Whenever you are facing difficulties with your homework or assignments you should seek help, either from an online platform or your instructors. Whoever you reach out to, there is a proper way to approach them, and that is what we will look into today.
Explain How Well You Have Understood the Topic and Question
There is no point in asking for help if you have not gone through the material or question yourself. To understand the solution or explanation better, you will first have to understand the topic as well as the question.
Start by going through the topic; you do not necessarily have to learn everything at once, but try to get the gist of the topic or problem at hand. Then, since you are looking for a specific answer, skim through the text or notes for keywords. Look for words or phrases that match directly with your text or hand notes. Even if it is not a direct match, the content should at least be related.
After reading the materials a few times, highlight the parts that seem important or relevant to your homework or assignment. Try to formulate one or multiple solutions from those points, and take notes of what you’ve come up with.
Once you are done with all this, show what you have understood about the HW to your teacher or tutor, and then ask them for further assistance.
Looking at how you have approached the problem, your tutor or teacher can tell what is missing or how you might have gone wrong. It will help them clear your confusion properly, and allow you to learn better.
Try to Help Yourself First
Once you are done going through the material, you will have some idea as to what the topic is all about. Even if it is vague, you will at least know about a few keywords that can further help your cause. And with that little amount of knowledge, you proceed to find the answers by yourself.
Skimming through the text helped you understand the topic to some extent, but it did not give you the answers you are looking for. For that, dig further into the text. However, assuming that your textbook or notes are of no help right now, your only option is to look for answers online.
Do not expect to find an exact solution to the problem. However, you can find hints. For instance, if you are looking for the Python code for a computer science or engineering problem, you might not find the exact code, but can hope to at least come across the pseudocode or flow diagram for that program.
The same goes for subjects like maths, history, science, and so on; instead of the whole answer, you will probably find hints, formulae required to solve the problems, and references to other papers or books that can help you on this.
Your instructors will be pleased to see the effort you put into the problem. And all this research you did will help make their lives a lot easier.

Ask for Clarifications, Not Just the Answers
You tried everything but failed anyway. Now you need the help and support of an expert, preferably your course instructor. After all, they are experts at the subjects they teach.
These experts can provide you with direct solutions to your homework or assignments. However, that will not be of any benefit to you. When seeking homework help, your aim should be to understand the answer, not just copy it.
You can even try out different online platforms like HW answers to find what you’re looking for. The solutions they will give you are very detailed and are crafted in ways that can help you learn. For example, they will add comments with every line of code if you hand them a problem from your computer science course. They will even break down the algorithm for you and design a flowchart for better understanding.
These platforms provide assistance through academic professionals and experienced tutors. So when a student asks them for help, they know how to respond properly. Hence, instead of simply handing you the answer, they will guide you to it, so that next time you will not need to ask for their or anyone else’s help.
No matter how difficult the HW or assignment is, as long as you know how to seek help, you will manage to overcome those odds. Throughout all these steps, your ultimate aim should be to learn and understand where you went wrong, not just to grab the answer and be done with it.
I have a lot of homework to do
I always need help with my homework and assignments