30 Believable Excuses for Being Late to College or School

Have you ever got in trouble because of being late to college or school? If you are an unpunctual individual, you should be able to explain the reasons for your tardiness to your professor and make him trust your words. Check a list of the believable excuses, which you can use next time when you will not be able to come on time. Buy thesis paper at Thesisgeek where experts will assist you with writing a paper and surprise your teacher.

Being late to class

If you want to use one of the following excuses, you should be a good liar. You should know how to control your tone of voice, facial expression, and body movements. Even more, you should be able to play a drama just like a talented actor does.

Alicia Wilson, product manager at RatedbyStudents, states: “When I worked at the high school, students never ceased to surprise me with the new original excuses for being late. However, I trusted only those individuals, who told me about their personal troubles and seemed to be sincere.” So, you should make yourself believe in your excuse if you want your professor to believe it too.

You had problems with transport

  1. Your car or your parents’ car was stuck in traffic.
  2. You had an accident and needed medical help.
  3. Your car was snowed and you had to dig it up.
  4. You were forced to drive very slowly because of the ice-crusted ground.
  5. Your car didn’t want to start for an hour.

You helped other people

  1. You witnessed an accident and tried to help injured.
  2. Your pet fell ill and you waited for a vet.
  3. You saw a lost child and called the police and social service.
  4. You found a lost puppy or a kitten and took it to your house to feed.
  5. Your neighbors’ house caught on fire, so you tried to help them as much as you can and called the fire department.
  6. Your family member got ill and you took him to the hospital.

You had problems at home

  1. You lost your keys and couldn’t leave your home.
  2. The door lock in your house was broken and you had to wait for a locksmith.
  3. You were stuck in the broken elevator.
  4. Your dog ran away from home and you looked for it.
  5. You quarreled with your parents and cried for a long time.
  6. Your little brother or sister injured his\her leg and you helped your mom to stop bleeding.

Other issues

  1. You fell asleep in the public transport and missed your stop.
  2. Your got blisters from your new shoes your, so you couldn’t go as fast as you usually do.
  3. Someone robbed you in a public place.
  4. You celebrated your birthday yesterday and, for this reason, you overslept in this morning.
  5. Your alarm-clock broke down and didn’t wake you up.
  6. You lost your purse with all your money and credit cards.
  7. You have to take a pill because of your chronic disease, but you forgot to do it in the morning, so you had to come back home to take your medication.
  8. Your cheek was swollen, so you had to go to the dentist.

Being late for assignment submission

Being late to class is bad for your reputation. However, when you are not able to meet a deadline for an important essay or project, then things get even worse. You risk losing both: the trust of your professor and an opportunity to get good grades.

If you are in trouble and have no time to complete your assignment, you should better check a list of the writing services and get academic assistance. It will help you to submit tasks on time and save your positive image of a hardworking student.

However, if you don’t follow this advice, you should explain to your professor why you were not able to complete the assignment on schedule. In this case, it’s better to say that you had problems with your health, which didn’t allow you to study effectively.

  1. You had a sharp headache\stomachache\toothache.
  2. Now you are taking new pills, which provoke weakness, drowse, and sickness.
  3. You had food poisoning.
  4. You injured your arm, leg or back because of the ice-crusted ground (if you hurt your leg, don’t forget to walk with a hobble).
  5. You had a fever.

Final Thoughts For Excuses For Being Late To School

You can have a lot of real reasons to be late for college or school almost every day, but still, you should try to be a punctual person. If you respect the time of your professor and of your peers, you shouldn’t distract them from the learning process by entering a class in the middle of the lecture.

You are welcome to utilize these believable excuses when you really need them. However, you shouldn’t use them too often, if you don’t want to lose trust in a relationship.

BIO: Daniela McVicker is an editor for AllTopReviews. She worked at the high school for 3 years and helped young individuals to develop their writing skills. In her spare time, she composes poems, reads books in foreign languages, and bakes delicious cakes.

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30 Believable Excuses for Being Late to College or School

1 thought on “30 Believable Excuses for Being Late to College or School”

  1. yes when got to school yeah the last one to get home because of traffic and came home my grandad was worried about me and so my auntie to is getting late


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