What Words To Use To Make Your Thesis Look Better Now

Thesis writing remains an integral part of academia even in the unforeseeable future. It is a test of expertise, excellence, knowledge,experience and skills in postgraduate studies. The big question is whether you’re doing it right or writing thesis help will put all your worries behind.

The truth is that students exhibit wide-ranging skill levels when it comes to academic literary composition. But,when it comes to doing a thesis paper, there is no one’s way of going about it one shoe fits all approach. A student must, therefore, follow set rules,procedures and guidelines when writing this important paper. It is the epitome of earning a Master’s degree of PhD depending on a country’s academic system.

Choice of Words

Moreover, writing a thesis paper isn’t going to be easy unless you choose the right words for it. And, while there could be variations depending on a topic, it is imperative to note that certain phrases and words denote universal practices at this level of academic writing. You wouldn’t want to sound amateurish, would you? Well, no one would, especially given the significance and weight of this type of paper, not to mention the seriousness that goes into crafting it.

Now, let’s take a look at some example, particularly, words that will make your thesis look better.

  1. Whether you want to indicate the purpose of your study or explain how original pieces of work have helped you arrived at the present project, the following phrases/words always fit the bill for introduction or description:
  • This study investigates….
  • This paper explores…
  • This research aims to address ….
  • The paper discuses
  • This project presents…
  • The paper outlines (surveys, features, highlights, questions…)

2. For analytical purposes, words like this paper/study considers, analyzes, explains, evaluates, interprets, clarifies, identifies, delves into, advances, defines, dissects, probes, tests , explores and appraises have always worked wonders in helping students better their thesis writing. And when referring to sections, use words like covers, deals with, talks about, outlines, sketches, highlights, assesses or contemplates.

3. Descriptive elements of research finding analysis often employ words like

Findings/study/investigation calls into question, challenges, refutes, rebuts, disputes, disproves, questions, debunks, invalidates or rejects.

4. When it comes to giving background of a study, especially after going everywhere possible looking for information to backup your write-up, make it known in your thesis using the right words such as the following:

  • The mechanism/subject plays a significant/vital/important role (this is the conventional way of doing it).
  • Alternative phrases include the subject influences, regulates, directs, governs, inhibits, controls or constraints. The 5Ws apply here and by taking the normalized verb and making it the main verb, your sentences will sound scholastic.
  • When describing say theory Y and how it impacts your study, you can use words like ‘much attention has been drawn to…,’ ‘theory Y has become important in recent times…,’ the preferred theory to explain, widely accepted, frequently implemented, a common/prevailing method of explaining….xyz…’

5. When consenting to an agreement that has been arrived at regarding your study topic, you can use the following words:

  • The agreement/consensus has been that…,
  • Initial/prior studies/research confirms that…,
  • Several studies confirm/agree…,
  • Some studies substantiate this belief…

6. When discussing findings and expressing the depth/breadth of a study/knowledgebase, the following phrases will make your thesis excellent:

  • Previous studies/researches indicate…
  • ….have documented
  • …have shown that…
  • Have demonstrated…
  • …much/little is known about xyz….

7. Finally, even if you choose to use paper writing pros, the following words for discussing results/findings, observations, methods and impact of a study are important.

  • Suggests, show, extrapolate, surmise, deduce, extract, approximate, evidence, surfaced, yielded, generated, perceived, detected…(for explaining results)
  • The research/y-method performed, used, employed, diffused, relayed, administered, applied, replicated, imitated…  (Discussing methods)
  • Study xyz demonstrates/shows, proves, establishes, offers, introduces, illustrates, attributes, ushers in, promotes, reveals, unveils, exposes, unearths, proffers, conveys, advances or strengthens. (For describing impact).

Positive Words Research – What Words To Use To Make Your Thesis Look Better?

What words to use to make your thesis look better

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