Life is tough. With the daily battles to be fought both on professional and personal levels, it may not come as a surprise why most people find themselves trapped in sadness. Though experiencing sadness is a part of life, lately, it has been observed that it is becoming life. Look around yourself, and you are sure to find more gloomy faces than the happy ones. But there are some amazing ways to cheer up so read further.
In your close group of friends and dear ones, at least 1-2 people will be there who are suffering from mental health issues or will come out telling that they do not feel good most of the time. Reasons may vary. That’s when you can step in to cheer them up. As per the study of the human body, there are seven different molecules in our brain responsible for positive emotions and happiness. These happy hormones are serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphin, endocannabinoid, and GABA.
When activated, the person is more likely to feel confident, joyful, and content, which is the need of the hour. If you wish to help your friend, coworker, family members feel happy most of the time, here are ways to cheer them up. The listed ways will increase the flow of happy hormones in their brain, thus saving them from deadly mental health issues of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, etc.
1. Take Them For Walks
Nature is the best healer. Encourage the person feeling sad to spend some time in nature. Go for walks with them, soak in the early morning sunshine, or spend time in the park. The fresh air, sunlight is known to boost Vitamin D and Serotonin levels, backed by scientific evidence.
2. Tell Them To Exercise
Exercising your brain and body is a good way to stay healthy and happy. Enrol yourself and people close to you in a yoga class. Alternatively, you and the person can stretch out in your home. Stretching and yoga will release tensions from the body, promote blood flow to the brain, and will make the person feel good.
3. Encourage Them to Meditate
Another yogic exercise for experiencing mental calmness and happiness. Meditation is a way of connecting with the present moment when a person no longer lives in the past or future, one is bound to feel joy. If you know someone who is battling with mental health issues, encourage them to meditate. Continuous practice will make a difference in their health and life.
4. Deliver Chocolate Cake
A chocolate cake is known to release endorphins and serotonin in the brain. The best way to cheer any person is to make a chocolate cake delivery at their place. Many reputed bakeries offer cake delivery in Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, and almost all major and minor Indian cities.
5. Give Them Hugs
For times when words fail to heal, give a tight beary hug to the person. Human contact is known to boost oxytocin in the brain, thus releasing stress, and making a person happy. Quite evidently, why it’s known to be the Jaadu ki Jhappi!
6. Show Empathy, Not Sympathy
The person feeling low or sad doesn’t need your sympathy. Your sympathy can make him or her feel worse; therefore, if you really want to help, offer empathy. Make an effort to understand the person’s reason for sadness, thereby offering constructive solutions.
7. Pamper Them
Cheer up your loved ones by pampering them with spa coupons, aromatherapy, and massages. All these techniques will relax their body and rejuvenate their minds, eventually feeling good and happy. You too, can give a massage at home.
8. Make Them Feel Comfortable
Bottling up feelings can lead to chronic stress and other health issues. Always lend an ear to your loved ones. Make them feel that they can vent their problems to you and will not be judged. If they need the space to cry, give them that space. Be there for them, and cheer them up, always!
9. Embarrass Yourself to Elicit Laugh
The best medicine is laughter. When you feel the person around you is sad, one to make them laugh is to share with them memes or tell them jokes. Send them inspirational quotes, or read them something in a ridiculous way.
10. Love Them
The real test of love is during harsh times. When a person is sad or low, do not leave them alone. Go out of your way to make them happy. Seeing you making an effort to cheer them up will flood their brain with warm, loving effects of oxytocin.
The world needs more people who can make others laugh. Be the reason for someone’s happiness rather than sadness!
Positive Words Research – 10 Ways To Cheer Up Someone