVE WORDS ANALYSIS – Paper PWR3/25.05.2016  Text analyzed: Affirmations contained only in the column “New Thought Pattern” found in the book “You … Read more

Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech: A Positive Words Research

Explore the positive words and profound messages within Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic ‘I Have a Dream’ speech through a Positive Words Research analysis. Delve into the uplifting themes that continue to inspire and advocate for equality. Positive Words Research has analyzed the text of the famous I Have a Dream Speech of Martin Luther … Read more

Madonna’s ‘Give It 2 Me’ Song: A Positive Words Research

Dive into the positive words research behind Madonna’s ‘Give It 2 Me’ and explore the uplifting themes and lyrics that have made this song an enduring anthem of empowerment and self-expression. Positive Words Research has analyzed the song Give It 2 Me by Madonna according to the positive words found in the text. This song … Read more

Empower Your Sentiment Analysis with Essential Resources

Unlock the potential of sentiment analysis with a comprehensive collection of resources. Explore tools, guides, and tips to enhance your sentiment analysis capabilities. You will also find here links towards various lists of positive words and lists of negative words to use in your assignments or projects. What is Sentiment Analysis? Sentiment analysis, also known … Read more