Positive Words Analysis: New Thought Pattern Louise Hay

Explore the transformative power of positive words through an analysis inspired by the wisdom of Louise Hay. Discover how cultivating a new thought pattern can lead to a more positive and fulfilling life.


Text analyzed: Affirmations contained only in the column “New Thought Pattern” found in the book “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay (in some books are the pages 146 until 207). Basically, I have analyzed only the affirmations (new thoughts pattern) that Louise Hay published in her book – these “new thoughts patterns” are to be repeated by people in order to heal themselves from certain diseases (“dis-eases” as Louse Hay calls them).

The tool used in the analysis: Positive Words Researcher

Reference paper of the analysis: PWR3

Prepared by: Calin Elena Daniela, founder of Positive Words Research

Date: 25.05.2016

Table of Contents:

  1. Results after analyzing the text with Positive Words Researcher – page 1
  2. Processed results – page 6
  3. Top 10 positive words found in the text – page 9
  4. Conclusions – page 9

Download the paper in pdf here: Positive Words Analysis_Louise Hay_PWR3


Significant positive words found in the text: 978 positive words from 4466 total number of words. Percent of positive words in the text is 21.90%.

Personal conclusions: The text has a high quality of positive words. Although a lot of positive words are missing (nuances are missing), probably being included in general words such as “life”, “love”, “good” etc.

The most used positive word is “LIFE” which was found 127 times (12,99% from total positive words).

Personal conclusions: Louse Hay affirmations are focused on the notion of “life”. All positive words from this text are meant to clear and update the notion/space/consciousness represented by “life”.

The 2nd most used positive word is “LOVE” which was found 124 times (12,68% from total positive words).

Personal conclusions: In the Christian Bible it is said “Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.” as per the —New Living Translation, 2007. If a Christian reads the analyzed text it will conclude that a lot of truth is embodied in these affirmations as the word „love” is so frequently used. My comment is that not many people know what love is/how to practice love. As I learned at one point in life if you want to know what „love” is you must start by practicing first „kindness”, then practice „loving-kindness”, then you practice „love” ( in 3 directions: towards yourself, other people, life). The word „kindness” is not found in the analyzed text (only the word „kind” is found 1 time). The word „loving-kindness” is not found at all.

When the human mind reads this text it will subconsciously draw the conclusion that „love is the most important thing in life”. Albert Ellis, the second most influential psychotherapist in history, says that when you transform love into a „need” and not keep it as a „preference”, it will significantly disturb you, making you have neurotic emotions in your life. Therefore, I draw the conclusion that maybe this is the reason why so many people believe that affirmations don’t work and they even harm you. It is a matter of language in my opinion. Because „love” is used for too many emotions. This is one of the reasons why I am building the list of positive words since 2013, to show people that there is a wide range of positive emotions. Love has more nuances than we imagine, it is reckless to put so many positive emotions under one big ruff called „love”, when we do not know these positive emotions. Love will feel like a big basket full of …. what?… we don’t know…. because we don’t have a clear language of positive emotions.

The 3rd most found word in the text is „SAFE”.

Personal conclusion: I think it adds a lot of peace to the text (doubles the effect of the word „peace” also used in the text – 5th place). The word „safe” is very calming for the mind. It is a feminine word, it adds feminine energy. My thoughts are that Louse Hay used so much this word because she is a woman and also because she had experiences in her life when she was not safe. Later in life, she used this positive word a lot in her own mind, therefore she found the solution to empower herself to feel safe and to attract safe living conditions. We can all learn to remember this, to use the word „safe” in our daily inner dialogue.

The 4th most found word in the text is „JOY”

Personal conclusion: I like the word joy. Another word connected with joy is „happiness”, which was not found at all in the text, therefore my opinion is that Louise Hay intentionally replaced the word „happiness” with „joy” to refocus the human mind. Another word that could have been used is „contentment”.

Download the paper in pdf here: Positive Words Analysis_Louise Hay_PWR3

Positive Words Research

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