10 Things to Write In Your Journal to Pursue Success Now

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.~ Robert Collier

What makes a successful person? This is the question everyone may answer differently based on own principles and own system of values. But generally, we imply achievement of goals, accomplishment, recognition and social status, financial prosperity etc.

All of these aspects are the result of hard work, persistent self-development and investment into advancing own knowledge and accumulating experience.

To make this investment pay dividends you should track your own ups and downs, draw conclusions and map out your goals and growth plan along the way. Keeping a journal is a good way to help you do that.

So, let’s go through 10 things you should put in your journal to pursue success.

1.     Your Successful Self-Image

To become successful you should try and see the picture of successful you in real time, right now. What do you look like? Which are the qualities do you possess? What is the occupation that makes you successful? What kind of people make your social network?

Make this page first in your journal. Expand on the vision of yourself in written. This will help you remember what person you would like to be. By rereading this description, you make your brain believe you really are this person. So, make the best of it!

2.     Your Goals and Best Ways to Achieve Them.

It isn’t easier to know where you are headed or what you want to achieve without goals. If you want to succeed, ensure you’ve set your goal and have a plan on how you’ll carry it out. You can plan a goal that you want to achieve in short-term as well as long-term.

3.      Self-Development and Extra Learning

Success doesn’t come easy. It requires you to invest in self-development programs as well as extra learning. Whether you are planning to attend online classes, a professional workshop or anything that will help you become successful, ensure that you include them in your journal.

4.     Your Great Ideas and Thoughts

We easily forget things because human mind was never created to remember everything. Keeping them in your journal might do you some good. Whether it is just a thought or an idea you think is great, document it in your journal.

“Quite often great ideas invade my mind. Unfortunately, they are never meant to last,” says Jill Evans, a professional writer at Superior Papers. “This made me feel regret because I didn’t use to make notes until I introduced journaling into my writing life.”

5.      Your Must-Read List

From time to time you may come across some insightful and worthwhile articles, books, professional materials you should read to contribute to your success and to enhance your knowledge. Make the reading from your list regular and add new valuable stuff as the list is getting reduced.

6.     Your Successful and Positive Experiences

Successes and positive experiences are celebrated once and forgotten. It doesn’t matter how small or big it is, remembering it when you feel less motivated will get you back to your feet. So, do not forget to document them.

7.     Your Failures and How You Could Have Resolved Them

When trying to succeed, failure is always waiting for that moment when you slip and fall. But don’t give up as soon as you fail. Never forget that failures are meant to build you. Remembering them when you can finally achieve something is one way to celebrate your past. So, write them down and include some of the ways you could have resolved them.

8.      People around You and Their Qualities You Would Like To Learn

Success is much easier if you have role models around you. You need to take advantage of their presence to learn a few more good things. You can include in your journal the traits, abilities or behaviors that make them your perfect role models. Contrary to that, you may add your personal drawbacks and negative habits to see clearly what you need to get rid of.

9.      Inspirational Quotes and Sayings of Successful People to Write in your Journal

Motivation will help you achieve the impossible and nothing does this well than inspirational quotes or phrases from successful people. So, whatever inspiring quote or saying you get either from the internet, or you hear from a person, add it to your journal and reread whenever you feel discouraged.

10.     Questions Which Require Additional Information

When you are trying to learn something, questions, just like ideas will invade your mind. Unfortunately, getting answers is never a guarantee, but not when it can wait. So, remember to document the questions you have to make it easier for you to find the answers later.

Your thoughts, the role models you have around you, the environment you live in and resources you can access, offer you a lot to learn from. Take advantage of what you hear, see or smell, add them to your journal for reference, learning and most importantly, finding a solution. Ensure that you write your journal regularly so that you don’t miss the important things.

Are you keeping a journal? Let us know what your list contains and share your ideas.

 Author’s Bio

Rachel Bartee is a freelance writer who finds her passion in expressing own thoughts as a blogger. She is constantly looking for the ways to improve her skills and expertise. Get in touch with her on @rachel5bartee.

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