Positive Words Emotions Used These Days On Social Media

Social Media (SM) has become the first choice for users to express their feelings with freedom. For many people all over the world, tweeting a tweet, hashtagging an Instagram caption, posting Facebook status from now onwards is common practice. In the past, people communicate via emails, forums, and newsgroups. Recently, SM has gained a lot of popularity for content sharing and sharing their opinions freely. SM such as Twitter, people get updated with the latest news, live events, participate in different activities. Also, keep up to date with friends and families. Twitter has 270 million active users, and 500 million tweets are sent per day.

There are many research topics on social network analysis. Opinion mining and sentimental analysis techniques are used to extract useful information from the user’s tweets text. Tweets may contain text from three different categories as Positive Tweet, Negative Tweet, and Neutral.

Importance of words

“Your words become your world – Nadeem Kazmi.”

  1. Words, of course, are essential for social media. Researchers using your linguistic features start predicting the personality of the people.
  2. Similarly, the words tag cloud easily help social media developers to show contents similar to your feelings and emotions to increase the throughput of company’s ads.
  3. Certain words hold more power over our decisions making process than others.

How words can be used to find five personality factors in any user

  1. Extraversion. It is a factor which is used to find your interaction with other people on SM. More you interact, more you make friends and posts.
  2. Neuroticism. The factor used to describe your emotions.
  3. Agreeableness. Your feelings, how you feel towards others.
  4. Conscientiousness. Describes how organized and dependable you are.
  5. Openness. Is when someone is curious and openminded to new experiences and knowledge.

Through sentimental analysis, we can find out the overall subjectivity of a tweet

Either it is positive, negative and neutral words are used in the tweets. Researchers believe, that no matter what the platform or language, users common practices to use more positive words than negative words. There are many reasons behind the statement. One is that a lot more good things happen to us than bad things. So naturally, we are addicted to positive thinking’s finally end up saying more positive words. The most challenging task is to classify the tweet into their categories so that a normal user can easily guess the subject of the tweet. Either it is posted to review a movie, book, electronics or any other product & company. Or it is related to some specific personalities such as Donald Trump, Imran Khan so on and so forth. Similarly, tweets may be related to some live events currently being held such as FIFA World Cup.

Opinions or tweets are in the form of a short sentence

Words used in the tweet may classify the tweet subjectivity. These positive words are also known as linguistic features from a research point of view. In the article, we have mentioned various positive words which are used on different matters on social media. The categories we selected are mentioned below.

Categories selected for extraction of positive words


Positive words extracted from the categories selected above

Can’t wait, biggie, standing ovation, blockbuster, superhit, wow, top, brilliant, good, superb, amazing, I love, win, victory, cruise, top, good, strength, brilliant, phenomenal, wow, patchy, well done, excellent,

nice, majestic, terrific, deserved, spectacular, high class, awesome, wonderful, best, delight, come back,

massive, perfect, favorite, outstanding, great, dominate, flatten, ovation, convincing, blinder, emphatic, magic, promising, flawless, classic, likely, influential, all the best, strong, celebration, impressive, well played, cheer, out played, splendid, mighty, superb, nailed, triumph, fabulous, astounding, solid, sufficient, good luck, encouraging, matchless, sublime, Mashallah, positive, love, good, wonderful, best, great, super, beautiful, peace, graceful, lovely, nice, meaningful, blame, humanity, help others, influential, flawless, encourage, harmony, submission, love, stand up, anti(non)- violence, help, hope, play, sweetheart, success, hero, superb, respect, amazing, inspire, prom, good, attract, grand, fair, hug, excite, kiss, champ, sweat, love, bless, luck, laugh, impress, interest, devote, win, luv, heal, fantast, ad, finest, admire, cutest, hahah, happy, heartfelt, bliss, joy, favorite, smile, happiest, thx, yummy, party, pretty, calm, joke, definite, warm, award, comfort, congratulate,  appreciate, origin, merry, legit, funny, welcome, car, wow, share, easy, enjoy, rich, please, support, trust, relieve, heheh, credit, honest, agree , pass, entertain, cheer, strong, perfect, thank, beauty, favorite, innocent, cut, fest, lucky, lol, love, sunny, fantasy, hah, yum, sunshine, favorite, greatest, kid, yay, healthy, proud, harmony, improve, dear, kind, energy, advantage, glad, awesome, freedom, funniest, cool, enthusiast, reward, hum, challenge, ready, handsome, smart, fun, benefit, pride, sweet, alright, affordable, fantastic, take care, nice things, surprises, happiness, satisfaction, attentive, professional, caring, encourage, feel very happy, pleasure, extremely nice, important, wonderful, especially, spacious, caring, energetic.

Words interchangeably are used in different tweets with their synonyms

In table 2, words such as “amazing, awesome, best, sweet, fantastic, extremely nice, wonderful” and many other can be used for more than one category like Movies, Products, Events, Places. However, words such as “smart, handsome, caring, energetic, hero, respect” are only associated with Personalities. Similarly, “Can’t wait, biggie, standing ovation, blockbuster, superhit, wow, top, brilliant, good, superb, amazing, I love” can be categorized into movies. There are many other words that have been used in opinions to express positive emotions.


Words can inspire, words can destroy. We cope with today’s problems with some positive to say. When terrorists commit an atrocity, we quickly respond to the news with some positive feelings and emotions for the victims and pray to God for their good beings. Even sometimes, if a bad event is described by social media, efforts are still made to use positive language to have a positive impact on society. In the article, we have listed some of the most common positive words used to express positive emotions in social media such as on Twitter. We have selected some specific categories which have been discussed on social media these days. We encourage users to stay calm and positive.

Author ~ Raza Ul Mustafa, Brasil

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Positive Words Research – Top Positive Words Emotions Used These Days On Social Media

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