Best 20 Simple Meditations to Create Peace of Mind and Joy

Positive Words Research shares with you 20 simple meditations which will help you create for yourself peace of mind and joy. These simple meditations can be done by anyone and in any place, because they don’t take a long time.

1. Your heart and the hearts of the other living people

Picture that you have a heart, which you do. Picture that all of the other 7 billion people living in the same moment as you, also have a heart, which they do. Picture that your heart is beating at the same time as other 7 billion living hearts. Take 10 minutes to visualize this, after you made some relaxation exercises.

This meditation will generate compassion, joyfulness, magic, self-love, connection, warmth, blissfulness, deep awareness, amazement, and serenity.

2. Sit, don’t talk, smile

Sit in silence, don’t talk and gently smile for 15 minutes after you’ve made some relaxation exercises.

This meditation will generate an inner smile, serenity, and relief.

3. Sit, don’t talk, smile and mentally scan your body

Sit in silence, don’t talk, gently smile and mentally scan your body for 15 minutes after you’ve made some relaxation exercises. When you mentally scan your body picture that every organ is also smiling.

This meditation will generate peacefulness, healing, health increase, vitality, joy, gratitude, appreciation, relief, and self-love.

4. Large smile with your mouth and eyes

Make a large smile with your mouth and eyes and keep it like this for 60 seconds while counting from 60 to 1.

This meditation will generate happiness.

5. Give up good things

Take 10 minutes to affirm internally that you give up all the good things, good feelings and good experiences you lived in the past, present and future.

This meditation will generate relief and space for more good things, feelings and experiences to come your way. It will make you let go of future thinking and a lot of expectations that you have and are weighing you and making you feel tense. It will make you give up attachment to the good which is sometimes a more powerful type of attachment than the attachment that you feel for bad things which we cannot forgive and let go.

6. Cut connections between your body and all other bodies or entities

Visualize your body and ask him to disconnect and cut connections will all other living bodies or any entity. Affirm that all other people are free and they have the right to be free and you are free and you have the right to be free. Set them free and set yourself free. It is good to set yourself free and be free.

This meditation will generate feeling light, freedom, releasing a lot of tension, healing, increase synchronicity for future good things to connect and happen.

7. Forgiveness – give up bad things

Picture yourself. Picture a person, event, and state of things, an experience that has or is upsetting you. It might be something that happened recently, some situation that hasn’t changed for years or some tensed memory that you hold. Picture yourself staying face to face with this person or event that is generating tension for yourself.

Ask him to forgive you for any wrong you’ve done to him. Picture that the other person has his higher-self behind him, which is much bigger than that person. Picture his higher self quickly forgiving and giving you a warm hug. Receive his forgiveness and warmth in your heart. Next, picture his higher-self asking you forgiveness for any wrong he’s done to you. Forgive him immediately and give him a virtual warm hug. See him accepting your forgiveness and hug while smiling at you. Do the same with a tense event, experience, yourself, God or life in general. Forgive everything and let yourself be forgiven.

This meditation will generate peace, releasing a lot of tension, healing, a significant increase in your vibration, generosity, love for yourself, others and life, acceptance, lots of strengths, and resilience.

8. Enlarge yourself more than Earth

Picture your body. Imagine that your body has a subtle energy inside your heart connected with your mind. Picture this energy heart-mind becoming bigger and surrounding your body, then becoming even bigger and covering your house, your neighborhood, town, region, country, the continent, the Earth, the solar system and going far-far in the Universe. Feel yourself limitless.

This meditation will generate inner super-power, powerful intuition, the ability to think beyond Earth consciousness, the ability to think beyond the duality law (good-bad, cold-heat, light-dark, positive-negative etc.). This meditation will also instantly give you the ability to get over your problems, to be above your problems, bigger than them. You will not feel most of your problems and the ones that your still feel will seem smaller than before.

9. Give up everything as in the moment of death

Give up everything by completely emptying yourself. Picture that you are at the moment of death which is a future real event, which will happen in your life. In that moment you will be forced to give up everything, good or bad. And you will do this giving up of everything very fast. Don’t be afraid. You cannot control your death. You will still die in the future, not now. Do this for 5 minutes, after you have practiced a relaxation method.

How to do it in the simplest way? Consider each memory that you have, each thing that you know as being “only concepts”, concepts that you don’t have to deal with them after death when everything will disappear. Use your imagination. Consider food, relationships, air, sky, spoon, knife, hands, hair, thoughts, heart, head, yourself, phone, laptop, the internet, facebook, water, trees, pills, emotions, diseases, sport, marriage, kids, adulthood, being old, life, movement etc. as just concepts which you don’t have to deal with them anymore after death. All these are only things that are happening on a planet called Earth. After death you will not be on the planet Earth anymore and therefore will not be concerned about anything that exists on this planet and how things are done on this planet.

This meditation will generate full releasing of all present attachments. It will fully empty you. You will download the second best power you could have in this world, the power of death, the power of full emptiness. You will realize that everything is impermanent, good or bad. Energy is always in movement, you are always in movement, taking different forms through eternity.

The first power that exists in the world you can get by practicing the next meditation.

10. Treasure life

After practicing meditation number 9 “Give up everything as in the moment of death”, practice feeling alive. Do it in a simple way. Just become aware that You are still here on Earth, You are Alive. You gave up everything as in the moment of death, and yet here you are, still here, still breathing. Smile. See, you are still able to smile. Treasure this smile. Give thanks to it. Say: “I am grateful for being alive in this moment, I couldn’t be able to smile if I wasn’t alive.”. Do you have thoughts crossing your mind right now? Treasure that. You couldn’t have thoughts crossing your mind if you weren’t alive.

This meditation will generate something that is hard to explain with words. It is a sense of knowing that, now, you are such a blessing. You are alive and there is nothing more valuable than this. Your own existence is more than enough. Nothing more needs to be done from you, than to be alive, and you already are. All that you do comes from the fact that you are alive and breathing.

11. Powerful Light Human-Being

Picture yourself very powerful, having and mastering the secret of light, being one of Earth protectors. Tell yourself that because you are here on Earth, everything is protected.

This meditation will generate much self-power and shining light that will go deep inside you.

12. Joyful & Happy

Take 10 minutes to picture yourself joyful and happy. You can even be joyful and happy in this meditation to help you feel yourself for real, joyful and happy.

This meditation will generate joyfulness, happiness, contempt, satisfaction, fulfillment and the feeling that your joy and happiness are under your control.

13. Calculate your remaining years of living deducting your current age from 100

Deduct your current age from 100 and tell yourself that you will live the difference. For example, if you are 34 years old, do 100 less 34, which is 66 and tell yourself that you will live 66 more years. Reflect on 66 more years in this way: ask yourself how many times you will still eat, breath, sleep, go to the toilet, wash your body, talk with different people, get a cold etc. Ask yourself how much water you will still drink in 66 years and the Earth will provide for you all this water. All the air that you need to breathe in 66 years the Earth will provide to you. Then think what will you do with 66 more years of living? What if tomorrow you would start writing a book? Would you think you could solve how to write a book and actually finish and publish it in 66 years? I think even if you had 3 more years of living you could definitely do that. But you have 66 years.

This meditation will generate a full relaxation of all your struggles. You will instantly feel how much time you actually have, to do anything you could want to do in your life.

It will also make you realize that your life will not be significantly different from now on, as compared to how it was before. This is valid in terms of you needing to take time, every day, to eat, breath, sleep, wash your body, go to the toilet, talk with people, think etc. In this terms, your life will be the same. It will make you feel that what you did until now it was all good and it will be all good in the future. And that is enough just to take care of your basic needs. You will understand that all other things that we do are only for our own fun, only so that we could occupy, with something, the remaining time that you don’t spend on basic needs.

14. Focus on your breathing

Make some relaxation exercises. Then focus for 15 minutes only on your breathing. Alternate your breathing, play with your breathing. Keep your eyes semi-closed. Focus for the last 5 minutes only on the place from your nose where the air comes in and out while breathing normal.

This meditation will generate mental relaxation and stomach relaxation.

If you sing while you play with your breath it will also relax your throat. If you take very fast the air out while making a short powerful relaxation sound, it will relax your heart. If you move your middle while breathing it will relax your middle. Basically, any part of the body that you move while focusing on your breathing it will get more and more relaxed, will release more and more the tension accumulated in those muscles.

15. Inspired meditation

Take 15 minutes to meditate without any method. Don’t have any intention for this meditation. Begin by sitting in your most common meditation position. Then let yourself be guided by your intuition on what to do. You might feel to move your hands up, to do a certain sign with your body that you don’t know the meaning, to breath in a certain way, to make strange and funny faces, to stay in “strange” positions with your body. Anything that comes to you, do it. Let yourself be moved from here to there, by your own body.

This meditation will generate more intuition, more connection between your active consciousness and your body and release of tension specific only to you.

16. Gratitude

Re-acknowledge and recollect events that happen to you. Think of 1 to 3 things you are grateful for in every area of your life: yourself, your projects, relationships etc. and say that you are grateful for them. Think of 1 to 3 things you are not grateful for, in every area of your life, and intentionally say that you are grateful for them.

Do this meditation either intentionally taking 15 minutes of your time or from time to time during the day.

17. Being and feeling blessed

Stay for 15 minutes after you’ve made some relaxation practices and picture yourself being blessed by everything, spiritual beings or people. Picture that God is blessings you with pure love and light (if you are a God believer). Picture that other spiritual entities are blessings you will light, it can be your protective angel, Archangel Michael, Buddha, Krishna etc.

This meditation will generate peace in you, self-love, self-acceptance, clearing of negative energies, peace of mind, loving-kindness, and blessings.

18. Give and receiving thanks from things around you

Picture that everything around gives thanks to you and you give thanks to them. Do this meditation as you walk on the street, at work, at home or while taking lunch or dinner with your friends. Picture that the trees are saying thank you, to you. Say back thank you to them. The air is saying thanks to you, for breathing it, you say back. The water is saying thank you for drinking it, you say thanks back. And so on with every object around you that you encounter during your day.

This meditation will generate a lot of gratitude, awareness for the many things that are serving you, joy, blessings, blissfulness, and magic.

19. Positive expectations

Practice the following three affirmations:

  1. Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen!
  2. Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and focus on what could go right!
  3. Expect to find joy as you move forward!

This meditation will generate faith, hope, joy, and stop negative thinking.

20. Positive words

Scan this list of positive words and create your small list of positive words. Memorize it or keep the list somewhere where you can have quick access to it. Take 15 minutes to reflect on your list of positive words. Repeat in your mind or with a loud voice the positive words. Search the meaning of the positive words on the internet to better embody their meaning.

This meditation will generate positive thinking, clearing negativity, attract the cumulated energy of the list of positive words.


  • Do only one or few of these simple meditations during a day, except the gratitude meditation which can be done many times during the day;
  • Skip some days and don’t meditate at all;
  • Do these simple meditations wherever you are.

Which meditation is your favorite?

lotus flower meditation

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