Top 4 Positive Highlights of The Best Employee Engagement

No matter what job you have, make the most of it! It’s not just about a financial gain here, but rather about your spiritual nourishment. Think about it. You spend at least 40 hours a week at the workplace, so it’s impossible to get detached from your job. What you do daily will eventually become a part of you, no matter how hard you want to avoid it. So, embrace your job and learn, improve, and spread good vibes every day.

To support this way of looking at your career, we’ve found the best employee engagement of this year! Indulge in their stories and learn how to become a hero at your job.

1. The employee engagement of the Selfless

Speaking of heroes, you can actually become one at the Florida Hospital Medical Center. This is the case of Johanna Castellanos, a nursing assistant at this hospital, who became the “Hero of the Year for 2016” through dedication and good nature. This hospital has a wonderful tradition of certifying the quality work of their employees and, thus, encouraging empathy, commitment, and good deeds.

Johanna is always there for her patients even when she is off duty. She always finds time to deliver her patients’ forgotten belongings on her way to work or home. This kind of selfless actions earned her the local hero title for a year and also our appreciation.

2. The employee engagement of the “Un-disgruntled”

You would think that after leaving her job, one would be full of resentment toward her former company. This is not the case of Vlada Parr, who used to work for the Apple Company. On the contrary, she chose to make the best of her situation and share her positive work experience with her readers. Everybody heard of Apple products, but having excellence as a company goal could be quite overwhelming for its employees. But this hard worker found a way to thrive and be a model employee.

The first advice she highlights is having the proper job attitude. No matter how knowledgeable and well trained you are for your job, your attitude will decide if you are there to stay. Be kind and understanding not only towards your clients but also towards your co-workers. So, this is why spreading good vibes is a prerequisite even for a high position in an international company.

3. The employee engagement of the Accepting

The orange parable that Forbes confessed to us will also bring you closer to understanding why being there for your job can only be beneficial for you. Here’s their story: one of the employees turned out to be discontented with his manager’s decision of promoting someone else instead of him. The manager decided to shed more light on his decision by asking both his employees to buy some oranges for him.

The grumpy worker just carried out this chore without paying attention to details. Meanwhile, the newly promoted man returned with the best oranges he could find at the most accessible price, even though it was his manager who paid for them. After inquiring on how the two men performed their task, the disgruntled employee accepted the idea that his co-worker was better qualified for the higher position. And his conclusion was not based on the other’s better skills, but on the other’s bigger interest in being the perfect employee.

So the lesson that you can extract from this story is that knowledge can be acquired over time. However, motivation can also be lost over time. Stop attending to your own needs and start helping others, cultivate your empathy. Bringing others down and disregarding the people you are surrounded by will only buy you a lonely path. On the contrary, successful people are always interested in encouraging and guiding others in their career choices, and their success makes them happy.

4. The employee engagement of the Learner has a come up with a very useful solution in their quest to teach everyone around the globe how to do anything. This article brings up 20 best ways to conduct your job activities perfectly. The author himself focuses more on the right job attitude rather than skills and know-hows, but he also points out a feature that most people usually neglect: learning how to take negative reviews and change them into constructive feedback to your own advantage.

When people are upset, they tend to speak their mind without filtering their words. Take their criticism with an open mind and look for a solution. This is the best and fastest way to improving yourself.

In conclusion, this year’s articles showed us that the image of the perfect employee has changed: it is not about what you know, it’s about how you think. Everyone has access to education, and the internet made the information easy to find, but the most important thing for a joyful work environment is your choice to make it so.

About the author: Marc Mendelman is a Junior HR consultant and a Contributing Editor at Today Assistant. He is passionate about identifying daily work hacks and creating ways of increasing personal and professional productivity.

Positive Words Research – 4 Positive Highlights of the Best Employee Engagement of This Year

happy employees

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