Monday’s Motivational Blog
A is for Appreciation
‘Appreciation will lead to more things to appreciate in your life’
Victoria J.Brown
When you woke up this morning, what were your first thoughts? Did you want to get out of bed? Did you think about appreciating the fact that you could actually get out of bed? Did you appreciate that you are alive and living in this precious wonderful world?
Many people don’t wake up with these thoughts. The reason many people are unhappy in their lives is that they want MORE! And that’s ok … it’s okay to want more from life, to want to strive ahead and make a better life for yourself and your family. It’s great to have that determination. But if you appreciate how far you’ve come, you will go further.
Before I was introduced to the Law of Attraction, which was many, many years ago, I was a ‘glass half-empty’ type of girl, those days are long gone, in fact, I can’t even remember that girl. Now I’m more than a ‘glass half-full’ girlie … I’m a ‘glass half-full looking for people who are thirsty,’ girlie.
Emotions and feelings are the keys to having a better life. Being unappreciative of your current situation could lead to a worse situation. You may think, ‘but I do appreciate my life, I just want more.’ As I said above, this is ok, to want more is healthy, but when was the last time you actually looked at yourself and felt truly grateful. How often do you look at your life and feel deep appreciation? True appreciation is a blessing.
Here’s an exercise for you:
Sit down, breathe deeply and relax (in a quiet space where you can’t be disturbed)
Now imagine the following:
Your life without your loved ones
No roof over your head
Being so hungry and not knowing where the next piece of food is coming from.
Now, APPRECIATE all the things you have in your life that you don’t want to lose.
Put your hands together and really feel true appreciation from your heart.
Say aloud, ‘Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.’
When I first started learning about the Law of Attraction, I realized that I didn’t appreciate my life enough. Now, I appreciate everything in my life and I constantly say ‘thank you’.
A good exercise is to write down daily 10 things you are grateful for, 10 things you appreciate in your life. Even if you hate your job, you should appreciate that you have a job and that you are able to work. Start looking at the things in your life that you don’t like and turn it around. What can you appreciate about it?
Do this every day until your appreciation becomes second nature, saying ‘thank you’ and appreciating your life is a way of life for you.