2017 is just around the corner, and who doesn’t want to get rid of that last piece of flab hanging near the belly just in time for the count down? Losing weight might not be easy, but there are things you can do to bring the onset of rapid fat loss just in time for the holidays, and without a lot of effort.
What most people need to understand is the fact that depriving our bodies of all the nutrition that it so obviously needs might not be the right way to reach the ‘ideal size’. And all of what you are trying to accomplish does not come with massive leaps towards weight loss, in fact, it’s actually the opposite. The only thing to remember is that baby steps can get you a lot closer to your ideal weight than anything else.
With that thought, learn about these simple ways to reach your weight goals so that your fancy old jeans can fit you just right, and just in time for the New Year.
1. A Pen is Mightier than a Sword
You know how we end up munching mindlessly till we realize that we’ve ruined all the work that was put into that tedious, gut-wrenching diet? Yeah, that’s the feeling. Writing down the amount and frequency of your portions can help you get the reality-check you so direly need. Keeping a food journal that tracks all the items you consume in a day can help you stay on track. Things like ‘I ate just 30 minutes ago’ can really help you realize whether you’re actually hungry, or just giving in to the cravings.
2. Skip, Jump, and Trot through the Commercials
Who doesn’t have a favorite TV show these days, and the best way to utilize all that sitting-around time during the commercial breaks is with a few lunges, or maybe even some skips. Anything that can get you to work up a little sweat as you wait for the mother of dragons to show up can amount to huge progress in the end. If you are going to have a 2 hour TV night in, might as well make it a productive one.
3. Limit Your Cravings for Fat
List down all your favorite high-fat and high-calorie foods and start planning a downshift. No kidding. Everyone likes candy, ice cream, potato chips, fries and cookies, but that doesn’t mean you have to survive on all of that. Try some healthy alternatives like sautéed vegetables or fresh fruits.
4. Add Tongkat Ali to Your Fitness Regime
It’s amazing what nature can do for rapid fat loss, but it’s sad that most of us barely ever find out about how we can use natural ingredients to accelerate the weight loss process. Malaysian Ginseng, or Tongkat Ali is a therapeutic herb which is often used to boost male testosterone levels, or as an aphrodisiac. The herb’s ability to act as herbal medicine is limitless, since it helps normalize the hormonal levels of the body, and keeps all your bodily functions in check. The result? A boosted metabolism that is more immune to weight gain, and a few extra pounds off the scale.
5. Add 5 Minutes to Your Daily Walk
You must indulge in some kind of strenuous physical activity for at least 30 minutes each day, but why stop there? Each time you are on your daily walk, resolute to contribute 5 extra minutes. This will help you burn 120 extra calories, and how can that ever be a bad thing?
6. Climb a Few More Flights
Stair climbing can do miracles for your weight loss, and a few extra flights of stairs can help you increase your stamina and decrease your waistline in no time. Climbing is a very effective way to target all the areas where fat generally accumulates, which makes it the easiest way to lose all that extra fat before the holidays.
7. Avoid Eating Out
The best way to cut down on calories and save thousands of dollars a year is to brown-bag it. Make your own lunches for work and try to eat in rather than giving in to the urge. Yes, that steak might look delicious now but once it is consumed and accumulated around your thighs, it isn’t so pretty anymore.
8. Don’t Juice ‘Em, Drink ‘Em!
Try skipping the juice and eat the whole fruit to get all that heart friendly fiber your system is craving for. Chewing food helps generate more saliva, which prepares your gut for digestion, while juices can be less filling, less satisfying, and can make you crave more. Try eating the apple instead of drinking it.
9. Support Goes a Long Way
Not one to exercise alone? No problem. Have a buddy to take along when you exercise. This can help you get the motivation you need to stay on track with your fitness regime, so get your friends involved and work out together.
10. Coffee, sure, but NO MILK & Sugar!
A regular cup of coffee carries a lot of calories, while on the contrary; black coffee can help you accelerate the fat-burning process. Ditch the sugar too, and turn the first drink of the day into a healthy one. Coffee with milk and sugar carries as many calories as a small dessert, while black coffee actually helps burn the extra calories your body is holding on to. Green tea aids weight loss and offers some great health benefits.
With only a few simple tricks, that dream of a perfect body can turn into a reality. So don’t think too much before starting off on the right track to get in shape for the New Year.
Positive Words Research – 10 Simple Ways for Rapid Fat Loss for the New Year