Looking Through Rose Colored Glasses Can Change Your Life

Did you ever wake up in the morning and everything seemed black, gray, and sad? It was pouring rain and your head was throbbing. On the way out to work, you spilled your coffee on the scrubs you had prepared for a change and perfectly ironed the night before. You got stuck in a massive traffic jam, and your boss was quite upset at the time you showed up to work… It was one of those mornings.

Don’t let this all affect your mood! Remember the small trick of digging into your pocket, pulling out your rose-tinted glasses, putting them on, and suddenly the world will be sunny, your brain will be clear, and the stain on your shirt will not matter. Can this really be?

What are Rose-Tinted Glasses?

Rose-tinted glasses are not a physical tangible thing; rather, they are a symbol of a state of mind. It is a change in the outlook of how you view the world. You always have the power to view things in two ways; positive or negative. Rose-tinted glasses mean only looking at the positive side of things.

How Do They Work?

The psychological path of your brain is one of the strongest paths in a human. It can even dominate physical feelings! So all you have to do it put yourself into this positive thinking mode. Which literally means looking at every situation and finding the positive. Once your brain views and thinks of the positive, you will start believing the positivity of your situation, and then feel positive – which will turn your day from black to yellow.

Note: You can still feel pain and sadness wearing rose-colored glasses, but it will be from a different perspective, and you won’t feel that you’re suffering as much. Look at this simple math:

Pain + rose-colored glasses = Less pain

Pain – rose-colored glasses = More Pain, more stress, more anxiety, etc.

Putting This Into Practice

Let us start with the following scenario:

You woke up and everything seems black and dreary. How can you make this day more positive?

How about realizing it’s just a few clouds blocking the sunshine. Imagine – beyond the clouds is a whole beautiful sky that you will be able to view as soon as the clouds pass! Doesn’t that make the gray morning sky better?

How do you turn a rainy day awesome, you ask? Think positive. What will the world be without rain? If you go down that road you will realize quite fast how you want it to pour!

Coffee spills are no big deal once you put on the glasses! Think about the blessings of being able to hold and drink a coffee. There are many people out there who lost their arms and are on feeding tubes!

Did the boss yell at you? Think “this too shall pass” while your boss lets out all his steam. Keep quiet and keep on repeating in your mind that “this will pass…this will pass.” It will calm you down as he lets out his frustration on you. Later that day, once he calmed down, you can explain to your boss the reason you came late. I have no doubt that he will assure you it was ok you came late and understand.

An Exercise on How to Acquire Rose Colored Glasses:

Since this is a mindset, you will have to practice installing this “program” into your brain.

Take paper and divide it into two.  On the left side write down 10 “bad” things that happened to you in the past week. On the left side think of how you can look at the “bad” in a positive light. Do this often at first. You will see that the first time will be tough. You will have to use your imagination, or you might even need an unbiased outsider to help you find the positive – but I can assure you that as time goes on, things will get simpler.

I would suggest you wear a “be positive” reminder for the beginning. Put on a pink bracelet or watch to serve as a cue to start being positive.  You can also put some motivational sticky notes near your work desk, bed, and on the fridge.

To conclude, changing a mindset is tough work, but doing so will change your life from dark black and gray to bright pink and yellow! And always remember: Whether you think you can or you think you can’t; either way, you will be right!


Paul Priceman is a passionate male nurse advocate both in his personal life and professionally. Priceman works tirelessly works to promote male nurses in the US and worldwide. He is also involved in researching and writing about various different fascinating and intriguing healthcare-related topics. In his spare time, he enjoys skiing in the winter, swimming in the summer, and daydreaming all year round. 

Positive Words Research – How Looking At The World Through Rose-Colored Glasses Can Change Your Life

How Looking At The World Through Rose Colored Glasses Can Change Your Life

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