5 Ways How Positive Thinking Can Help During Addiction Recovery

People’s perceptions of the world are shaped by the thoughts they cultivate. Those who are pessimistic not only see the world through a fog of gloom but may also be laying the groundwork for future suffering. On the other hand, positive thinking has been shown to affect mental and physical health positively. This approach won’t solve all your problems, but it will help. Those in addiction treatment can benefit significantly from adopting a more optimistic outlook. Continue reading and find out how positive thinking can help during addiction recovery. Hopefully, we’ll inspire you to fully adopt this new outlook on life and stay positive after your crisis.

Think positive on linen as a featured image for a post about ways positive thinking can help during addiction recovery
Think positive always!

How can positive thinking help during addiction recovery?

Developing an addiction isn’t the result of a lack of strength of character, but it takes much more than sheer will to overcome it. No matter how bad things look or how many times you’ve tried and failed in the past, there is always a chance for a relapse. That’s why it’s crucial to understand the problem you’re dealing with before finding the right ways to resolve it. 

Woman smiling and holding a balloon with a smiley face on it
There are plenty of ways positive thinking can help during addiction recovery

Admitting that you have a problem and deciding to make a change is often the most challenging aspect of beginning the recovery process for many people battling addiction. However, even then, it’s very common to start questioning your readiness for recovery and your will to stop using. That’s why, besides strength and perseverance, positive thinking is a crucial element of successful addiction recovery. Further in this article, you’ll find out how positive thinking can help you stay sober.

#1 Positive thinking can help reduce stress during addiction recovery

When things don’t go as planned, we’ve all heard the phrase “think positive!” or “look on the bright side.” Despite how painful the truth is, it deserves to be stated. Stress is reduced, and one’s outlook is brightened due to practicing positive thinking. It is especially true regarding addiction recovery, a complicated process filled with roadblocks and stress.

People who adopt an optimistic frame of mind and live in sober living facilities have better coping strategies for managing stress and challenging situations. They are also less likely to turn to substance misuse to cope with difficult times or thoughts. The good idea is to choose one of the powerful affirmations to return to in case you feel too overwhelmed or stressed.

#2 Positive thinking helps boost self-efficiency

In a nutshell, self-efficiency means believing in yourself, and addicts in recovery have a better chance of succeeding at sobriety when they have faith in their abilities. It’s the conviction that you can achieve the desired outcomes through your efforts. It can alter one’s mood, outlook, and behavior.

Woman wearing a yellow t-shirt looking at a mirror and smiling
Thinking positively will help you gain more self-confidence and learn ways to pick yourself up whenever you have doubts about your recovery

Your mood, actions, and drive can all affect your confidence in your abilities. Therefore, it has potential utility in the field of substance abuse rehabilitation. Positive thinking can help you establish a strong sense of effectiveness. Another method that can help is picking a goal you would like to attain and planning how to get there. For instance, consider what you need to alter and devise a strategy for dealing with difficulties and accomplishing other goals.

#3 Positive thinking can improve the immune system and one’s ability to fight off illness

Positivity does more than make you feel better. New studies show that keeping a positive outlook can help the immune system. As measured by a study, cell-mediated immunity is higher among more optimistic first-year law students. In inverse proportion to the decline in hope, cell-mediated immunity also fell. As a general rule, those with a sunny outlook on life enjoy better physical health due to their decreased susceptibility to viruses and illnesses.

#4 Positive thinking means less depression

Mental health issues and addiction often go hand in hand. Substance abuse sometimes starts as a coping mechanism for the distress associated with mood disorders. However, in some circumstances, mental health issues emerge after several years of substance abuse. A decrease in mood is common in the weeks following rehabilitation, even for those who have not been diagnosed with depression.

Therefore, the question of which comes first – addiction or depression – isn’t important. What matters is finding ways to cope with addiction recovery in a way that won’t affect your mental health. That’s another superpower positive thinking has. Recovering addicts are less prone to experience symptoms of depression if they keep an optimistic outlook on life.

#5 Positive thinking can help you motivate others during addiction recovery

Lastly, positive thinking can help you motivate others going through addiction recovery. Living in a sober facility means spending a lot of time socializing with other residents that are going through the same things. Many pessimistic people under the same roof can negatively affect everyone’s recovery. Negativity, especially during addiction recovery, can spread like a disease.

Pair of glasses in front of a motivational poster on a wooden table
Positivity is contagious, and just one smile or a positive word can change a person’s day

However, the same is true when it comes to positive thinking. If you nurture a positive outlook on life, you are more likely to inspire others to follow you. By being positive, you can influence and inspire your peers to stay sober and enhance their level of positivity

The bottom line

We hope this article helped you understand how positive thinking can help during addiction recovery. Always remember that even positive words have more power than you imagine. It’s good to remember when you’re going through a hard time, whether because of an addiction or any other reason.

Meta Description:

Battling addiction is in no way a simple process, but you can make it easier. We’ll let you know how positive thinking can help during addiction recovery.

Author bio:

Lisa Marin is a school guidance counselor who volunteers at Harmony Ridge Recovery Center during her free time. She is a mom of two teenage boys who share her passion for volunteering. So instead of seeing them on the soccer field, you’re more likely to find them in an animal shelter. They are Lisa’s pride and joy, and her favorite part of the year is the summers they spend on camping road trips.

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