Essay Writing is Best to Improve Your Writing Skills Today

Essay writing and its significance have long been a hot debate among educational circles. Researchers have long researched its benefits and essentially have argued in its favor. Essay writing seems pretty boring and annoying unless you don’t partner with an essay writer or any other credible writing site. This is also probably the most frequently assigned assignment right from school up to the university level.

1. Essay Writing Importance – Breaking Student’s Delusion

Despite such a high frequency, every time we come across an essay, this irritates us anew and yet the teachers never feel hesitant in assigning essays over and over again. This implies that there must be something so important and substantial about essay writing that compels the examiners to test their skills and knowledge through this very common and useful tool.

Although the hammering and annoying nature of essay writing have even been discussed in the Geneva convention, still it’s one of the major tools to test your knowledge and potential as a learned student. Students are unfortunately quite delusional in this regard and they barely understand the core significance of essay writing. Most of the time they do it as an academic obligation and nothing else. In fact, a few of them consider it a mere wastage of time. Here in this write-up, we would briefly narrate the importance of essay writing and why this medium of testing knowledge has been followed for so long.

2. Essay writing evokes and polishes your analytical abilities

As mentioned earlier, essay writing is among the most common writing tasks in almost all your college admission, entry, and competitive exams. Moreover, each different subject comprises various essays related to the subject matter of that particular subject. Now the question arises, why exactly does an essay hold so massive importance?

Well, analytical ability and reasoning carve out a deciding personality of you. This very essay writing helps you enhance and polish your analytical skills through the arguments you coin during the discussion of the essay. This allows you to table your personal opinion backed by certain substantial reasons, facts, and figures. This enables you to take a principled stance on certain issues.

3. Improved presentation and writing skills

Well, apparently as mentioned above, too much essay writing may seem like a futile practice and a total waste of time but in reality, this isn’t even close or even contrary to this. Essay writing and its immense practice prune and polish your presentation and writing skills. Add more positive words and phrases in your essay to render positive vibes.

No matter which majors are you studying and which professional path you are to take in the future, you will essentially need to learn formal communication which is an integral part of every organizational culture. Essay writing carves out a better writer you. Your improved presentation and writing skills will help you throughout your professional life.

4. Better time management skills

Yeah, you read it right, when we say essay writing teaches you better time management skills, we literally mean each and every word of it. The massive practice of essay writing silently prepares you for better time management. Formal essay writing comprises multiple components that are essential to be followed. Right from outline to the introduction, body paragraphs to a comprehensive conclusion, each section carries a certain weightage.

During your practice, you learn to tag a certain weightage to each segment and accordingly allot time for each different component of the formal essay writing. Spending the same amount of time as allotted in your plan of action and achieving the desired results within time is nothing short of perfect time management. Now apply this very rule to various other affairs of life and you will never be disappointed.

5. It makes you a balanced & moderate personality

Again you might be wondering, how on earth a mere essay can make me a moderate personality if I am not already. Essay writing along with the presentation of knowledge, facts, and figures is also your personal expression where the writer very moderately narrates his personal opinion in the essay. In fact, opinionated essays largely consist of your personal thoughts and opinions, and presenting them in a wise and digestible manner is all that matters.

 For instance, if you are assigned a topic that is taboo, here you might be standing on another pole and the rest on the other pole. Through essay writing, you get a fairly sufficient chance to build your argument on the basis of solid reasons and facts and convince the rest in favor of your personal opinion. Meanwhile, a learned and professional essayist would never tend to hurt the sentiments of those standing on other poles. As Bacon famously quoted that “writing makes an exact man.”

6. Way better psychological analysis of the writer

Essay writing is a very major component of many competitive exams and admission tests as well. An essay reflects the overall personality of the writer and helps the assessors have a deeper insight into the writer’s personality and a closer psychological analysis of his personality. This helps better profile the writer whether he possesses the required set of skills for a particular portfolio or not. So in a nutshell, essay writing is a whole package for both readers and writers and benefits them in multiple ways.

By analyzing all of these benefits, we believe that we have been able to clarify the importance of essay writing both in academics and in exams as well. As a student, one must never take essay writing for granted or as a mere academic obligation; instead, one must use it as a helping tool to master all the above-mentioned skills which will certainly be pretty crucial in your practical life. Essay writing is an art and every student needs to master it not only to score high in academics but also to carve out a better human being as well.

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