6 Effective Tactics To Embrace Positivity In Everyday Life

Positivity is one of the most powerful resources available to all of us. This resource is what makes us or breaks us in this life.

A person’s attitude transcends, in either a positive or negative way, every part of his or her life. It is like a “face” we show to others. Whatever we think about and feel about is expressed through our attitude.

The perils of ignoring our attitude and taking care of it are too high. We should regard our attitude as an enormously valuable asset that deserves and demands careful protection.

Cultivating a positive attitude should be our responsibility, as attitude affects EVERY part of our lives. It affects our relationships, physical and mental energy, self-image, work habits, willingness to take risks, ability to deal with stressful situations, a degree of happiness, etc.

The followings are most effective tactics to embrace positivity in everyday life:

1. Visualize yourself as you want to be

You cannot defeat the enemy without knowing him. You might be your own worst enemy.

Unless you consciously create your own positive self-image, you will be the son or daughter of your circumstances.

Why outsource such an important issue to somebody else?

You can embrace positivity daily by photoshopping your self-image in this incredible thing called – your mind.

As it is your own mind, YOU can create the very BEST positive self-image of you.

  • Use your mental photoshopping skills to visualize a positive self-image of you daily,
  • If possible – write down what you’re seeing in your mind.


Writing the positive image you are thinking and visualizing, on pen & paper helps cement it in your mind.

Once, you develop visualizing a positive self-image – you should start to —

2. Listen to your inner voice

You have to know what you are saying to yourself.

That is the key to having positivity no matter what. You might not be conscious of this hidden enemy that might be lurking inside.

If your inner voice or thoughts about yourself are mostly critical, you likely have a negative attitude.

You might not be consciously aware of this inner critic inside you. Learn to differentiate your subconscious mind from the conscious mind.

  • Are your thoughts positive or negative?
  • What are the patterns or tendencies of your thoughts?

Once, you are conscious of your internal dialogue, you can change it from a negative critical voice to a positive encouraging one.


By —

3. Affirming yourself increases positivity

By practicing positive thought patterns (POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS) repetitively, you can train your brain towards positivity.

As you affirm positive thoughts daily, you flood your brain with the exact same thoughts.

Here is an example: My heart is overflowing with joy when I write this article.

You must speak out loudly and repeatedly to encourage & uplift yourself.

Why repeatedly?

Because your brain is a creature of habit. As you positively affirm yourself in the PRESENT TENSE, your brain strengths those connections every time you repeat the thought & action.

If you don’t consciously decide to positively affirm yourself, your brain will pick up on any available influence.

For this to work permanently, you need to understand that—

4. You have the sole responsibility for keeping your attitude from being on a roller coaster

As all of us are uniquely different, we allow the circumstances of life to determine our attitude in our own unique way.

If you decide before-hand that positivity is going to triumph over anything else, then you have a more chance of life paying you greater dividends.

The alternative is shockingly disheartening. There are innumerable issues that present themselves every day that conspire to pollute your positivity.

Do you want examples?

  • The traffic you encounter on the drive to work,
  • Rude customers,
  • Money troubles,
  • Unhappy employees,
  • Etc.

Positivity, then, is a personal decision to believe the BEST about yourself and your dreams. Maintaining it isn’t always easy.

Having an emotional back-up is advantageous for embracing positivity. And it is called —

5. Work hard at feeling good about yourself

How you feel about yourself has a tremendous impact on your positivity. Your view of yourself creates the basis for your attitude.

YOU are a unique & valuable person. You deserve to feel good about yourself. As positivity is a natural extension of your view of yourself, you should get on a regular program of exercise and eat a proper diet.


Because positivity and your physical shape are directly related.

  • The better the physical shape you are in, the easier it is for you to feel good about yourself.

You are much more than you realize. You just have to do one thing in order not to corrupt your positivity. And that is —

6. Surround yourself with a supporting squad

It is a fact that most of us adopt and reflect the attitudes of those with whom we associate regularly.

It is not enough that you have a tremendous positivity & you unlearn the negative thoughts daily.

You should also avoid those who tend to trigger your negative thinking. You must be zealous in choosing your own relationships.


They have a tremendous effect on your personal attitude. Have no association with those people who leave you feeling drained & their very nature leaves you with less air in your balloon than when you first got together.

The truth is, you can’t afford to be around people who drain your energy if you expect to create and maintain positivity. You have to choose your battles that are worthy of your time & your character.


If we develop certain tactics to embrace positivity and practice them in our daily life, we will have a strong weapon that can BEAT every negativity that exists in life.

Just like lightning strikes the lightning rod, we will be hit with negativity in life. The 6 most effective tactics to embrace positivity are the soldiers that make us STAND ON POSITIVITY.

Author Bio

My name is Banchiwosen Woldeyesus. I am an Ethiopian.

I am a Blogger, a Motivational Trainer in the field of Personal Development and an international distributor for an international company. I am also a Health Enthusiast and Positivity Addict.

I currently run a blog called banchiinspirations which is dedicated to inspirations in every walk of life.

I blog at https://banchiinspirations.com

Feel free to connect with me on my social accounts: Twitter, LinkedIn

Most Effective Tactics To Embrace Positivity In Every Day Life

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