9 Books To Read Over The Summer To Motivate You To Study

Summer is coming, and we are all thrilled about having a great time with family and friends. However, we should not forget about studies as well. The best way to incorporate education into your busy summer schedule is to include a few great books in your reading list. Discover these 9 books to read over the summer to motivate you to study.

We bet you may be puzzled about which book to read given a wide variety of choices. Jane Rivera, an essay helper on EssayHub, with a few other writing helpers has prepared a list of the books you need to read to feel motivated to study. Interested? Read ahead!

You Can Win, Shiv Khera

With his simplistic but powerful ideas about motivation and determination, Shiv Khera has managed to reach out to everyone. This book was initially perceived as a conventional self-help book. However, the simple language and a few striking points have made it a bestseller among those who aim for success through personal growth and positive thinking.

This book leaves you both emotionally fulfilled and relaxed. At the same time, you learn to be strong and confident no matter what.

The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It, Kelly McGonigal

Humans are hunted by two real enemies on their road to success. The laziness and the lack of willpower. Many of us have learned to suppress laziness when we have to, but when it comes to willpower, we usually tend to back off.

This book helps people take control of their lives as well as educates them on how to deal with both of those issues. The author discusses several suggested methods and strategies that can contribute to changing one’s life permanently.

Eat That Frog! 21 great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, Brian Tracy

This is the time to learn a few practical tips on how to avoid procrastination and all that comes with it. The best way to do it is to ask a professional for help.

The author is well-known in the field of psychology of success. He is great when it comes to consultations about self-development and personal effectiveness. In this book, he shares his findings about time distribution and teaches people to leave the comfort zone.

The entire book is based on practical advice suggesting how to prioritize, plan, and work with maximum efficiency. You can achieve anything if you approach the task correctly.

Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman

If you want to get into the matter of our thinking patterns, this is the book for you. The author is a Nobel Prize winner who’s bold enough to dive into the mysterious world of our consciousness and subconsciousness.

Surprisingly, our thinking patterns, fears, and decisions all depend on what’s hidden deep down in our minds. You will definitely find a few revelations in this book extremely fascinating, making you want to read more to take your life under control.

Make It Stick, Henry Roediger

This book helps students understand the power of learning and get rid of assumptions that such boring things as highlighting, re-reading, and cramming are essential for studying. Instead, the book discovers the science of learning, explains what helps our memory, and tells how we can succeed when it comes to studying. Anyone will be able to find a few useful individual recommendations in the book.

Books to read over the summer to motivate you to study

A Mind for Numbers, Barbara Oakley

This book teaches students how they can learn efficiently while spending less time on cramming and memorizing. It tells several working secrets that can make dedicated students even more successful.

The name suggests that the book is all about numerical information but it’s not. Students of all majors will find plenty of helpful tips there.

The Procrastination Equation, Piers Steel

Another bestselling book that made the list is the one that specifically talks about procrastination. You can easily solve the problem of a lack of motivation by simply solving the mystery behind this equation.

The beauty of this book is that the author managed to put his findings into a very interesting and actionable format. You get no chance to get bored while reading it and solving your procrastination equation.

Outsmart Your Exams, William Wadsworth

If you faint when you think of exams, it’s time to put an end to this feeling. All you need to do is to make sure you get rid of poor management, performance gaps, mistakes, and other stuff. This book is a roadmap for you. By reading it, you can improve your grades, ensure successful performance on every exam, and even take full advantage of your memory.

Understanding How We Learn, Yana Weinstein

Another bright insight on how we learn was provided by cognitive psychologist Yana Weinstein. She combined the science behind memory and learning, added research-backed practices, and translated all complications into a simple language.

After reading this book, you’ll find out the connections between psychology, neuroscience, and memory, and learn to control them enough to learn better and faster.

Books to read over the summer to motivate you to study

Final Words about books to read over the summer

That’s pretty much a full lust of motivational reading that we suggest should be on your real or virtual bookshelf this summer. You definitely won’t regret taking your time to read these books. And there is a decent chance they will help you solve some of your personal problems and change your life for the better.

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