Science finally proves that time is an illusion and that without memory there is no time. Time is just memory stored in space. Our own memory is not stored in our brain, it is stored in space and our brain is just connected with that place in space.
But how does this discovery that time is an illusion impact our lives, perception of reality, and our thinking?
The scientific discovery that time is an illusion benefits me in more ways. I thought about it and I reached five conclusions that I consider will ease life and improve well-being.
1. Live in the Present
If time is an illusion, doesn’t exist and it’s just a memory, why re-living memories. And I am referring here to bad memories. The notion of forgetting and forgiving takes another form, easier. Forgetting and forgiving means just not focusing anymore on those hurting memories. Let them be, there is just a bunch of information stored somewhere in space, anyway.
2. Jump to Positivity
If time is an illusion, doesn’t exist, then there is no need for the notion of “going through time”. Therefore, there is no need for so much learning through the hard ways. You can just jump through time, and because there is no time, it actually is… jumping through memories.
You can connect to the memories of someone positive that was generous enough to share it publicly with the world, and jump into the ocean of good feelings and emotions. For example, start with this list of positive words. This list of beautiful words is also a list of positive feelings and emotions. Pick a positive word and look through the vast internet for the meaning and the articles written about it. In this way, you will actually jump in the good, nice, inspiring, and happy memories of someone else. And just like that, you are connected with 3-4 happy consciousness (memories) of 3-4 positive people. You will be happier.
3. Connect with Positive Memories
If time is memory stored not in our brain, but in space, then we can randomly connect with any positive memory that we want. We could label certain memories as happy memories and we could just draw that positive energy from our memories by focusing on the label. This is where gratitude helps us. If we label each day 2-3 things that make us happy then it will be easier for us to remember them in the future. Because when we are grateful today, we are actually labeling memories as happy memories. We are improving our future well-being and diminishing the time it takes to keep alive and even restores our happiness.
4. Release Fear of the Subconscious Mind
If time is memory stored in space, then the subconscious mind could be all these memories stored in space, by us and by everyone. This is not frightening, it is actually more relieving if you look from another point of view. Release the fear of the subconscious mind that so many people feel… and try to change with many development programs. I am not against personal development. I just want to underline the importance of what you focus on in your personal development. Ask yourself: On what energy and consciousness are you focusing? Does it make you happy? Is it fun? Do you feel love when you learn or train yourself? My opinion is that we came here on Earth to have a lot of love and fun. And when you are not feeling happy, that is a clue to do something else.
I see a lot of people working so hard to change their subconscious minds. But memory can not be changed, you can just disconnect from that memory and connect with another memory… maybe with the memory when you have gone back in time and changed your own memory. But this is not true, this is just you creating another story for yourself, another memory. The old memory is well long behind you already stored in space. Yes, this is one way to do it, to take the old hurting memory, keep it close to you but rewire it into a more empowering story. But the hurting memory will still be close to you, hurting you.
There is another way, a new way. Disconnect from the old hurting memory and live in the present. Be grateful for what happens today, for the memories you are creating today. Connect with positivity all around the world, connect with lighter and shorter ways of doing things.
5. Release Lack of Time and Regain Freedom
If time is memory, you can release time by releasing memories. Once a month I do a reflection which can be considered meditation but it’s more like a connection with the empty space. I call it the release-connect technique. I release memories, good or bad and I connect with empty space. In this way, I diminish my attachment to various memories (good or bad) and make space for new memories to unfold. You can try it also. How do I do it?
I take some moments alone and start to picture that I am a locomotive carrying a lot of wagons behind me. Then I picture myself going in space where I can float. And the wagons slowly distance themselves from me floating away from me. They are not destroyed, they just safely float away from me with all the loads and burdens that they have. I trust that they are stored by the Universe somewhere and labeled properly. Then I just imagine myself a simple locomotive floating in space, being so light and free of everything. This is how I get my complete freedom.
See what Nassim Haremein, award-winning of the Einstein 2017 prize, has to say about the fact that time is an illusion and without memory, there is no time. The link will open a short video posted by Nassim on Facebook. Click here: without memory, there is no time.
About the Author

Elena is passionate about positive words and she is the person behind Positive Words Research. She also likes science discoveries related to spirituality and psychology.
Find her on her Facebook profile or PWR contact form.