Positive Affirmations To Appreciate Men On Valentine’s Day

Today it’s the celebration called “Dragobete” in my country. To celebrate this day I decided to write an article with positive affirmations to appreciate men.

Dragobete is a traditional Romanian holiday celebrated on February 24. Dragobete was the son of Baba Dochia, which stands for the main character in the pagan myth related to spring arrival and the end of the harsh winter. Due to his endless kindness, he was chosen – according to some sources, by Virgin Mary – to be the Guardian of Love. The day is particularly known as “the day when the birds are betrothed”. It is around this time that the birds begin to build their nests and mate. On this day, considered locally the first day of spring, boys and girls gather vernal flowers and sing together. Those who take part in Dragobete customs are supposed to be protected from illness, especially fevers, for the rest of the year. If the weather allows, girls and boys pick snowdrops or other early spring plants for the person they are courting. In the countryside, there is an old tradition with girls and boys going into the woods to pick flowers. When they return home, the traditions says that boys were running after girls to kiss them. If the girl liked the boy she lets him kiss her. There is a saying in Romania that makes a lot of sense regarding this: “Dragobete kisses the girls”.

Opportunity for joy and well-being, Dragobetele is one of the most beautiful ancient customs of the Romanian people. It is also mandatory that Dragobete men be in cordial relations with females. Men are not allowed to annoy women nor to engage in a quarrel, otherwise, they will have an unlucky spring and a year not favorable. In general, both boys and girls have a duty to rejoice in this day so that they can enjoy the love with your man the entire year. I write this article with positive affirmations to appreciate men with the intention to enjoy Love, men in my case, the entire year. Therefore here are the positive affirmations to appreciate men that I thought and that I share with you.

Positive Affirmations To Appreciate Men

I appreciate my father from all my heart. I appreciate my father for conceiving me and providing for me in so many ways, so many years. Thank you, father.

I appreciate my brother with all the Love I am capable of. I appreciate my brother for the joy he brought into my life, so many years, in so many moments. Brother thank you for being the person that makes me laugh the most in this life. You made me laugh so many times, healing my soul and therefore also healing my body.

I appreciate all men that live today on the Planet Earth. I appreciate all men that have ever lived from the beginning of time and until now. Thank you for your presence, work, efforts, and energy. You are Loved. You are all Loved.

As Rori Raye says and I agree with her statement:

“The truth is  – men are loyal, brave and strong. Men have a tremendous capacity to love, commit, nurture, cherish, understand, support and be there for us.”

I thank you for your thinking. I thank you for your strength. I respect you for your thinking. I respect you for your strength.

I appreciate all men that ever lived and the ones that are alive now, for the time and efforts they put in handling things and cherishing the feelings of the people around them.

I respect the masculine energy of a man for the amazing ability to organize, figure things out, achieving things, winning victories.

I appreciate and respect all the actions of men that they did, do and will do.

I send gratitude into the Universe for all the battles that every man fought in. I respect men for all the battles that they took, take or will take in the future.

It is said that as a woman you should welcome a man as if he was in a war the entire day. It is said that a man feels every day like he is in a war, he feels like he is in a constant battle. From this point of view, the woman should welcome the man like the Sunshine and show him that there is Light, Ease and Joy, besides war, battles, and struggle.

Therefore I send from my heart appreciation and gratitude for all the wars that men fought in. I send from my heart Light and Ease for all the battles and struggle that all men have gone, are going and will go through.

I forgive masculine energy for everything. I forgive masculine energy for every situation where it was considered or believed that it was hurting the feminine energy. There is much Love between the two. We love each other dearly.

Dear man, I really appreciate you. Thank you for listening so many times to me. Thank you for making me feel loved in so many moments. Thank you for being my protector. Thank you for being my provider. Thank you for taking good care of me. Thank you for making me happy. Thank you for making me laugh so many times.

Dear man, you are full of energy. You are overflowing with joy. You can achieve greatness. You can win your victory. Your body is healthy. Your mind is brilliant. Your soul is tranquil. I believe you can do anything. Everything that is happening now is happening for your ultimate goal. You love and accept yourself for who you are. You forgive those who have harmed you in the past and detach peacefully from them. Your ability to conquer your challenges is limitless. Your potential to succeed is infinite.

I am proud of you. I respect, trust, support and appreciate you. You are blessed.

It is my strong belief that men make our life more beautiful, more alive, more full. Men bring more fullness into our lives.

About the Author


Elena is the person behind Positive Words Research. Her new interests are public speaking, she is training herself in a local Toastmasters club, and theta healing. Connect with Elena through her Facebook Profile or send her a message using the contact form.

1 thought on “Positive Affirmations To Appreciate Men On Valentine’s Day”

  1. This is beautiful Elena. It is very well written and I think such a lovely subject to write about. I really enjoyed reading it and yes I love and appreciate all the wonderful things that men do for us. Thanks for sharing!

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