Have you taken a moment recently to think about the power of the words you say? Too often, we say words and sentences that are very careless or even harmful. Either to others or ourselves and don’t even stop to think about the far-reaching effects that doing so will have. I have found that one of the best ways to stop having a negative influence through speaking and writing is by increasing the positive sayings that I put out into the world. Here are five simple examples of positive sentences you can begin using to get started on a path to a more optimistic and joyful life.
Four Positive Sentences to Improve Your Life
I Am Well
It isn’t always easy to convince ourselves that we are happy. It isn’t even always easy to convince ourselves that we are good, healthy, kind, or any of the other typical affirmations that you will hear. But what is fairly easy to tell ourselves, at least in my experience, is that we are well. As powerful as well-being is, there is something about this saying that it is easy on the brain, eyes, and ears.
Wellness can almost be a state of mind; I believe this is why it is a good quality to affirm as being present within yourself. Especially if you are highly skeptical with regard to positive thinking. Our spirits can be well, even when our minds, finances, or bodies are not. Remind yourself that you are going to be okay. It can really help you put your life into perspective. Moreover when you get wrapped up in the small, everyday stressors of life.
I Am Enough
It feels so relaxing to state that you are enough to yourself, especially when you affirm it aloud. Modern society will tell you that you are anything but enough. Day in and day out, we are all being sold the idea that we need something more to complete ourselves – whether that “something” is money, clothes, or another material possession of some sort. Reminding yourself that, at the end of the day, you really are enough can work wonders on your self-esteem and your inner peace. You are fine as-is. It is always a good idea to work on yourself. But making a mistake or skipping a day of self-improvement is not the end of the world or a sign that you are worthless.
People Are Good
Here is another lie that we have been taught throughout history. “Most everyone is bad, and no one can really be trusted.” It is important to remember, though, that all of us imperfect people are doing the best job we can with the resources we have and the worldviews we have been raised to accept as true. I would argue that the majority of people living today believe that they are good and doing what is right by their moral standards. Reminding yourself that “people are good” can really help you put the behavior and mindsets of others into perspective. Practice being more tolerant of those who don’t agree with you – or even those who have hurt or offended you in some way. Letting go of negative feelings toward such people really makes a world of difference where your mood is concerned.
Goodness Is Everywhere.
It is important to remember that, even when it may not seem like it, good things are always surrounding us. Even if you are holed up inside feeling miserable and alone, there is new life being born, inspiring art being created, and kindness being expressed. Even if you can’t personally see or feel it. Write out an affirmation that “goodness is everywhere” or say this simple sentence out loud to yourself. This statement is so true that it is hard to reason against it, even if you are a highly pessimistic person.
People go through numerous ups and downs in life. Having a basic structure in place to handle these emotional rollercoasters can help you to feel more capable of dealing with them when they occur. Even if you are weary of affirmation or find it hard to be happy. Writing or speaking these four little sentences will improve your day, your outlook, and even your life.
Lindsey J. Flagg is a writer who started her freelancing journey in June of 2018. Lindsey lives in the Greater Chicago Area and spends her free time writing for fun, listening to music, and studying foreign languages. She graduated from Purdue University Northwest with her BA in Communication and a Minor in Media & Culture.