How Negative Thinking Interferes with Your Chance of Success and Wealth
Imagine you just got promoted and you start immediately.
Did your gut clench?
Do you know what caused it?
Write down that thought. Go ahead, I’ll wait.
Did it start with, “I can’t”? or “I don’t”?
This is what is going to try and sabotage you and your success. It comes from your ego. Because your ego is the part of you that remembers all the negative things you were told or taught and it doesn’t hesitate to remind you.
The Disadvantages of Negative Thinking
Thinking negative thoughts is the killer of ambition and motivation. It’s like wearing cement boots. Both hold you down.
But, what causes negative thinking?
Repetition of something you were taught or told that cycled itself through your brain so many times and for a long period of time that it became a belief. A lie, but still a belief.
And now those negative thoughts-turned-beliefs have manifested consequences.
The single phrase, “I can’t afford it,” has given you many struggles. Think about it.
Now, if you turn that into, “I can afford it,” don’t you automatically feel the wheels of possibility turning and the excitement growing in your belly?
Here is what is really happening
How we perceive things dictates our actions and we all know actions create results. So, it’s safe to say, the way we think and view ourselves impacts our lives.
Negative thoughts = negative results.
Positive thoughts and perceptions = positive results.
Thinking positive leads to the realm of possibilities, whereas thinking negatively generates doubt and launches you into success sabotage.
With a positive mindset, you go from worrying about your lack of skills to figuring out ways to develop those skills. You go from wondering how you will make the connections you need, to going out and getting the connections you need. You don’t doubt. You go do.
The realm of possibilities (wealth and success), remember.
Not the realm of doubt and distortions.
By the Way, What Are Cognitive Distortions?
Cognitive distortions are when negative thinking patterns cause negative emotions like depression and anxiety. There is proof that negative thoughts can make you sick. Heck, we even have a cliche for it. When was the last time you were “worried sick”?
Do you jump to conclusions? Always think it’s about you? Cast out labels? Overgeneralize? Constantly say he/she should or must? Have clear-cut black and white thinking? Focus on what’s not working more than what is working? These are cognitive distortions.
You’re not alone, that’s for sure. And you can do something about it.
How to Engage In Positive Thinking
Switch over to seeing all your good in your life. Why it works: recognizing and focusing on the good builds confidence.
Find the silver lining lesson in your failures. Why it works: There is growth value in failure.
Stay in the present. Why it works: this creates uninterrupted focus.
Find humor in bad situations. Why it works: Truthful cliche here, because laughter is the best medicine.
Hang out with people who have a positive mindset. Why it works: you become the average of the 5 people you interact with the most.
How to do Positive Self-Talk
Affirmations are phrases that empower you.
Affirm your new desires in the present tense beginning with “I am”…
Here are a few great affirmations:
“I am wealthy”–because you are.
“I am worthy”–because you are.
“I am a success”–because you are.
You truly are a gift to this world. Success and wealth are meant to be yours. These are some positive quotes about money that will help your mindset as well.
Repetition is key.
You are the way you are because you were taught repetitively over a long period of time.
Just copy that same process of repetition when you’re engaging in positive self-talk.
To have success, you need to release yourself from the realm of doubt and into the realm of possibilities.
Remember at the beginning of this article I asked what your thoughts would be if where you stood right now, you were promoted?
Think again about that from the realm of possibilities. Oh, the things you could do and have and learn and teach.
Ambition and motivation came alive inside you, didn’t they?
That’s the power of positive thinking.
If you’d like to learn more, the Wealth Creation Mastermind offers a free 9-month course on how to master your mental landscape and engage in positive thinking and positive action.
Positive Words Research – How Negative Thinking Interferes With Your Chance Of Success And Wealth