Life can become hectic at times! Your tight schedule may not allow you some moments to attend church on Sundays. In fact, it may not cross your mind that your children require spiritual growth as well, which neither you nor their nanny can provide. Some parents teach their children about God and prayer at home, which is great. They read some scriptures to them and even teach some songs. That’s perfect, however, it’s not enough. In addition, you may not have the skills to impart spiritual knowledge into kids the same as Sunday school teachers. Moreover, you can’t teach them as the preachers do in church and expect them to learn quickly. In fact, they will start dreading any information about God at an early age. Therefore, consider taking your children in Sunday school.
More than learning about the scriptures, there are many other benefits your children can get from kids church. Besides, it’s great to take advantage of the opportunity religious organizations provide to parents of taking care of their kids’ spiritual growth. Below are a few benefits your children can get from attending Sunday school. You can as well get such information from assignment writing service in Australia. After reading you will have no doubt that Sunday School is the best choice for you and your child.
1. Learn About God
When your children attend kids’ Sunday school, they are taught their age-appropriate bible teachings that can easily be absorbed by their young minds. Their skilled tutors are able to craft the lessons to meet the understanding level as well as capture their interests. Most teachers integrate enjoyable activities in their lessons such as dances, skits and contests in poem narration to make learning fun. They are taught about the sovereignty of God. Therefore, don’t you get surprised to hear one of your young ones saying, “God will see u.” It only means that he recognizes God as his unseen protector. Or haven’t you heard them say, “let’s pray that God may give Dad some money to buy me chocolate.” It only means that they now realize God as their provider. Isn’t it one load off your shoulder? It actually, is. They will no longer blame you for not buying them Pizza, because probably God haven’t given you the money.
2. Find Mentors
Parenting is a challenging and tough activity especially when both of you (parents) spend most of your time at work. The few hours you spend with your kids is not enough to mentor them or even to understand their characters well. However, they can get some guidance and mentorship from their skilled instructors. The Church community believes in providing help to each other. Therefore, you can trust them with your little ones’ spiritual education and mentorship.
3. Make Friends
Nothing interests most children like meeting and making new friends. Sunday school is a place where little ones from different neighborhoods, communities and race meet. Kids don’t realize their differences and will mingle freely with each other. The instructors will encourage their relationship by teaching them that they are all children of God and that God requires them to love one another. They will look forward to the coming Sunday to meet their friends.
4. Form Good Habits
You may not be able to capture some of your children’s bad behavior and may learn about them when such habits are mature. Their instructors will easily point out bad behavior in kids and warn them, citing that they are sin before God. They have already learnt that God sees and hears everyone all the time. Your kids don’t want to be enemies with God; so they won’t do it ever again. They will adhere to good habits and shun the bad ones.

5. Have Fun
These skilled instructors know how best to make every moment of your young ones enjoyable. They will learn new songs and dance to their tune. Occasionally they will watch Christian films in their church especially about Jesus and his death on the cross or about Moses and the Ten Commandments, among others. They will learn even as they enjoy the cinemas. Sometimes they will form groups and compete in reciting bible verses or songs. In some Sundays, they will sing and recite poems to congregations and will be greatly appreciated and given praises. Did you know that your children hunger for appreciation and praise? Try praising and appreciating them and see that they will start behaving maturely. Perhaps you don’t have time for that. But there’s plenty of it in Sunday school for kids.
6. Enhancing Parents-child Relationship
Whether you’re so tired or not, your little ones will never cease telling you about their church teachers, friends, sing you new songs, poems and about the film they watched. They will also try to educate you about God and warn you if they see you doing anything against what God requires of everyone. Moreover, they will practice the good morals taught. Also, the instructors will teach them to be obedient to their parents as a command from God. Their obedience and love to you will attract a strong bond between you and your little ones. What’s more, they will grow with such behavior to old age.
Now you know why you shouldn’t take away all these benefits and spiritual growth from your children. You may provide everything possible to your children but what they get from church is beyond your ability.
Positive Words Research – Sunday School As A Spiritual Teacher For Your Children