Gratitude and Appreciation Letter for My Health and Body

To summon the energy of gratitude and appreciation for my health and body I am writing this gratitude and appreciation letter for my health and body. I could have named it only: Gratitude Letter for My Health and Body, but I will also write about things that I appreciate and love about my health and body. Therefore this is also an Appreciation Letter and a Love Letter to my health and body. Here it goes!

I love the health of my body. I love my body. I love my health. I am sincerely grateful for the vitality of my body. I am happy with the health of my body. I appreciate the health of my body. There is an abundance of health in my body. Thank you for this abundance of health.

I love my body and my body loves me. Every organ of my body is functioning perfectly. I appreciate every organ from my body. I am sincerely grateful for my DNA and for my genes, the activated genes, and the not activated genes. I am happy with the energy connected with my body. I am grateful for the energy flowing through my body. I am sincerely grateful for all the love energy flowing through every organ of my body. There is plenty of love in every organ of my body.

I summon perfect restoration for every organ from my body. Life loves every centimeter from my body. Life is kind with my body. Thank you for the kindness that life shows to my body. Every organ of my body is completely safe. My organs love being alive. Life keeps safe all my organs. I thank life for keeping my body safe.

I am grateful for my eyes. Thank you eyes for loving me so much. I am grateful for my heart. Thank you my awesome heart for beating for me. I am sincerely grateful for the love of my heart. I am sincerely grateful for my lungs. Thank you for sustaining my breath for so many years. I love my lungs. I am sincerely grateful for my reproductive organs. My reproductive organs helped me in so many ways and I am sincerely grateful for them. I appreciate my reproductive organs and I am happy with them. There is much love flowing lightly through my reproductive organs. There are no blocks for love in my reproductive organs.

I am sincerely grateful for my reproductive organs. My reproductive organs helped me in so many ways and I am sincerely grateful for them. I appreciate my reproductive organs and I am happy with them. There is much love flowing lightly through my reproductive organs. There are no blocks for love in my reproductive organs.

I am sincerely grateful for my brain. I love my brain and my brain loves me. Thank you all my neurons for serving me so well until now. I love each one of you. I appreciate and love my immunity system. I love and I am so happy with my thymus gland. I appreciate the health of my immunity system. I am sincerely grateful for the perfect health of my thymus gland.

I am sincerely grateful for my hormones and for my hormonal system. I love everything related to my hormones.

I am sincerely grateful for every organ from my body, known by me or unknown. I appreciate every cell from my body. Every cell from my body is a blessing for me. Every cell from my body is serving me in a good and happy way for my reality.

I am sincerely grateful for my mental health. I am sincerely grateful for the health of every cell from my body. There is plenty of love in the cells of my body flowing lovely and gently. There is plenty of light in every cell from my body. I am grateful and I fully appreciate the love and light from every cell from my body.

What would it take for every cell from my body to be alive and happy?

I demand every cell of my body to run the energy of living. It is safe and kind to live. I am willing to let love in every organ from my body. It is safe to let love in every organ of my body.

I love. I love. I love. I open to receive more and more love. Breathing light through every organ and cell from my body. Love and Light surround every cell and every subatomic and atomic levels from my body. I love you my body. Obviously.

With All my Love,

Elena D. Calin
Positive Words Research

Positive Words Research – Gratitude and Appreciation Letter for My Health and Body

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