Category Archives: Emotional Intelligence

Master your emotions with positive insights into the world of emotional intelligence. Unlock a happier, more fulfilling life today.

10 Positive Words To Cheer Up Mom After A Hard Day

Mom is a very important person in your life, and that is why it is so difficult to see her upset. If you’re thinking about the ways to make your mom smile, there are a few simple things you can always do. Sometimes all that is needed is to talk to mom, show her your involvement in some other way, or help her with household chores, and then she will start smiling again. A positive mom word always makes her heart beat faster. Let’s think about what words will touch the soul of your mother. Start to cheer up your mom today.


For every mother, it is important to be beautiful in the eyes of her child. Maternal beauty is a role model for a daughter and a prototype for a future wife for a son. Tell your mom she is beautiful even if she just put on her dressing gown and washed off her makeup after work. After all, the real beauty is inside.


Only the dearest person in the world can always help, hug, comfort, give practical advice, and this is your mother! What would you do without her tips and advice? Only her instinct is so developed that she understands who is sincere to you and who is faking it. Therefore, always tell your mom how smart she is.


She will forgive you all the insults, support you in the most difficult hour, and will smile when she even feels bad, so appreciate it. Always pay back with mutual concern. And after her hard day at work, make your mom some delicious tea or even dinner. If you’re not sure what exactly you can do to help your mom and make her feel better, just ask her. Most likely, she will appreciate your participation and invite you to do something that will help her.


Only kind words for your kind mother. Her hands are like rays of the sun, they can warm you to the core. Thank her for that at every opportunity. Kindness will save the world. Only she can warm your heart, covered with ice from cruelty and deception, betrayal, and loneliness.


Being a real mother is not a duty, it is a vocation that is within her reach. But at the same time, she always remains tender and caring to you, right? Tell her that you feel her tenderness every moment and are ready to melt from this feeling.


Someone loves mom twice, three times, and you love your mother billions of times more than others! After all, no one has a mother like yours. Love her all the pros and cons, all of her. Tell her that you have a unique and beloved mother.

Worth to Be My Example

Of course, ten words are too little to express all the filings children (and adults) have for their mothers. The List of Beautiful Words will help you surprise your mother every day with original, kind words. Saying that you simply love her is not enough… So, you may say to her that she is your example worth following and repeating after. It will be one more way to show that you love her, appreciate, respect, adore, acknowledge, praise, and most importantly, that you know – she is the best mother in the world!

Cheer Up Mom


Her eyes are like stars for you at night, her smile is like the sun for you during the day, she is your mother and that says it all. Who else can always tell you the truth and always be honest with you if not your mother? Sincere love is a gift she gave to you.


Your mom is one of the most important persons in your life. Even if you live a significant distance from each other, take the time to write a compliment message. It won’t take you long, and mom will be incredibly pleased. And if you have problems with originality, then you can turn to Online Writers Rating custom writing reviews website and they will pick up the most extraordinary and warm words for your mother in one letter.


Giving you life has been a challenge for your mom. Giving you a decent life was even more difficult. Do not take for granted everything that your mom does for you, but rather note her determination, resourcefulness, and perseverance. Indeed, at that moment when we start to share our life with our children, we do most of the things for them.


The best compliments are those that are spontaneous, but still genuine. It’s even mot so important whether they are made in prose or poetry, with a reason or without it – the main thing is that inspiring mom quotes come from a pure heart. While telling her the compliments we’ve listed here,  always look straight in her eyes – this is how they are perceived best.

About the Author: Frank Hamilton has been working as an editor at essay review service Best Writers Online. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.

Keep Calm and Learn Positive Words – Get Inspired Today

Positive words are like doors. When you open them, one by one the doors lead you to greater wisdom, to more opportunities. Positive words need to be studied, not just known and pronounced. We need to learn positive words. We need to know how to use these beautiful words in sentences and questions.

But we must also understand the patterns that represent the positive emotion represented by a word. The more children, from an early age, learn positive words and emotions, the better. Kids must be taught how to distinguish positive patterns, both in the people around them and in themselves. Please find below a list of techniquest that will support you or your kids learning positive words:

How to Keep Calm and Learn Positive Words

1. List of Positive Words

Using a list of positive words is an useful tool to memorise positive words. One of the techniques would be to visually scan a list and the words that seem unknown to you to circle. After circling the words you can look them up in the dictionary to read their definition.

2. Enchanted Cloud

Draw the pattern of a cloud on a piece of paper or print the outline of a cloud taken from the internet. Write several positive words on a piece of paper, being careful to leave space between the words. Cut out the words from the sheet and stick them on the cloud using glue. Then hang the cloud in your room. This exercise can be done with both nouns (positive powers) and adjectives (positive character traits).

3. In Which House Do You Live

Just like the exercise above, draw a house on A4 paper. Or print a paper with the outline of a house. Then write some positive words on another sheet, being careful to leave space between the words. As you write the words, think about what positive emotions you have or would like to have in your home, that is, in your family. Cut out and then glue the beautiful words on the house. Hang the house in your room.

4. Give a Flower

Draw a flower with longer petals on a piece of paper or cardboard. Write some positive adjectives or nouns on another sheet. Cut and glue the kind words on the flower. Color the flower and gift that flower to a friend.

5. Jar with Superpowers

Get a transparent jar. Write some positive nouns on a piece of paper. Cut out the nice words from the paper individually. Roll each word and put it in the jar. Write Jar with Superpowers on the jar. Every day randomly draws a superpower from the jar. It’s your superpower from that day. Invite a friend to extract a superpower from the jar.

6. Name Acronym

Play name acronym with positive words. How to play? Think of a positive word that begins with the first letter of your name. You can also play with other friends. Think of a positive word that starts with the first letter of your friend name and say that word. When playing name acronym game in a group it comes out really nice. Because a child gets to hear from other children the beautiful words that start with the first letter of his name.

7. Drawing Positive Events

Think of a positive word and then draw on a piece of paper a moment in your life when you felt that way. In what context did it happen? This way you train yourself to identify positive emotions. This technique is very useful in coaching to anchor the person in positive events.


All these exercises are meant to enrich your vocabulary with positive words. Another benefit is that these techniques will help you identify positive emotions in yourself and those around you. Your emotional intelligence will increase. You will also improve the communication with those around you and with yourself because you will get to know yourself better. Do you know other techniques by which positive words can be learned? Share below and inspire the people that visit this article.

Positive Words Research – Keep Calm and Learn Positive Words

Learn Positive Words

Best 400 Good Adjectives That Start With A to Z Letters

Positive Words Research has compiled a resource with good adjectives that start with A to Z. This list has many positive character traits to inspire yourself for your project. This list of motivational character traits can be used when you need complimentary adjectives to describe people.

Good adjectives that start with A letter


Good adjectives that start with B letter


Good adjectives that start with C letter


Good adjectives that start with D letter


Good adjectives that start with E letter


Good adjectives that start with F letter


Good adjectives that start with G letter


Good adjectives that start with H letter


Good adjectives that start with I letter


Good adjectives that start with J letter


Good adjectives that start with K letter


Good adjectives that start with L letter


Good adjectives that start with M letter


Good adjectives that start with N letter


Good adjectives that start with O letter


Good adjectives that start with P letter


Good adjectives that start with Q letter


Good adjectives that start with R letter


Good adjectives that start with S letter


Good adjectives that start with T letter


Good adjectives that start with U letter


Good adjectives that start with V letter


Good adjectives that start with W letter


Good adjectives that start with X letter


Good adjectives that start with Y letter


Good adjectives that start with Z letter


Use this list of positive adjectives that start with A to Z for your projects that need positive adjectives to describe someone, motivational characters traits, empowering adjectives to describe someone, adjectives to describe a person, adjectives for people, empowering adjectives.

The above kind adjectives list contain many complimentary adjectives, inspiring adjectives, empowering adjectives, motivational adjectives.

These positive feelings and emotions can be used for many projects such as: projects that involve the power of positive thinking, writing letters to people you love, writing a letter for your mother, word rocks projects, sentiment analysis resources, improving the text of articles and books, establishing the values of a company, choosing the right name for your website or business.

Share these adjectives that start with A-Z to describe a person with a friend and inspire him for his project.

Positive Adjectives

How To Transform Negative Thoughts With Mindful Thinking

Negative thoughts can have a devastating impact on all aspects of your life. Recognizing these thoughts is one way to change your relationship toward them. Transform negative thoughts with mindful thinking. Taking mindful steps can help you create some space between your thoughts and reactions. Cultivating mindfulness can help you identify and deal with negative thoughts, which leave you in self-doubt and shame, and embrace all that is good at the moment. At the core of each of us is a space that knows pure peace. But as negative thoughts seep in, we tend to be drawn away from it, and this results in trauma and stress. Here are a few ways in which negative thoughts impact our lives:

Anxiousness and Worry

Negative thinking can make you anxious about things that could or could not happen. You end up thinking nothing good can ever happen to you. Whether it is your health, a relationship, or even your career, you start worrying about things going downhill, and your performance starts deteriorating.

Stress and Lost Focus

All the anxiousness can only lead to stress. You start losing focus and build up a negative scenario in your head. And even though nothing has happened, you assume that everything is ruined.

Criticism and Self-Loathing

One clear pattern of negative thoughts is the need to criticize yourself and those around you constantly. You start becoming too harsh on yourself and focus on your weaknesses. All of this leads to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence.

Regret and Guilt

Finally, it builds regret and guilt based on the mistakes you made in the past. While there is nothing negative about reflecting on past experiences, you shouldn’t dwell on a situation with no intention to learn and move on. It leads to feelings of guilt and worthlessness due to wrong choices you feel you might have made.

The Role Of Mindful Thinking

Mindfulness is about being self-aware and present at the moment. It helps you think more deeply and more objectively. It lowers your stress levels and enhances your mood. In a way, mindful thinking stabilizes your emotional intelligence, making you calm amidst all the noise. The key impact of mindfulness is that it exerts a positive influence on the thinker and helps the person get a better insight into his/her life. Here’s how you can break your habitual negative responses with mindfulness.

  • Monitor Your Thoughts

To be free of negativity, you must become more aware of your thoughts. You can do this by paying more attention to what is going on inside your head at any given time.  Identify thought patterns that lead to negative thinking. This can help enhance your degree of awareness. Becoming mindful will help you take control of your thoughts and emotions, and not the other way around. Catch the negative thoughts as they arise, before they gain too much momentum.

  • Be Present In The Moment

Negative thoughts come mostly from dwelling in the past or worrying about the future. You can avoid this issue by being mindfully present in the moment. Avoid negative thoughts and direct your attention to all positive things. Discard any thoughts that don’t have anything to do with the situation you are currently in. Relax and release the thoughts of what happened and what could happen, and think about what is currently happening.

  • Constructive Thoughts

Spend your time in constructive thoughts. You need to decide if you want to dwell on thoughts that lead nowhere or those that can make your day more productive. Allow yourself to experience every moment fully and think about something constructive. Use your past experiences to learn and make decisions instead of dwelling on them.  Constructive thinking lets you be happy even when things are not going too well. It helps you put the problem in perspective and lets you deal with them practically.

When you are more mindful, you become less affected by negativity. Practice mindful thinking, and you will see how you transform those negative thoughts into positive ones. And, eventually, you will get into the habit of looking at every moment with a positive mindset.

Author ~ Nisha BaghadiaNisha Baghadia

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – How To Transform Negative Thoughts With Mindful Thinking

Learn Guitar to Enhance Creativity: Key Benefits To Explore

Michelle Branch, an American Musician said: “When I’m having a bad day, I pick up my guitar”. A guitar is one of the most expressive and musically diverse instruments in the world. Learning to play this musical instrument is about so much more as compared to trying to imitate our heroes. There are countless benefits of learning how to play guitar that can help any individual to become a better person.

Will learning guitar bring profound benefits?

People say that the brain of a guitar player works differently as compared to the brain of other people, who do not play this instrument. Some people see this as a clever sign to the eccentric mastermind of some of the masters. On the flip side, there is certain physiological evidence as well. The art of learning to play the chords and reading musical sheets open up fresh neural pathways for guitar players. To be more specific, guitarists do a rewiring of their brain in a positive manner, which, in turn, leads to varied cognitive benefits.

Learn distinctive areas of benefits:

In fact, playing guitar will bring a whole lot of benefits under the following categories:

  • Physical health benefits
  • Mental Health benefits
  • Professional development
  • Personal development
  • Social development

Let us explore the benefits under these 5 broad categories here:

Physical health benefits:

Of course, playing guitar will help with improving one’s creativity. In addition, it can bring the following physical health benefits as well:

  • Relieves pain
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Triggers weight loss
  • Strengthens wrists and hands

Mental health benefits:

There is a wide range of cognitive benefits like motor skills, intelligence, and improving focus. Besides bringing cognitive benefits, when you learn to play guitar, you can get the following mental and emotional health benefits:

  • Play guitar for stress relief
  • To escape from anxiety, guitar playing is a good thing
  • You can ensure that you will experience an improvement in your creative skills when you learn to play this instrument
  • You can experience an improvement in your hopes

Professional development:

When you learn guitar, you will get professional development as well apart from personal development in your life. Yes, you will gain a can-do attitude even when challenging projects are handed over to you at your work. When you master a hard section of a favorite song over a weekend, handling those huge workloads at your office is not going to be a tough thing for you anymore. Here are the professional development benefits you can expect from practicing guitar:

  • You will experience an improvement in your time management skill
  • You might be surprised to know that guitar playing will help you with improving your English and math skills. You might feel how guitar playing will improve mathematical skills. But, it is the fact that music theory is built based on mathematical calculations with varied chords and scales.

Personal development:

If you are a man or a boy, there are most reasons to pick up a guitar as against scoring with girls. Remember that when you have the right intention and passion for playing this instrument, you will reach new heights in your life. Learning to play guitar, will bring the following personal development benefits:

  • You will experience an improvement in your memory and concentration
  • You will also experience an improvement in your coordination and the ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time.
  • You will be able to achieve new goals as against financial goals alone.

Social development:

The guitar is an instrument that can bring people together as a group and can connect with each other through music. As far as social development is concerned, you can get the following benefits when you learn to play this instrument:

  • Playing guitar in a room full of your friends will help with raising the mood, thereby helping you to socialize with people.
  • You can bring in new people into your world when you play this instrument

So, for these reasons, learning guitar can be a beneficial pastime activity that you can choose to learn from an experienced home tutor right at your home.

Author ~ Akshay Patni

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


6 Invaluable Tips You Will Need To Stay Positive in a Crisis

A crisis can rear its ugly head at any point in life, especially when you feel the least prepared for it. Panicking only makes the situation worse, while anxiety and stress can eventually result in a major nervous breakdown. This kind of reaction not only worsens the problem but affects your health as well.

The more you struggle to achieve your dreams, the more you are likely to emerge from a crisis. Read stories of successful people and you’ll be surprised by the level of crisis they face in their life and yet they managed to achieve their goals. Why? Because they were able to stay calm and resilient during the difficult phase of their lives.

However, not every person has the nerves of steel. Luckily, there are ways you can stay strong when the chips are down. Some of them are as follows:

1. Don’t React At Once

If the situation is not immediately threatening, take a deep breath and stop for a minute. Assess the situation, and gauge whether it really matters so much in the long run. Look at the bigger picture, instead of narrowing down your viewpoint to how the crisis affects you.

All this would serve to help you make less emotional decisions and hence better ones. For example, has an employee messed up an order? Instead of lashing out at them and possibly firing an otherwise efficient worker in the heat of the moment, you may want to take a few moments and see if the loss is really that great. More often than not, clients are understanding and can be appeased by a few additional benefits that cost your company next to nothing.

2. Look At The Bigger Picture

When something goes amiss, it’s always easy to think ‘Why me?’ Additionally, it’s also extremely easy to find someone to blame, especially if you have some subordinates working for you. However, negative thoughts are the worst ones you can have in a crisis, both in terms of practicality and your own health.

Positive thinking, no matter what, can reinforce proper handling of the situation. An upbeat attitude is not a weak one; rather, it is the strongest that can be adopted when faced with difficulties. Both your workforce and your customers would appreciate a professional and positive response to an ugly set of circumstances.

Has your social media been hacked by a vicious troll? Instead of blaming employees for allowing this to happen (which may or may not have been in their control), the situation might be salvaged quickly. Who knows, maybe this little tidbit of news might prompt online news and gossip sites to write about your company! After all, there’s no such thing as bad publicity, right?

3. Take Out Some “ME” Time

Your body and mind have a right to your time and effort just as much as your family and workplace. Personal health, especially, is one of your most valuable assets. The healthier you are in your body, the better you would be able to mentally and physically deal with any and all problems that may arise.

Go for a walk every day, inhale the morning air, and be sure to make a good night’s sleep a priority. A balanced diet, with energy-boosting ingredients like dates and flax seeds thrown in, along with a healthy exercise regime, and you are guaranteed to wake up each day feeling like you can conquer the world!

Take care of yourself, and self-control, willpower, memory and emotional intelligence are sure to follow. All these would help greatly in keeping your head when things go awry.

4. Stay Away From Caffeine And Alcohol

It can be tempting to chug coffee or even an alcoholic drink when you’re stressed. These indulgences may give you a quick energy fix or calm you down but are extremely unhealthy habits. At some point, caffeine is going to make you crash, which would lead to irritability and low productivity. Alcohol has an addictive factor that can cause havoc with your mental health and affect your whole future.

Not to mention, these two habits are also extremely unhealthy if taken regularly and frequently, while they may seem beneficial at the time. So say no to energy drinks, coffee, tea, alcoholic drinks, and grab a bottle of chilled water instead. This will keep you hydrated and focused, not to mention healthier and happier in the long run!

5. Ask For Help

Even if it’s just to vent out your frustrations verbally, don’t be afraid to reach out to trusted friends or family in a tough situation. Sometimes, a third party view of your crisis can actually provide a lifesaving solution.

Even if no one can actually provide help, just the releasing of anxiety and stress would ground you a bit. Speaking the problem out loud can even make it seem smaller. When you take the stress away, many difficulties can actually seem much easier. In any case, reaching out to someone you love and trust would make you feel better and mentally relaxed.

6. Devise A Coping Mechanism

Have something to look forward to in case of any dire difficulties. Join an enjoyable exercise class, or take time out to go for a relaxing morning walk. When faced with problems, it can be easy to skip these therapeutic sessions, but this is the time when you are most in need of them.

Sticking to your soothing rituals can not only increase your power of endurance but will also keep you from falling into depression. When you have other things to focus on rather than a problematic workplace or social life, you will be less likely to feel that you’re going nowhere.

Final Thoughts…

As Victor Frankl, a famous psychiatrist said, “Man is not free from conditions”. However, we do have the freedom to take control of our conditions by preparing for any situation that may arise. We can make ourselves strong enough to face any situation.   Whether we choose to be overwhelmed by them or rise above them and be better because of the problems we face is our decision alone.

About the Author: Rayanne Dany is a budding content writer as well as a successful blogger. Her interests include time and stress management, on which she has held several webinars and podcasts. She can be reached through Google plus.

Positive Words Research – 6 Invaluable Tips You’ll Need To Stay Positive in a Crisis!

Tips Stay positive Crisis

Best 10 Simple Ways to Improve Cognitive Function Now

Have you ever met a person who was perceived as intelligent at school and later on didn’t excel in life? Have you also met someone who was perceived as stupid or ordinary in school but later on excelled in life and was then perceived as intelligent? That goes to show that intelligence is not a stagnant given. You can be born genetically smart and end up not so smart if you do not nurture this inborn capacity.

Cognition is the process wherein a person acquires knowledge and understanding through experience, sense, or thought. The situation previously mentioned tells how this process can be efficient at a given time and how cognition might slow down later in life. It is imperative for us that if we want to have a long life that equals its good quality, we must continually maintain and improve the way we think. This is also the reason why people from different areas and cultures have different learning abilities, retention, skills, dexterity, attention span, motor skills, language, and comprehension. The way we think differs because of several factors. No matter how incredible you think during your high school years or today, there will come a day when you will struggle a bit and find that your brain does not have the same efficiency. The good news to this problem and cultural difference is that wherever you are and no matter what culture you believe in, there are simple ways for you to improve the quality of your life by improving cognition.

1. Exercise to Improve Cognitive Function

Did you ever think the exercise was for the body and reading was for the mind? There is some truth in that but there is also a missing fact in that statement. We should acknowledge that the brain is part of the body and will benefit from exercise. When you exercise, you allow the body to distribute oxygen to the brain. Each of our cells needs oxygen to function and to defend itself from possible pathogens. In fact, cells with more oxygen are able to defend themselves from pathogens. This becomes possible with regular exercise. We don’t mean the extreme types of exercise. We understand this will sort of make you go crazy especially if you are not a fan of the exercise. Simple aerobics will do. Start stretching during day one. Most people make really huge goals with exercise.

Make your goals short-term and focused within the week or three days. And begin again when the three days end. Start with simple stretching, jogging, or cardio for 5 to 10 minutes. This is a forgiving routine so you have no excuse not to do it. 5 minutes is almost nothing but if you are able to do it for three days, you will feel reinforced to do it for a week, and if you are able to consistently do it at least for 5 minutes per day in a week, it gets easier. This tiny tweak can lead to big changes both in your body and in your mind.

2. Indulge in Fun Games

Whether it is board games, card games or puzzles, or even playing Candy Crush or Monopoly, games help you develop the part of your brain that focuses on strategy. Chess and checkers are also excellent games for it. Games help the brain rewire itself and literally learn something new. Puzzles help the brain learn new patterns, strategies, and tap that part of the brain that even teaches you about manipulation. The game Cry Wolf is an excellent example of a game that teaches you about manipulation. The word manipulation might sound like a negative word but if you think about it, most of the business world requires some sort of manipulative skills to get the best out of a negotiation. So if you are a little bored on the train or on the way home, have a game ready. It will boost the odds in your favor.

3. Ask

Asking is perhaps one of the last things you would consider when trying to develop your cognition. But let’s face it, when your boss gives you a task, most people do not ask for the specifics and even blindly let negotiations or things fall into their place without their full knowledge just because they didn’t ask. One of the main characteristics of an intelligent person is not only glibness and knowledge but curiosity and the extent to which he goes through to answer his curiosity. Children learn because of curiosity.

4. Take mind-enhancing food and supplements

Since your brain is a part of the body, in fact, one of the most vital parts of your body that must be healthy, it is imperative that you pay attention to its nutrition. Eat brain-boosting foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon and take fish oil in case salmon isn’t available. Taking Longjack or Maca Root can also help your brain adapt to stressful situations and function more efficiently since these foods help normalize neurotransmitters, helping you focus more and even have more energy to do so.

5. Learn a language

You’ve probably heard this before but there is a huge reason why learning a language does not only make you sound savvy and sophisticated, it actually makes you more intelligent. Speaking multiple languages helps improve your attention span, memory capabilities, decision-making, and helps the brain get used to multitasking, because why not? A language is a task to learn and being able to speak more than one language is a cerebral way of multitasking. So get that Langenscheidt off that bookstore and start reading it. Who knows? It might land you a job in the city of Paris or make your trip to Germany a fruitful one because you can speak their language.

6. Play an instrument

Have you ever had a crush on someone who played the guitar or violin really well? That someone could have been you if you knew how to play an instrument. Playing a song that you like in an instrument that you find interesting helps you release stress, regulate depression, and lower cortisol levels. Picking up a new skill such as playing a guitar, piano, or flute helps give you both the emotional and intellectual benefit of improving your memory skills and attention span. It also taps into your artistic side making both sides of the brain active.

7. Sleep to Improve Cognitive Function

It is a no-brainer that sleep is a vital thing that you need to do to simply let your brain recharge and ensure that it will continue to work well. That common knowledge isn’t enough for most people and they go on to keep themselves awake for unreasonable hours. Some people try to cheat sleep by taking stimulants that work for a while but damage the body in the long term. Forget the status quo that tells you to sleep less and work more. You can do that but if you want to make sure you have better health, a sound mind, and body, take this advice and get enough sleep. It will allow you to be more efficient at work and have less stress in dealing with people at work and in your family.

8. Meet people

When you were young, you were perhaps told that friendliness is a good thing. It still is. As long as you keep your good judgment in choosing friends and people and the places where you meet them, networking will always be a great way to learn from people and get new ideas. Be guarded but be inquisitive and consider people as gold mines. Of course, you must also have a sense of doubt but learn anyway, and if possible, learn from the role models that you want to become. If you find that there is a gathering of entrepreneurs or writers or a group of people whose careers of expertise are something that you find interesting, go ahead and meet people, make new friends, network. One of them could be a potential client or mentor. Choose them correctly and use your judgment well.

9. Get a pet

Having a pet nurtures the emotional part of our brain. Pets help us nurture our sense of caring and help reduce anxiety levels. Going outside to walk your pets also gives you the benefit of exercise that comes with jogging. Plus, it is known in psychology that people who bring pets with them are perceived to be more attractive than they really are because it makes them appear more nurturing and more attractive. So not only does it give your brain the satisfaction of emotional fulfillment, it actually gives you the benefit of looking more attractive.

10. Meditation and Laughter

Do you ever notice that one of the most prevailing qualities and activities of people who are incredibly happy is meditation and laughter? There is a saying that goes “Laughter is the best medicine.” You cannot go wrong with happiness. Scientifically, laughter stimulates endorphins that make your body feel good and even strengthen your immune system. Laughter, come to think of it, even stimulates blood circulation, which makes it good for the brain, apart from its ability to lower cortisol and stress. Mix it up with meditation, and you get the focus and mindfulness you need for whatever task you have. Try meditating for 5 minutes. The reason why we recommend 5 minutes instead of 30 minutes is because you can always do 30 minutes after you’ve transcended the 5 minute time frame. The key is consistency. So watch that funny movie or joke with friends and meditate for 5 minutes.

Cognition is a mental and sensory process. But if you improve your cognition, not only will you improve your mental process, you will also improve the quality of your life. These tips are not too hard to follow. If you notice, most of these are just times at 5 minutes. So apply these tweaks because these tiny changes can lead to great improvement.

Positive Words Research – 10 Simple Ways to Improve Cognitive Function

improve cognitive function

5 Ways to Escape Routine: Recharge Your Mental Batteries

These days, many people find that the daily stresses of life leave them feeling overwhelmed, irritated, and anxious. If this is the case for you, now is the time to tap into the power of finding ways to escape your daily routine and recharge your mental batteries.

While there are many strategies you could implement to accomplish this objective, you may find the following techniques uniquely effective:

1. Go Mountain Biking.


One great way to escape your regular routine and recharge your mental batteries is by mountain biking. This strategy is effective because it enables you to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Additionally, mountain biking empowers you to engage in a great form of physical activity which functions as a form of cardiovascular exercise. This benefit is incredibly important because we now live in a sedentary society where many people do not attain the daily recommended amount of physical activity. Failing to attain the right amount of exercise can make you susceptible to a wide range of unwanted diseases, some of which include depression, diabetes, and cancer.

If you’re looking for a great bike to use when you go on your mountain biking trip, you may want to consider an off-the-wall Genesis mountain bike I wholeheartedly recommend. Do not take the process of finding the right bike lightly. Some bikes come with a wide range of features which will ensure that you are comfortable during your bike ride.

2. Indoor Mountain Climbing.


Another great strategy you can implement to recharge yourself mentally is indoor mountain climbing. This approach is empowering because the physical activity will help release endorphins and chemicals in the body that promote feelings of calm and happiness. An added benefit of indoor mountain climbing is that it can help you get in shape. Another positive outcome that can result from indoor mountain climbing is increased upper body strength. The great changes that you attain through regular mountain climbing can help optimize your self-confidence in addition to fighting stress and generating mental rejuvenation.

3. Massage.


A third technique that you can implement to recharge your mental batteries is massage. While many people think massage is a luxury activity that you engage in when you go on vacation and visit a spa, you can actually engage in massages to relieve stress and promote mental clarity. Massages have several other wonderful health benefits, some of which include enhanced digestion, better circulation, and improved sleep quality.

When you start looking for the right massage therapist, make sure that you select an individual who has attained the proper licensing and certification. This step will ensure that you are attaining assistance from an individual who has the experience and education necessary to offer you the customized, cutting edge services you deserve. You can do internet research to learn more about a massage therapist’s background and whether they are qualified to assist you. Be sure to carefully read through a wide range of a massage firm’s online reviews so you can gain a general understanding of whether the company is viewed in a positive light.

4. Self-Hypnosis.


Self-hypnosis is likely not a stress relief strategy that you have considered. Yet while it may seem a bit out of the ordinary or entirely odd, self-hypnosis can be an incredibly effective way to recharge yourself mentally. As noted in Forbes, you can engage in a form of self-hypnosis that involves finding a quiet region in your living space and then repeating affirmations within yourself. While this might seem like pseudoscience, many people find that this technique helps them break negative thinking patterns that exacerbate stress levels.

Keep in mind that the positive thinking that transpires within the self-hypnosis process can have several other life-enhancing benefits. An example would be improved emotional intelligence and heightened self-awareness. As noted in “Positive Thinking Helped Me Secure a Great Job,” positive thinking can also empower you to evaluate negative emotions and gain a deeper understanding of why you feel the way you do.

5. Boxing.


One final strategy you can deploy to recharge yourself mentally is boxing. This technique is empowering because the pummeling motion of the physical activity coupled with the spread of lactic acid through your muscle tissue work to effectively combat anxiety. There are numerous strategies you can implement to start attaining the great benefits that result from boxing. One of them is purchasing a boxing DVD and practicing this form of activity in the privacy of your own home. You may also want to consider hiring a personal trainer to teach you boxing moves. This technique can be particularly empowering for a beginner who has little to no experience because you’ll be able to attain individual attention and constructive criticism from a knowledgeable professional.

Don’t Delay: Start Recharging Your Mental Batteries Today!

If you’re serious about leading a life marked by mental health, now is the time to implement the behavioral changes that will help you do so. You can implement some or all of the strategies listed above to break up the normalcy of your current routine so that you can optimize your cognitive well-being.

Written by Amanda Wilks: Amanda is an online contributor to several prestigious publications. For more similar articles and additional details, go on Twitter @AmandaWilks01.

recharge mental batteries

Best 5 Reasons Why Positive Brains Are Smarter Brains

You might have heard that positivity is crucial to enjoying a better life. It is by expecting things to turn well that we can be happy and enjoy our days. But, it is also believed that it is also a sign of intelligence, despite so many people thinking otherwise.

It seems that the ability to bet in a brighter future is more common among smart people. And it actually works as a continuous cause-and-effect cycle: the more positive you are, the smarter you get. The more intelligent you become, the more positive you are. And so on.

Of course, there are several exceptions to this rule, but let’s see why it is a common belief that these two traits go together.

1. Positive people see more outcomes and scenarios

Negative people can only perceive negative outcomes and scenarios. They are so sure of an imminent disaster that there is no way that they will have space in their minds to anything else.

Instead of working a solution out to the situation they are facing, they will be feeling anxious or depressive instead – and their minds will be so hopeless that they stop processing and analyzing.

On the other hand, positive people will see both positive and negative outcomes and scenarios. They have no issues with seeing the big picture, so it is also not likely that they will ignore the threats along the way.

The difference is that they will not feel paralyzed when they realize what is coming. Neither gives to it more importance than necessary. They will just accept it as a fact.

2. Positive people are more creative

Thanks to their ability to let their ideas run free, positive people are more creative. They see the world with beautiful and colorful eyes, and they can discover many ways to make it even better.

Positive people are also ready to try new things, as they don’t perceive new experiences with fear. They will be happy to test their projects, get academic help if they need it, and give you as many ideas as you need to improve yours.

According to several studies, positive people are also more likely to learn faster and to be more productive, as they are usually in a good mood and feeling creative.

3. Positive people have improved critical thinking

Positive people will bring you many suggestions that will put a smile on your face, and they will all be based on facts. Thanks to their creative and fearless way to deal with life, they will be ready to analyze every single piece of any project.

Their critical thinking is highly developed as a consequence, and it is one of the fundamentals of both emotional and intellectual intelligence. They think independently and in a highly thoughtful manner as they are not afraid of what they will find out.

4. Positive people have a boosted self-confidence

Positive people believe in themselves. They think that they can accomplish anything they want, no matter how many challenges there will be in their way. And it is not because they are naive or immature. They just bet that it is possible.

However, don’t take from it that positive people think that they are better than other people. It is not like they have a big ego or anything like this. On the contrary, they tend to think that everybody is as good as they are and that everyone can achieve as much as they can – if they are willing to do what it takes.

5. People positive don’t sabotage themselves

Positive people not only believe that they can achieve their goals. They also believe that they deserve the best. And that the best is somewhere to be conquered.

As a consequence, they don’t sabotage their own career or think that someone will point them as a fraud sooner than later. They truly think that they will deserve what they deserve and worked hard to accomplish.

And, of course, they only have had put effort into what is best for them, so they firmly believe that they will get the best in return.

The bottom line

A positive brain is also smarter because it has no fear to try. As a consequence, it learns more and always, improving itself over the years.

On the other hand, people who only expect the worst don’t develop the ability to take chances and tend to calculate every step of their way – a receipt that you will never see recommended by any successful person.

Researchers believe that we can control and even change an inner tendency for negativity if it is the case. And that all areas of our life, from romance to career, can only be improved by it.

Of course, it is not all about positive thinking. It is also about positive effort. Only both working together can bring to us the change that we dream for our lives.

Positive Brains Are Smarter Brains

About the Author: Daniela McVicker is an author, psychologist, and freelance blogger. She believes that success depends on knowing the ideas that allow you to manage and master the universe of information. You can follow Daniela on Twitter or add her on Facebook

Positive Words Research – Positive Brains Are Smarter Brains

Requested References for Research on Positive Words

Discover the requested references for our research findings about the profound impact of positive words on well-being, communication, and personal growth. Explore the sources that support our insights and enrich your understanding of the transformative power of positivity in language. We receive many messages from people asking for references for the research performed at Positive Words Research. They want to understand how we come up with the list of positive words and what empirical evidence we have to back up our statements. People want to know, for example, if for our research we have empirical evidence that was conducted in a lab experiment or a field experiment and was published in a journal.

Visitors say that the website has a lot of useful words that their research team could definitely use in their own projects, they stumbled across this website and it has been an excellent resource.  They know that creating a website like this could have not been easy, and we must have done a lot of preparation research to get the information needed. And this is true. From the references below we have either extracted positive words or we have validated words to be positive and added them to the list of positive words from Positive Words Research.

In the realm of language, positivity shines as a beacon of hope and transformation. At Positive Words Research, we receive countless requests for references supporting our research findings on the incredible impact of positive words. In this article, we respond to these queries by providing you with the requested references that validate our insights.

Our journey through the world of positive words and their transformative potential has led us to a wealth of knowledge. These references serve as pillars of evidence, reinforcing the profound influence that positivity in language can have on various aspects of life.

As we delve into these references, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the research, studies, and insights that underpin our work at Positive Words Research. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey, exploring the sources that substantiate the remarkable power of positive words in enhancing well-being, communication, and personal growth.

If you use this list of positive words from Positive Words Research, please cite as follows:

List of Positive Words created by Calin Elena Daniela, founder of Positive Words Research:

Please find below a list of references we have used since creating Positive Words Research:

Books References

  • Positive Thinking by Vera Peiffer, 1989
  • More Positive Thinking by Vera Peiffer, 1990
  • The Magic of Thinking Big by Dr. David J. Schwartz, 1959
  • The Good Mood Guide by Ros & Jeremy Holmes, 1993
  • A guide to rational living by Albert Ellis and Robert A. Harper, 1961
  • The case against religion: A psychotherapist’s view and the case against religiosity by Albert Ellis Ph. D
  • How to control your anxiety before it controls you by Albert Ellis, Ph. D founder of REBT Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, 1998
  • Dating, mating and relating – How to build a healthy relationship by Albert Ellis, Ph. D and Robert A. Harper, 2003
  • Feeling better, getting better, staying better. Profound self-help therapy for your emotions by Albert Ellis, Ph. D, internationally renowned psychologist, and author
  • How the Mind Works by Steven Pinker, 1997
  • How brains think by William H. Calvin, 1996
  • Kinds of minds. Toward an understanding of consciousness by Daniel C. Bennet, 1996
  • The complete idiot’s guide to public speaking, Second Edition by Laurie Rozakis, Ph. D, 1999
  • How to start a conversation and make friends by Don Gabor, 1983
  • 101 ways to improve your communication skills instantly by JO Condrill and Dr. Bennie Bough, 1998
  • The art of civilized conversation. A guide to expressing yourself with style and grace by Margaret Shepherd and Sharon Hogan, 2005
  • Positive words, powerful results. Simple ways to honor, affirm and celebrate life by Hal Urban
  • La therapie cognitive by Philippe Breinster, 1995
  • J’apprends a  apprendre  by Christian Drapeau, 1994
  • All you ever wanted to know from his Holiness The Dalai Lama on happiness, life, living and much more, Conversations with Rajiv Mehrotra, 2009, Tenzin Gyatso, HH The Dalai Lama
  • An Open Heart. Practicing Compassion in Everyday Life by The Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, edited by Nicholas Vreeland, 2002
  • How can we overcome them. A Scientific Dialogue with The Dalai Lama narrated by Daniel Goleman, 2003
  • Healing Emotions: Conversations with Dalai Lama on Mindfulness, Emotions and Health by Daniel Goleman, 1997
  • Social Intelligence. The New Science of Human Relationships by Daniel Goleman, 2006
  • Emotional Intelligence. Why it can matter more than IQ by Daniel Goleman, 1995
  • Primal Leadership by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie Mickee, 2002
  • A Primer on Rational-Emotive Therapy by Windy Dryden, Raymond DiGiuseppe, 1990
  • The Magic by Rhonda Byrne, 2012
  • The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, 2006
  • The Power by Rhonda Byrne, 2010
  • The Secret Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne, 2008
  • The Astonishing Power of Emotions. Let your Feelings be Your Guide by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham)
  • You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, 1984
  • Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life by Katherine Woodward Thomas, 2004
  • Magic Sparkles of Happiness by Calin Elena Daniela the founder of Positive Words Research, 2012
  • Positive Words That Will Enrich Your Mind and Soul by Calin Elena Daniela, the founder of Positive Words Research, 2015
  • The I Can Alphabets: A Unique Collection of Words Just for You by Teffanie T. White, 2012 (Pictureless book)
  • I is for Invigorated (the i m a g i n a t i o n series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2011 (Pictureless book)
  • I is for Inspiration (the i m a g i n a t i o n series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • W is for Walnut (w e l l n e s s) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2011 (Pictureless book)
  • C is for Canvas (the c a n v a s series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • A is for Apple (the a n g e l series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • E is for El Nino (the e x p l o r e series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • The I Can Alphabets: A Unique Collection of Words Just for y O U by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2012 (Pictureless book)
  • Ur Txtbk (the n o t h i n g series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • N is for Never Night (the n o t h i n g series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • A is for Angel (the a n g e l series) by Teffanie White and Adrea Peters, 2010 (Pictureless book)
  • Minqing Hu and Bing Liu. “Mining and Summarizing Customer Reviews.”; Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge; Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2004), Aug 22-25, 2004, Seattle; Washington, USA
  • Bing Liu, Minqing Hu and Junsheng Cheng. “Opinion Observer: Analyzing; and Comparing Opinions on the Web.” Proceedings of the 14th; International World Wide Web conference (WWW-2005), May 10-14; 2005, Chiba, Japan

Home Training Programs References

  • Love or Above by Christie Marie Sheldon, Mindvalley
  • Unlimited Abundance. Clearing Past Beliefs and Fundamental Blocks by Christie Marie Sheldon, Mindvalley
  • Creative Visualization, Mastering the System by Vishen Lakhiani founder of Mindvalley
  • Bending Reality. The Master Program for Creating Wealth and Impact by Vishen Lakhiani founder of Mindvalley
  • 5 Principles for Winning the Mind Game by Bob Proctor, Mindvalley
  • 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor, Mindvalley
  • Creative Visualization. Guided Journeys by Lisa Nichols, Mindvalley
  • Calling in “The One”: 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life by Katherine Woodward Thomas

Internet References – Lists of Positive Words/Positive Word Vocabulary Lists/Sentiment Analysis

Internet References – Articles

  • Happy Endings Slash Big Reveal by Teffanie Thompson, former Teffanie T. White (from Positive Words Research)
  • Positive Words by Lu Yu (from Lu Yu website)
  • How research is done at Positive Words Research
  • Positive thinking may be a sign you are going to live longer (from Daily Mail)
  • The Power of Words by Jonathan Madison (from The Daily Journal)
  • Sentiment Analysis Resources (from Positive Words Research)

Internet References – Blogs/Websites

  • Pictureless Books
  • Positive Thesaurus
  • Positive Words Dictionary
  • Word of the Day from The Crazy Perfectionist

Please note that from the references above we have either extracted positive words or we have validated words to be positive and added them to the list of positive words created at Positive Words Research.

In conclusion, the references we’ve provided serve as a testament to the extensive research and studies that support the transformative influence of positive words. These sources underscore the profound impact that optimism, encouragement, and positivity in language can have on various facets of our lives, including our well-being, communication, and personal growth.

Through our commitment to spreading the message of positivity, we have sought out and compiled these valuable references to validate our insights and findings. We believe that understanding the empirical evidence behind the power of positive words is crucial in appreciating their significance.

As you explore these references, we hope you gain a deeper appreciation for the role of positivity in language and its ability to uplift, inspire, and transform. May these sources inspire you to embrace the use of positive words in your daily life, contributing to your well-being and fostering meaningful connections with others. Thank you for joining us on this journey of discovery and empowerment through the magic of positive words.

Positive Words Research