4 Most Beautiful Words In English Language To Be Inspired

I found this post on twitter today: 4 Most beautiful words in English language pic.twitter.com/b51FUiiPhd — Words (@selfamused) April 12, 2016 The 4 most beautiful words in English language from this tweet are: AURORA (n.) down. INEFFABLE (adj.) too great to be expressed in words. ETHEREAL (adj.) extremely delicate, light, Read more…

Positive Words Can Change Your Brain And Restructure It

The words you choose to use can literally transform your brain because positive words can change your brain. While researching about positive words this article came up: “Speak with kindness: How your words literally restructure your brain“. From this article you can understand the followings: Dr. Andrew Newberg, a neuroscientist at Read more…

Dalai Lama is the Best of the Best: Latest Inspiring Quotes

Explore the latest and most inspiring quotes from the Dalai Lama, a beacon of peace and wisdom. Discover profound insights and uplifting messages from one of the world’s most revered spiritual leaders, reflecting his timeless teachings on compassion, mindfulness, and happiness. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama is the best of Read more…

Remembering Dr. Wayne Dyer: A Tribute through His Most Inspirational Quotes

Honor the legacy of Dr. Wayne Dyer by exploring a curated collection of his most inspiring quotes. Discover timeless wisdom and powerful insights from one of the most influential motivational speakers and authors of our time. Wayne Dyer passed away on August 30th.  He was called the “father of motivation” by Read more…

Top 50 Positive Websites: Boost Your Well-Being for a Happier Life

Explore the top 50 positive websites dedicated to enhancing your well-being and cultivating a happier life. Discover valuable resources, insights, and inspiration for a more fulfilling journey. Find below a list of the top 50 positive websites to benefit your well-being, happiness, optimism, positive thinking and to decrease negativity. Every Read more…