Key Ways that Positive Affirmations Change Lives for the Better – Applied Positive Psychology
The way in which you think about yourself greatly influences how you live your own life. If you have constantly put yourself down, you negatively impact your own self-esteem and the way that you engage with others.
Alternatively, when you adopt positive thinking about who you are as a person, you pave the way for a new future and a new way of interacting with others. When you are serious about improving the way you live, act, and believe, you should learn the five key ways that positive affirmations can manifest themselves in your everyday life.
Applied Positive Psychology
Here are the 5 ways positive affirmations manifest in life – applied positive psychology:
1. Confidence
Positive affirmations help give you new confidence about yourself and your life. When you believe that you are a good person and worthy of respect and love, you feel more confident about not only yourself but also about the impact that you make every day.
You may be more upbeat when speaking to others and exhibit more genuine emotions toward friends, family members, and even strangers. You also may seek out interactions instead of hiding from them entirely. This newfound confidence may even allow you to make new friends or perhaps establish more meaningful and productive romantic relationships.
2. Better Decision Making
When you positively affirm what you believe about yourself and your everyday life, you will begin making better decisions. When you thought negatively, you may have had little regard for your own happiness and well-being.
However, when you welcome and accept positive affirmations, you may take the time to think things through and make choices that are in your own best interests. You may see the wisdom in advocating for yourself and what is best for your future. You also may do so without second guessing yourself or feeling guilty about putting yourself first for once.
3. New Friendships
Positive affirmations also manifest themselves in the forging of new friendships. When you think of yourself in a positive light, you realize that you are worthy of friends who have the highest level of affection and respect for you. You want to be around people who will treat you well and reaffirm the belief that you are a good and worthy person.
Forging new friendships can be vital to changing the manner in which you live your life. By getting rid of bad influences, you pave the way for making your own future better and avoiding thought processes that contributed to self-loathing and negative behavior in the past. Your new friends will become more valuable and positive assets to you and your life going forward.
4. Re-evaluation of Family Ties
The old adage says that you can pick your friends but not your family. In reality, you do have some power over to what degree you associate with family members who may be a bad influence on you.
If you have relatives that put you down or take advantage of you, it is not out of the question to reevaluate how much time you want to spend with them. The positive affirmations that you adopt for your life give you the power and the confidence to rethink those relationships and adjust them accordingly.
5. Mentoring Opportunities
Finally, positive affirmations can manifest themselves in your life by giving you the opportunity to become a mentor to someone else. Overcoming your own self-loathing, doubt, and negativity gives you the experience you need to understand where others in your former position are coming from and in what direction they need to go to change their own lives.
As with many people in your situation who have forged new paths for the future, you have valuable insight that even the most skilled and highly trained therapist or counselor does not possess. Who better to mentor someone down on his or her luck than you?
Seeing the positive impact you make on someone’s life likewise can be a manifestation of positive affirmations in your own. As you rebuild your own future, you should welcome the chance to pay forward what you have learned about why positive affirmations are vital to your everyday life.
Your point of view plays a key role in the way you act, believe, and live. Develop a routine that incorporates positive affirmations and you will begin to see these five benefits manifest themselves in your life.

About the Author

Adam has worked with various mental health and addictive substances and alcohol treatment centers in the Los Angeles area as both a Recovery Empowerment Coach and Management Consultant. Adam is a regular practitioner of yoga, fitness and a vast array of spiritual practices. Adam’s current role is Chief Strategy Officer for Vantage Point Recovery.
Positive Words Research – Applied Positive Psychology 5 Ways Positive Affirmations Manifest In Life