If you’ve passed your exams with flying colors, you definitely should feel proud, but it’s necessary to be careful of your friends who may face different challenges along the way. If you mention friends or classmates feeling down about exams, there are a few tips from expert psychologists that will help you to cheer them up.
1. Don’t be sneering
Even if you believe that some discipline is pretty easy and doesn’t deserve a lot of effort, you should understand that all people are different. Your mocking comments can be irrelevant; moreover, they are often hurtful. If you think that phrases like ‘Why don’t you understand this topic?’, ‘No pain no gain’, or ‘It is a piece of cake!’ are motivating; well, they are not.
Put yourself in your friend’s shoes and try to come up with words that will really help. Don’t remind them about your own success until it can really help, e.g., you know test answers or understand the professor’s expectations.

2. Recommend professional help
When it comes to assignments like essays, term papers, or lab reports, a lot of students face difficulties. Some of them lack time to meet deadlines, and others doubt their writing skills. Your classmate might be a perfect mathematician, but it doesn’t mean that he or she can make the grade without case study help writing.
So, if you have some free time for research, you can look for a decent online paper writing service for your friend. Pay attention to the quality of writing, guarantees, student-friendly prices, and reliable customer support.
3. Lend your hand
Along with positive words and professional writing essay service, think about something that you can bring to the table. For example, you can offer a brainstorming session where you and your friends or classmates will work over different ideas for essays. If you’ve already done well with your assignments, you can surely share some tips that helped you.
Your assistance does not necessarily have to be related to the learning process. Ask your friend what will help him or her to focus on studies. You can walk with your friend’s dog, help one’s parents with households, book tickets, buy food, etc. This is what real friends do.
4. Give them time to be moody
It is absolutely normal if students are not that positive when they have to pull all-nighters trying to understand how to write a great essay and earn some brownie points with their professors. Sometimes all they expect from you is to listen. If you have enough energy, get everything off your friends’ chests so that they feel relieved.
5. Remind your friend about one’s goals
All exams that we face are for a reason. Even if your classmate doesn’t understand what he or she is doing right now, it doesn’t mean that one’s studies are useless. Surely, you should know about the final point, e.g., advanced diploma, brilliant career, trip around the world, volunteering project, etc. The day will come when all exams are over, and the more your friend works right now, the more he or she will get out of it. Be one’s inspiration, and your peers will appreciate it.
6. Go outdoors
It doesn’t matter how strict your deadlines are; our body and health require fresh air and some activity. So, if you think that your classmate has been cooped up for hours, try to go for a short walk. You can also install an application with interesting workout ideas. It would also be a good idea to offer essay writing help and get healthy sleep. On the day of the exam, it is important that your friend feels good, is fresh, and is concentrated.
7. Talk to your friend’s parents
If your friend experiences some difficulties in communication with parents, e.g., they don’t understand that the home environment should be silent, your friend can’t devote a lot of time to households, etc., you can become a kind of a mediator. Chat to your classmate’s family during the exam period and explain the importance of support. If you think that they should be more engaged, let them know that they should be there for their child. You can also share your own experience so that they understand your friend is not alone with his or her problems.
8. Don’t forget to stay in your own lane
It is amazing if you can be a good friend and provide quality support. But remember who is your first priority — yourself. If you don’t have time or energy resources, you shouldn’t burn the midnight oil just to be supportive. When your friends ask too much from you, tell them about your own feelings. Friendship is a two-way road, and you need to know that your classmates are there for you as well.
The day before exam is very important, thank you for sharing this article.