Category Archives: Positive Feelings

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Much Ado About Success: Possible For Everyone in 6 Steps

Success! What an overused, misunderstood word!

Many motivational speakers speak about what produces success. They promote varied ideas to gain it, such as writing goals, developing self-confidence, setting minds on objectives, etc. But they don’t tell what success is!

Yes, writing goals is helpful — and keeping them in front of us. Rewriting them, adjusting them, is part of that. Today, writing goals is especially helpful because of countless distractions around us, especially the non-factual ones.

Yet, at least one successful person never wrote down goals. Rush Limbaugh said he’s never done that—and none can claim he’s not successful in his arena, no matter our political persuasion. So, writing goals isn’t a requisite.

1. Self-confidence and self-esteem

Developing better self-confidence is helpful. But, the current practice of giving unwarranted ‘rewards’ for just competing for causes confusion, not confidence. Plus, the culture’s habit of name-calling when people stand up for something or someone damages confidence. Yet, thinking we need to tell ourselves how smart or talented we are or how we can do something better than another isn’t the answer, either. We know within ourselves if we are smart or talented, and to compare ourselves to others is pointless.

Nothing builds self-esteem more than striving for, and doing, good — and doing what is right, despite risks. Seeking goodness, utilizing our talents in the best ways, helping others, all help us see our true worth, which develops our confidence and happiness! It may seem odd initially, but self-esteem increases humility which is attractive! Why else seek humility?

St Augustine said, “It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” St Augustine was a learned man, a theologian, a philosopher, an influential man in his era and today. Could he be right?

2. Patience and Goals

Now, setting our minds on our ultimate objectives is important. Yet, if the goal is a long-range goal, (the best ones are!), we need the patience to live with the delay, not get discouraged and stay focused. Why else seek patience?

Psychologists report that patience is power, born of understanding! So, we grow in internal strength and endurance, making life easier, and making our bodies healthier!

Of course, for ‘believers,’ prayer is powerful for goal assistance, though we don’t always see the effect. One thing, for sure: prayer never hurts!

3. Our own kind of success

But striving for/gaining success is never good when it’s a result of ‘walking on others.’ If we leave a trail behind us of people hurting because of our activities/words, then that’s a fake success. It cannot produce goodness but results in a rotten tree that produces rotten fruit. We may obtain more money, more power, more prestige. But in truth, we’ll be a failure. Looking inside ourselves, if we’re honest, we cannot feel good about obtaining gain through others’ losses. Though we may try to puff ourselves up, ignore our faults, and forget others’ pain, we will ultimately find misery from guilt.

If we experienced harm through someone rising in rank due to unethical practices or injustice, we cannot let ourselves sink to the same level. We can find our own success, no matter where we are, what our status is, how much we make.

4. Ingenuity

In addition, we don’t find success via mandated to-do lists. Without freedom of using our ingenuity, we may accomplish tasks, but not find success in them. Likewise, if we mandate others, that doesn’t create success for us or them.

I don’t claim to have all the answers. I’m no expert and I’ve not made millions or even hundreds giving advice on success. I’ve only advised teams, in several companies, and I was ‘in the trenches with them,’ working for their successes as well as mine. Most of this is based on a combination of common sense, experience as a manager and an underlying, referring to wise leaders, and studying ‘success.’

5. So, what is ‘success?’

‘To each, his own!’ We can be successful in challenging conversations. We can find success in difficult projects. We can appreciate success in our hobbies.

There are different degrees, different types, of success. We’re only failures if we quit trying. The famous Zig Ziglar said, “A failure is an event, not a person.” So, when we persist, we’re being successful in advancing toward our goals!

So, perhaps ‘success’ is simply found in setting our minds on goals, being patient, and doing good in helping others in the meantime!

Consider a poor, old woman who begged for food and money. She said, “When you don’t have anything, then you have everything.” Sound like success? Hint:  She didn’t beg for herself.

6. Actions speak for themselves

Mother Teresa served others/ loved everyone through her words and actions. She served the lowly, the dying, the dirty, never thinking about herself. In her humble work in an obscure location, was she successful?

She received the Nobel Peace Prize for spreading love, and 120 other awards/ honors, including the highest U.S. civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom. But she would not claim success, only continual efforts.

Mother Teresa made powerful statements, relevant here:

If you’re kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you do good today, people forget it tomorrow. Do good anyway.

If you do your best, it will never be enough. Do your best anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some will be jealous. Be happy anyway.

If you’re successful, you’ll win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

There’s not much to be said after that!

Author’s Bio

Monica Walker

Monica Walker is a wife of 50 yrs, mother of 5, grandmother of 23.
She was a Region Manager at Augustine Institute, a Manager & Mortgage Underwriter at Bank of America, and the Owner of Rushmore Resources.
She is a Published freelance author — various city publications, weekly & monthly church publications, an Author — three books ready to publish, and a Poet/ Songwriter–ninety songs ready to submit.
She was also listed as an “Outstanding Young Woman of America,” and was a Guest on the televised Business Awakenings show. Monica lives in the United States.

Positive Words Research – Much Ado About Success: Possible For Everyone?

5 Positive Thoughts The Heart Needs Before Going To Sleep

Rejection, disagreements, conflicts, self-pity, hurt all these companions are hard to let go of.
After a hard day’s work when you reach home, all these emotions finally get to you. Your heart needs to let go all the burdens.

You have to maintain a professional, emotionless facade at your workplace or institutes. But the mask falls off when you reach home.

You fell the overload of these repressed emotions and going to sleep with them in mind can really be dangerous for you.

It’s not a joke. It could lead you straight to depression.

Save your day from negative thoughts.

Just think of it this way. Every one must have a smartphone, and you need to charge it periodically after the battery drains.

It’s similar to your body and your mind. Giving into the negative thoughts is like saying, “Screw it! Let the phone die. What do I need it for?”

Just like you need your phone for almost everything today, you need your body and mind, both of them working in sync.

So, you shouldn’t just satisfy your physical cravings but emotional ones as well.

So, when you go to bed next time. How about you feed your soul and mind as well? Watch for your heart needs.

Here are 5 positive thoughts that will help you with your goal.

1. “We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

What you have to understand here is the difference between addiction and passion. When you are passionate about what you have planned you should not divert from the path even in the face of some obstacles or roadblocks.

Addiction will lead you astray. It could be your addiction to toxic things that appear toxic like alcohol, pills, gambling or it could be something completely harmless as watching movies all the time.

But both of them lead you astray.

Gambling is a perfect example for us to explore here.

Suppose someone who is good at numbers decides that gambling is a job for him. But is he being smart about it?

Is he investing the money he earned or just gambling it away in a string of wins and losses?

Is he drinking it all away?  When it stops being productive in all sorts of ways (financial, spiritual, etc), should seek new and positive things.

The right time to move on is when the passion turns into addiction. No matter how hard it is welcome the new life that is waiting for you.

2. “Let your hopes, not your hurts, shape your future.”

Hope springs eternal or does it?

How many times have you felt so lost that you never thought that you could wake up the next day? That you just couldn’t take it anymore. Why do these things keep happening to me?

This is when you start to get the feeling of doom and you feel like someone is actually telling you  ‘abandon hope all ye who enter here.’

When it happens why don’t you try saying this to yourself?

“Well, boohoo. I’m so sorry your feelings are hurt, Princess.”

You are going to get hurt. There’s no way around it. Sulk for a few days if you have to but there will come a time when you have to say enough is enough and get over it.

Let your experiences shape you. If you just broke up with someone you might feel like relationships are not for you. Think about this, would you have been happy with that person in long term? Why did it not work out? What does your heart needs?

You are not the reason it didn’t work out. Things were just not meant to be. You were not suited for each other. So, rather than giving up on relationships altogether, why don’t you learn why you didn’t suit and avoid that in the partner you next choose?

3. “Storms make trees take deeper roots”

This is a new one but you must have heard about how “Even the stars need darkness to shine.”

This thought means mostly the same thing.

When you weather the storm you emerge a victor. Because even when everything else was blown away by the storm, you stood strong and kept control on the thing.

You did not let the storm blow you away like it did all the other things in sight. It only made you take deeper roots.

So, congratulate yourself that you are still standing strong. You can hold on for far much longer and be this amazing individual that you are.

Isn’t it a good thing to tell yourself before you fall asleep?

It is.

4. “IF you are searching for that one person that will change your life, take a look in the mirror.”

If you are looking for a partner because you feel that he/she can give a new and better direction to your life then think again.

Or better yet why don’t you find a mirror and take a good look at the person who can actually do that for you?

You are the only one who can decide what to do with your life. No one else can help with it. You can try yoga and go for spiritual retreats but they will only work as deep down as you have made the choice to do it.

Next time you look in the mirror don’t admire yourself, for a change think about what kind of changes you want to happen in your life and how you can go about making them.

“Mirror Mirror on the wall who’s gonna change it all?”

You. The answer is always going to be you. 

5. “Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.”

Here’s another thought worth remembering.

Remember seeing a girl/guy out there and thinking wish I looked like her/him?

Do not feel sorry for yourself and you actually think about it. They might look cool but they could be plastics. There are many people out there who look just like them.

And then there is you. You might not have the same style or you might not like putting much effort in what you look like but you are you.

You are unique, the way you dress defines you. It is what sets you apart. Why do you want to be clones of other people running out there? Be yourself and enjoy being it.

Here’s the thing. If you go looking for negative things you will find them just the same way if you go looking for positive things you will find them.

And you will make mistakes along the way. Sometimes you will want to give up and say, “I can’t carry the facade of being happy, I do it every day at work or outside the house. Why do I have to keep it up even at home? I need a break.”

To clear things up. A facade is a mask that you put up to fool others. And no matter how hard you try, you can’t fool yourself about your real feelings and emotions.

What you are doing at home is not a facade it is you trying to feed your soul with positive energy. These are just a few positive thoughts. If you go looking you will find so much more. So, think one positive thought a day or a month before you go to sleep.

Don’t just say it out loud and go to sleep. Feel the thought, understand it and it will help you.

Author ~ Ari Banayan

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

heart needs

Best 4 Life-Changing Impacts Of Positive Thinking Today

The power of positive thinking is amazing, and those having it can expect a life full of happiness, health, and success. It’s also life-changing.
Positive thinking gives you the power to overcome any obstacle that may appear in your way. It fixes your mental and emotional attitude for good by focusing on what you love and not what you don’t like.

It is said that a positive attitude can cause a chain of positive thoughts and events and facilitate the desired outcome. Also, it can transform your life and the lives of those around you because you learn to focus on the good side of everything.

Positive thinking not only boosts your health but also has a huge impact on your life and work. If you don’t believe it yet, keep reading to learn how it can impact your life.

1. Builds Self-Confidence

Genuine and kind words have the power to heal and change the world. When your thoughts are positive and pleasant, your self-confidence gets a boost. It all starts with looking for good traits within yourself and others. A confident individual deal with life in a much better way by broadening possibilities and opening her/his mind to new experiences.

You start to feel more confident in what you are doing, and the insecurities fade away. You will never doubt your abilities and learn to appreciate the big picture.

2. Hope And Meaningful Living

Negative vibes can make us forget how valuable life is. We let hope trickle out and drown in a pool of disappointments. Positive thinking gives us hope. And with hope, life becomes more meaningful.

Even if others are criticizing and complaining, ignore it and look beyond the noise with mindful thinking. Hope teaches us to believe that things will be better. It is a source of inspiration that comes with positivity. It motivates you to chase goals that have deep meaning and makes you think about how precious and valuable life is. Positivity can bring purpose into your life and inspire people to do the same.

3. Success

Did you know that positive thinking can result in success? There is no doubt that positive thinking can push you to land a better job, find someone great or even win a championship. It brings you joy and contentment.

Your attitude can control your life, and if you mostly harbor negative thoughts, you can expect failure and disaster. On the other hand, if your thoughts are positive, the subsequent actions can help you become more productive, which ultimately results in success.

So, positive thinking is not only about warm and fuzzy feelings, but it is also critical to explore your hidden talents.

4. Love Yourself Unconditionally

If you have a positive attitude towards life, you will fall in love with yourself.
As humans, love is something we all yearn for. When you love yourself and your life and the people around you, you will be truly happy.

Love makes us follow our hearts and do what we want to. Give yourself the gifts of love and happiness, and you will be able to even make those around you love themselves. Loving oneself leads to acceptance as the outside world is only a projection of your inner world.

If you want to see the world differently, start with yourself. Find ways to build happiness and positive emotions in your life. Some of them might be life-changing.

Whether it is an activity or being with people you love, focus on what makes you happy, and you will build skills that are valuable to you in life. Use positive thinking on a daily basis, and you will see how it benefits your life in every situation.

Author’s Bio

Nisha is passionate about writing and loves to share her thoughts with the world. She has written many articles on yoga, fitness, wellness, remedies, and beauty. She keeps herself updated by going through interesting blogs every day. This fuels her passion and motivates her to write appealing and engaging articles. She is a regular contributor to and a few other websites.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

life changing

How to Discover Your Why to Get Opened to Success

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Nietzsche’s work has often been misquoted and misinterpreted. But let’s stick to this specific quote for now… It triggers something in you, doesn’t it? When you know where you’re headed, you will find the strength to stay on the right path. No defeat has the power to shake your world.

How do we find that why, so we’ll stay strong in the how?

We live, work, and have relationships. Also, have friends. None of it feels exactly right. We’re often exhausted, angry, unmotivated, confused… practically helpless. Do you know what the reason for the negative state of being is? Having no clear reason for our existence.

Most of us haven’t discovered our why because we’re afraid it might be too challenging for us. So we remain in that zone of comfort, living a life that doesn’t make us happy.

How do you make things right? It all starts with discovering your why. Let’s see how you can do that.

1. Define Your Own Vision of Success

How do you envision success? When you perceive someone as successful, you surely don’t feel that way just because they have money. Success is more. Is about traveling and seeing the world? Or about doing the thing you love? Is it about starting a beautiful family? Maybe it is about having a cozy home?

Define what success means to you. From there on, you’ll be able to start to discover your reason for living.

2. Define Your Current Priorities

  • Are you happy with what you have now? If yes, what are the things you’re happy about? If no, what are the things that make you unhappy?
  • What makes you successful or unsuccessful?
  • Would you change something in your life?
  • What current priorities should you abandon? What priorities should you set for your future?

Don’t cheat! Be honest with yourself. The answers will help you get on the right track.

3. Find Your Current Passion

Maybe you were truly passionate about your profession before, but you lost the enthusiasm somewhere along the way. It happens. Our passions may change over the years, but that change doesn’t happen with our true calling.

Look for the one thing you’re into right now. Don’t be afraid of revealing your current passion. Find ways to move things in that direction.

4. Ask and Answer the Right Questions

Did you discover a specific goal through the above-listed methods? Here are few more questions for you to answer:

  • Why do you want to achieve this goal?
  • What do you hate about your current way of life, your position in it, and your job?
  • Will your life get better once you achieve this goal?
  • Do you have to sacrifice anything to achieve the goal? Will you find the strength to do it?
  • What are the things that you’ll gain as soon as you reach this goal?

These questions will lead you to the answer to the ultimate question: is this your why?

5. Write a Personal Essay

You often forget about the brightest ideas when you don’t note them down. That’s why it’s important to write about your goal.

A personal essay will open your eyes to what your why is and how you can start living in accordance with that calling.

“Personal essays have the power to reveal the thoughts and feelings we’re hiding from ourselves”, agrees Paul Clarkson, a writer at AU BestEssays. “In fact, I recommend writing plenty of them. If possible, write one every day. It doesn’t matter how well you can write. This will be a personal practice that no one will grade. It’s all about understanding who you really are and what you need to do now to change for the better.”

6. Look for the Meaning

How does your job fit into society? How is your role important not only for you but for other people as well? Is that meaning valuable?

A teacher has a meaning. They are educating different generations of students and they are bringing them into the real world. Every profession has its meaning, but it’s important for you to find the purpose of what you do. Do you believe in that role, or would you like to do something else with your life?

7. Stay Confident

Set all doubt and disbelief aside. When you’re looking for your purpose in life, you’ll definitely face doubts. No matter how strong they are, they shouldn’t stop you from giving your why a try. Think about it: you might have discovered your purpose. That deserves your commitment.

Identifying your calling is not the easiest thing in the world. Even when you find your why you’ll face many challenges on the journey. But guess what: it’s the only right thing to do.

Author’s Bio

Lynn Adamsen is a freelance writer and editor from Edinburgh who has helped individuals and businesses with their writing challenges for almost a decade now. Now she is taking full advantage of the web copywriting course. Feel free to get in touch with@lynn_adamsen.

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.


8 Beautiful Words That Express Unusual Feelings To Enjoy

Beautiful words that express unusual feelings are explained in the list below.

1. Farouche 

Pronounced ‘faroosh’, it’s an adjective of French origin. It means ‘sullen or shy in the company of others’. Though it’s something we all have to go through at some point of time, a farouche person isn’t comfortable opening up to people quickly.

For example: Though he is a farouche guy, he is a completely different person with animals.

2. Nonplussed

Pronounced ‘nonplust’, it’s an adjective of Latin origin. It means ‘surprised and confused and not knowing how to react’. We go through this when we receive news that we hadn’t expected in our wildest dreams.

For example: She was totally nonplussed when she came to know that she had got the scholarship.

3. Gushy

It’s an adjective that means ‘expressing approval in a very enthusiastic way’. Aren’t we all gushy when we know that we have landed our dreams?

For example: She was all gushy when he stood beaming in front of her with a ring.

4. Vicarious

It’s an adjective of Latin origin that means ‘experienced in the imagination, through the feelings or actions of another person’. This would be common occurrence for an avid book or movie lover.

For example: You think I don’t know how it feels to lose a loved one? What do you think I felt when Katniss lost Prim?

5. Idée fixe

It’s a noun of French origin that’s pronounced ‘ee-day feeks’. It means ‘an idea that dominates someone’s mind; an obsession’. This is very unusual and more serious than just an earworm.

For example: Schizophrenics have peculiar idée fixes that makes them suspicious of everything.

6. Quiescent

Pronounced ‘kwi-ess-uhnt’, it’s an adjective of Latin origin. It means ‘a state or period of inactivity’. We all need a quiescent break from our busy lifestyle every once in a while, don’t we?

For example:  The winter was a quiescent affair compared to the hustle and bustle of summer.

7. Louche

It’s an adjective of French origin that’s pronounced ‘loosh’. It means ‘having a bad reputation but still attractive’. It’s a human tendency. After all, Eve chose the apple.

For example: Most teen girls have an infatuation for a louche celebrity.

8. Jejune

Pronounced ‘jijoon’, it’s an adjective of Latin origin. It means ‘naïve and simplistic’. We always have this one person in our class or office who is jejune, right?

For example: Every mother’s instinct is to think that her child is too jejune to be let out in the world.

Author Bio

Sandra is a budding blogger and writer who is fascinated by what words can do. She is passionate about helping out people and reaching them with her words.

Beautiful words that express unusual feelings

15 Positive Words Untranslatable in English For You To Enjoy

Find in this article 15 positive words untranslatable in English language to add to your positive vocabulary. Tim Lomas, Ph.D., a positive psychology lecturer at the University of East London, has gone see a conference at the annual International Positive Psychology Association symposium in Orlando in 2015. He came back inspired. The speaker, Finnish researcher Emilia Lahti, talked about the concept of sisu which means someone who has “extraordinary determination in the face of adversity.”

“She was describing it as this psychological skill or quality that was very integral to Finnish culture and their identity.” She presented how, despite being a Finnish word, it was an ability of all people, regardless of their native tongue that anyone could possess or cultivate.

He returned to England with an idea: To create a database of meaningful, positive words for feelings, character traits and relationships, expressed with words untranslatable in English. He wrote a paper on the topic published in The Journal of Positive Psychology that contained just over 200 words. The paper drew attention in the positive psychology and linguistics communities, and people began sharing their ideas for words to include in the database with Lomas. In 2016 The Positive Lexicography Project was born.

The next list presents 15 positive words that can not be translated in English:

  1. ‘Bilita mpash’ – it comes from Bantu , a language from Central and South Africa and it means a beautiful , blissful dream ( the opposite of a nightmare).
  2. ‘Trouvaille’ – it comes from French and it is a correspondent for a lucky find , something good or valuable that you discovered by chance. Most of the times it is associated with clover because it is the symbol of luck.
  3. ‘Agape’ – it is a Greek word that is the feeling of selfless, unconditional and devotional love for someone it is something like love but in a different way of thinking.
  4. ‘Hachnasat orchim’ – it comes from Hebrew/Yiddish and makes you a person that brings guests and offer hospitality and respect to strangers. This is a popular way to live in those countrys.
  5. ‘Kæk’ – it is a Danish word and it suggests that someone is bold, cocky (not in a pejorative sense) with a gung-ho spirit.
  6. ‘Samar’ – it is an Arabic word that is used when you sit together in conversation with people at sunset or in the evening.
  7. ‘Suaimhneas croi’ – it comes from Gaelic and it means that you are feeling happiness or contentment for finishing a task. It is a sign of perseverance!
  8. ‘Nakama’ – it is a Japanese word for someone that is your best friend, someone you feel deep, platonic love for.
  9. ‘Yuán béi’ – it comes from traditional China and it is a sense of complete and perfect accomplishment.
  10. ‘Apramāda’ – it is an old Sanskrit word and it means moral watchfulness or awareness of the ethical implication of one’s actions.
  11. ‘Singurista’ – it is a Philippines word from a dialect called Tagalog , and it’s used for someone who would not initiate an action unless certain of obtaining the desire result.
  12. ‘Cafuné’ – it is a Brazilian word meaning the act of tenderly running one’s fingers through someone’s hair.
  13. ‘Wabi-Sabi’ – it is a Japanes word for a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life and accepting peacefully the natural cycle of growth and decay.
  14. ‘Hyggeling’ – it is a Danish word , Its “literal” translation into English gives connotations of a warm, friendly, cozy demeanor, but it’s unlikely that these words truly capture the essence of a hyggelig; it’s something that must be experienced to be known. I think of good friends, cold beer, and a warm fire.
  15. ‘Sewa’ – is short for the word Kar Seva, which is a Sanskrit word meaning hands or work and service, to pay homage through the act of love. Seva is the labour done with love and performed in the service of others without expectations.

Positive Words Research – 15 Positive Words Untranslatable in English to Add to Your Vocabulary

15 Positive Words Untranslatable in English

5 Steps To Train Yourself to Be More Positive Every Day

Everyone in the world would like to be positive and optimistic in their personal, professional and social life. People used to say a lot of times with others and also to themselves that they are positive and optimistic. However, they become negative when they face some bad situations in their life. Keep in mind that successful positive thinking people were effective to deal with their bad moments in life. They always consider that horrific moments are good means for them to taste the real feelings of good moments and also consider that bad moments are a way to develop their personality, skills and many more.

According to Winston Churchill, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” If you are negative to the difficult things that take place in your life, you can take this quote to your heart because you can get inspired from it and become a positive person. Being positive in your life offers you a lot of benefits like ability to take any risk, develop positive mindset, control your emotions, control your overall life, manage negative situations effectively, face challenging situations with ease, offer better health, boost your motivation, avoid stress and worries, build meaningful friendships and great relationships, etc.

Following are some of the steps or tips to help you to train yourself to be more positive:

1. Believe In Your Abilities and Skills

One of the first things that you should have in your life to become more positive is developing a faith in your skills and abilities. If you don’t have believe in your abilities, skills, knowledge and capabilities, you will automatically develop negative views about you. Believing in your abilities and skills gives you a lot of self-confidence and assurance about you. Train yourself to have ample faith in you, so you will be able to face any challenges and difficult situations in your life. It is also a great way to dig deep within you to overcome your unnecessary fears. If you believe in you, you can never let any person to bring you down.

2. Create Positive Thinking

If you would like to train yourself to be more positive, you should make sure to create positive thinking. People who have negative thinking in their life can never become a positive person. Negative thinking people will always think negatives and will not be able to take a step forward with confidence. Train your mind to reflect on what you want in life, and keep away from thinking about what you don’t want. Negative thinking depletes your energy and it is destructive. You can never find a good thing even in a positive thing if you maintain negativity in your life. So, think positive, take action with a positive state of mind, move forward in your life with positive mind, and never let negative aspects come into your mind under any circumstances.

3. Train Yourself to Smile

Smile can cure almost every bad feeling that you have in your life. If you maintain a smile in your face and if you could spread the same smile in your all activities every day, you will never think about negative things and be more positive. With a smile, you can face challenges in your life, take terrible things lightly, overcome difficult situations with ease, manage hardships in your life, and more importantly, influence the lives of people who are negative in their life. Keeping smile with you denote a happy, clean, pure and perfect mind where there is no negative or pessimistic thoughts. You can track your mind into being more positive is through smiling. Give a smile to the challenges, hardships, and many issues that occur in your life daily.

4. Forget Past and Live In The Present

You can train yourself to be more positive by forgetting past and living in the present. The best parts of people who are negative thinkers live in the past and they never ever try to forget bad or bitter things that occurred in their life. Forgetting bad and bitter things that happened in our past life is a great skill because it let you to live happily as well as peacefully. It will also aid you to think positively in your life and do things that are necessary for the moment. Thinking about past things will hinder your growth and stop you from doing even important things in your present life.  So, delete or format past events and live in the present to be more positive.

5. Share With Others

Sharing is a crucial thing in order to be happy and positive in our life. If you show the courage to share your personal matters with a person whom you can trust gives you more relief and energy. It will also aid you to rub out your negativity and develop a positive mind that is pure and spotless. When you share your matters with others, he or she can aid you to think positively and guide you to erase your negative feelings. Stress, tension, panics and worries can contribute to your negative thoughts.

Sharing will let you to avoid your stress, tension, panics and worries. You should also aim to be friends with positive people because others thoughts can influence your life greatly. In order to keep up their positive mindset, positive thinkers only surround themselves with people and things that will aid them to flourish positive attitude.

Author Bio

I am Robert Lynch I have been working as a freelance writer for the past several years now. One of the main reasons why I chose freelance writing career is that it gives me ample chances to bring out my skills and knowledge. Presently, I work for a best custom essay writing service online and it offers me to expand my writing skills and knowledge. I also love writing articles for different blogs online. I have also written contents for many websites and online publications so far.

Positive Words Research – Train Yourself to Be More Positive in 5 Steps

Train Yourself to Be More Positive in 5 Steps - create positive thinking

5 Wise Quotes From Writers For Youth To Be Empowered

Young people need guidance. Although many of them would not admit this, they all know that having a word of advice from their parents, teachers or role models could make their lives so much easier and keep them away from mistakes that others have gone through. There are so many people who choose the wrong path in life only because they did not have the help they needed at the right time or just because they did not listen.

The human mind can be very stubborn when it clings to old perspectives and beliefs. This happens because these beliefs are susceptible to a series of cognitive biases, also known as distorted patterns of thinking. These can hinder our knowledge and learning of how the world works. Also because of these biases, we ignore useful information or advice that could make our lives easier. If we hear information that is helpful, but which does not fit into our worldview, we will reject it to keep the older belief. So instead of learning some useful and new we choose to protect our self-esteem and egos.

Sometimes, we choose not to listen from the ones around us but find words of wisdom in what we read, whether it is a book, an interview in a magazine or a quote. There are many writers who, with their words of wisdom, have changed the world for the better. Writing something powerful can motivate, inspire, change minds and lives and even change history. Writers express their ideas, thoughts, feelings and creativity giving other people a sense of usefulness and renewal for themselves and the world we live in.

There are many wise quotes from writers that we can use as a compass for our lives and from which young people could learn how to live their lives.

1. “My message, especially to young people is to have courage to think differently, courage to invent, to travel the unexplored path, courage to discover the impossible and to conquer the problems and succeed. These are great qualities that they must work towards. This is my message to the young people.” A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam or A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was the 11th President of India. He is known for his inspiring thoughts and his ideas to make India an even greater country. He encouraged young people to have the courage to think differently, to invent, to discover new things, to travel and to conquer problems. Young people should not be afraid of the new, of failing and of trying again. This is what helps them develop and gain knowledge that they can share with others.

2. “There are direct paths to a successful career. But there are plenty of indirect paths, too. So many young people I speak to nowadays think that the only way to get to such a career is the direct path, but that really only makes sense in certain circumstances.” Clayton Christensen

Clayton Magleby Christensen is an American scholar, business consultant, educator, author and religious leader. What he is trying to tell young people is that sometimes there is a direct path to reach your goal, but other times you have to struggle and overcome obstacles, to fall and then get up and keep going. No matter how hard your path might be, keep fighting.

3. “When I hear young people today complain about being bored – and the things that keep them from being bored are generally exclusively video games and/or computer pastimes – I just try to encourage them to go outside.” Nick Offerman

Nicholas “Nick” Offerman is an American actor, producer, director, screenwriter, author, musician and stand-up comedian. What he is trying to say is that young people these days have so many ways to spend their time and they still get bored. What they should do is go outside, meet new people, breathe some fresh air, do some sports and have some fun with their friends. This is so easy to do, yet more and more teenagers choose to stay in the house in front of the TV, their laptops or phones and let life pass by.

4. “I believe without a single shadow of a doubt that it is necessary for young people to learn to make choices. Learning to make right choices is the only way they will survive in an increasingly frightening world.” Lois Lowry

Lois Lowry is an American writer, who has published more than 30 children’s books. She encourages young people not to rely on the others to tell them what to do, but to learn how to make their own choices. Taking advice is very useful, but you should learn how to put it in practice and how to benefit from it. Do not wait for others to show you the direction in which to go and what to do. The world is filled with people with wrong intentions, who do not want to see you succeed. That is why you have to be independent and trust your guts.

5. “We are all creative, but by the time we are three of four years old, someone has knocked the creativity out of us. Some people shut up the kids who start to tell stories. Kids dance in their cribs, but someone will insist they sit still. By the time the creative people are ten or twelve, they want to be like everyone else.” Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou was an American memoirist, poet, and civil rights, activist. She always thought that people are creative when they are born, but this creativity fades away under the norms of the society. She tells young people to believe in themselves and be unique, to express their creativity and make it grow. Being in line with the rest of the people is not necessarily a good thing. Creativity is what sets you apart and what makes you see the world in a different perspective.

Writers were never afraid to speak their mind, that is why many of their quotes will stay true to the generations to come. They see the world is a different way, that is why writers were the ones to shape important changes all over the world.

About the author:

Samantha Anderson studies education and works as a tutor. She practices her teaching skills by writing papers for writing service WriteMyPaper.Today

Positive Words Research – 5 Wise Quotes From Writers For Youth

Quotes For Youth

Key Steps to Take to Feel Your Daily Mission Accomplished

In a usual day, we’re trying to do a bit more of everything. We want to do more work, we need to be more successful than others, we take more responsibilities, we want to make more money, and we want to be more active and energetic at the same time. It’s hard to start the day with a positive mindset when you set such expectations.

We have a different suggestion for you today: set a daily mission and achieve it.

We’ll teach you how!

Start the Day with an Enjoyable Habit

If you want to be glad you’re about to live through another day, it’s important to do something nice for yourself in the morning. Think of something you can do as soon as you wake up. It may be a morning walk with your dog, a great breakfast at home or at your favorite cafe, an indulging shower, or anything else that would make your happy hormones running.

Pick something you really like and turn it into a habit. That approach will attune your positive mindset from the very start of the day.

Prepare a Plan for the Day

“A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint Exupery

Think about that quote. Turn it into your motto. When you schedule your tasks for the day, you’re aware they are taking you towards a higher goal.

Your daily plan shouldn’t be limited to work, though. Include something that makes you spiritually happy. You can read, listen to good music, hang out with people you love, or pick any other activity that brings joy into the working day. You can find time if you plan well.

Find Your Focus

What will be your daily mission? You have multiple tasks on your schedule, but what’s the most important one? Sometimes you can’t achieve everything you plan. When you make that big daily goal happen however, you’ll reach the accomplishment you aim for.

When you find your focus, it will be easy to fight the distractions and you’ll be more productive in your work.

Stay Immune to Negativity

“I always start the day with a positive mindset. I have tons of work to do on a regular basis, but I keep telling to myself that I can do it. Somewhere in the middle, negativity strikes in. There’s too much to do and I’m already feeling tired. At that point, I do the only thing that can keep me going – I take a power nap. After that, I’m as good as new,” – says Jenny Lewis, a writer from EssaysOnTime.

That’s a good approach. When you’re focused on your goals and you want to achieve as much as possible throughout the day, negativity will come from the shade. Somewhere along the way, you’ll start thinking: “It’s enough. I can’t keep going.” At that point, take a nap, have a coffee, and keep telling to yourself that you can go on. The least you can do is try.

Keep It Real

Do you know what’s the biggest obstacle you face on the way to accomplishment? Unhealthy ambition. Ambition is a good thing only when it’s reasonable. When you’re making that daily schedule, it has to be realistic. If you keep adding tasks that exceed your natural capacity, you can’t reach accomplishment.

Rethink Your Priorities

It didn’t look like it, but Nike was struggling when CEO Mark Parker called Steve Jobs for advice in 2006. Do you know what Jobs said? “Nike makes some of the best products in the world. Products that you lust after. But you also make a lot of crap. Just get rid of the crappy stuff and focus on the good stuff.”

Jobs took his own advice. By the end of that year, he killed almost 70% of Apple’s products and focused on the good ones; the priorities!

When you can’t reach accomplishment, it’s time to start getting rid of the crappy stuff that’s suffocating your schedule. Rethink your priorities and focus on them!

Infuse New Good Habits in Your Schedule

You were always interested in yoga, but you never found the time? You always wanted to read more, but you kept struggling with time? It’s time to start doing something you really like, but never had the chance to do.

Pick your habit and fit it in your daily schedule. It may be learning, exercising, reading… whatever. When you’re doing something new, you feel like you’re growing. And, you are!

Don’t Make Your Days Boring

So you’ll start your days with a routine, you’ll keep working towards a goal, and you’ll introduce a new habit in your schedule. There’s a danger: if the schedule is too repetitive, it will become boring. That’s why you’ll need to spice it up a bit. Keep trying and learning new things. Have fun!

Set Time for Meditating

When you force your mind to stay focused throughout the day, it may rebel on you. Sometimes it needs to wander away, and you need to give yourself some space for that.

Do this before going to bed: sit down with your spine straight. Close your eyes. Observe your thoughts like you’re watching them from the side. Let them flow, but don’t let a thought carry you away. It’s like you’re watching a river flowing. Congratulations; you’re meditating!

Self-Analysis at the End of the Day

At the end of the day, it’s important to give yourself credit for the things you accomplished and acknowledge the things you didn’t do so well. Do a self-analysis; it will help you stay on track with your goals.

These 10 steps seem easy when you read about them, don’t they? However, it takes a lot of persistence to fit them into your daily life. The good news is that you can do it. That’s the plan that leads you to daily accomplishments.

Sophia Anderson is a freelance writer at writing service and a blogger from sunny Australia. She is passionate about covering topics on writing, learning, careers, self-improvement, motivation and others. She believes that learning something new every day is a must. Her inspiration comes from reading books and online blog posts that cover a wide range of her interests. Meet Sophia at @Sophia7Anderson.

Positive Words Research – Key Steps to Take to Feel Your Daily Mission Accomplished

Daily Mission Accomplished

Gifts Of Making Someone Feel Better After Painful Experience

When someone you know has undergone a painful experience, whether it be the death or illness of a loved one, their own health concerns, a turbulent move to a new job, city, or school, a natural catastrophe, or a break-up, giving a gift can be a wonderful way to show solidarity and to lift that person’s spirits.

As Lech Dvorak wrote, “Dedicate time to your loved ones.” Spending time nurturing and caring for your relationships with others is important to maintain healthy bonds of connectivity.

A present is a gift from the heart to the hands of someone who is passing through a difficult time. It is a non-verbal sign that you are thinking of them and want them to be happy and healed. That consideration alone is a wonderful present to give someone.

To make your present extra special, you don’t need to spend a great deal of money. What is best is a gift that shows your knowledge and concern for the person who is recovering. The perfect present demonstrates that you are attentive to their emotional needs and aware of the things that interest them.

1. Personalize to Please

The best gifts for making someone feel better after a painful experience are the ones that demonstrate that you pay attention to what that person cares about. Consider customizing a gift, such as a T-shirt or coffee mug or wallet. You can have it printed with the person’s name, favorite sports team, school, or city to make it extra-special!

2. Good Sports

If you know that your friend has a passion for sports, and in particular is very interested in volleyball and loves to play every weekend, find awesome gifts for volleyball players at your favorite sporting goods store. Is your friend a yogi? A yoga mat and PBA/PVC-free water bottle will be appreciated. A sports-related gift will encourage the recipient to exercise, which is a wonderful thing for the mind. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise releases feel-good brain chemicals that may ease depression, such as “neurotransmitters, endorphins, and endocannabinoids.”

3. Turn the Page

Another gift that is useful is a something that will take the individual’s mind off their problems, or conversely, show them others who have dealt with a similar situation and overcome it. For this reason, books make a wonderful gift. If you are inspired by a particular book, it makes an awesome gift to unwrap. If not, consider a gift card from a store like Powell’s Books – The World’s Largest Independent Bookstore. They have a wonderful website and they ship!

4. Bubbles Up!

Try making up a basket of organic bath and body care products. You can find lines from your local farmacy to the farmers’ market to upscale boutique lines. Simply fill an attractive basket or pretty gift bag with a loofah, soaps, lotions, and body scent for a fun treat. If you’re unsure how to begin to fill the basket, consider the Weleda brand of beauty products for men, women, and children. Weleda is one of the original lines of organic body and beauty products and they consistently win accolades for cruelty-free beauty products.

5. Go Green

Give a gift of green. There’s something inspiring about a plant. Whether cut flowers, a living plant, or planting a tree in someone’s honor or memory. There are many programs that will plant a tree, such as The National Forest Foundation, among others. Make the world greener and more beautiful as you’re cheering up a friend.

6. Experience It

A new experience may make the perfect present. Whether tickets to a must-see show such as Hamilton or a Southwest Airlines gift card, or season seats to the Lakers, or a night at the opera or the best jazz club in town, a ticket for experience, culture, or travel may be the very thing to help your friend move on. At the very least, it will be sure to inspire someone to get off the couch, and that can be the first step to getting over the painful experience.

7. Color it Beautiful

Creating something can be a meditative way to gain control, relax, and unwind. You don’t have to be an artist to enjoy the benefits. Give the gift of art supplies. For the more accomplished artist, an easel and professional quality paint may be perfect, while the beginning artist may enjoy one of the best-selling coloring books for grown-ups, such as “The Mindfulness Coloring Book” or “Secret Garden,” and a new box of colored pencils to make life more beautiful. Expressing oneself through creativity can take one’s mind off of one’s problems and help bring focus and clarity into the present moment.


Everyone loves a pleasant surprise. When someone is feeling especially vulnerable after a painful experience, just the pleasure of an unexpected gift can lift that individual’s spirits. “People love to receive gifts, especially if they’re not feeling well. It’s not about the money spent, but just knowing that a person cares.”

Consideration is like a balm. Caring and sharing your concern with a carefully selected present that shows how well you know that person will lift your friend’s spirits.

To feel cared for and nurtured in a concrete way after an especially painful experience is a priceless gift in and of itself, and the thoughtfulness of your present will sustain and grow the bonds of your friendship.
