Financial Abundance Feel Far Away: Learn What Can You Do

Most of us have an idea of where we would like to be in life and it often includes a desire towards financial abundance. Call it wealth. Call it prosperity. Whatever you choose to call it, it’s probably right there, up on your wishlist. 

Why Does Financial Abundance Feel So Far Away and What Can You Do About It?

But from wishing it to actually attracting it sometimes feels like a road longer than the one we signed up for. So what do we do to get there? Or better yet, what should we stop doing in order to achieve the financial abundance we covet so much? The questions seem pretty straightforward, but the answers can require some careful soul searching and definitely a lot of personal work. This is why we’re going to go through a list of solutions that will hopefully embolden you to change the way you think about money and empower you to attract more:

1. Dig Deep to Uncover What You’re Manifesting as Financial Abundance

If you’ve ever heard about the law of attraction, know that it’s not just another theory flung around by modern pseudo-thinkers, but it’s actually the way things work in life. If you believe and want something for yourself, the universe will make way and get it closer to you. It will remove all obstacles and eventually send you the right opportunities that can help you open the doors you want. 

However, if you know what you want and have a clear vision of how your financial life could look like for you, but your reality still doesn’t reflect that it must be that somewhere in your subconscious you don’t actually believe you can achieve it. In other words, what you actually believe is that you’re unworthy of having financial wealth. This is where you need to start digging deep with the goal of discovering your financial blueprint. We all have blueprints that guide us through every aspect of life and your money-related one was probably developed in your childhood. 

Try to remember what your financial education felt like, how your parents felt about money and what they felt they deserved money-wise. Write every new discovery down and read it again every time you need to stop your negative brain from taking charge. This is a good first step to unlocking the financial abundance you always wanted for yourself.

2. Work On Dismantling Old Beliefs and Replacing Them With New Ones For Financial Freedom

Once you’ve got the answers to all these questions, it’s time to look at your life and see how these beliefs manifested themselves without a shadow of doubt throughout your life. Once you become aware of the power these toxic thoughts had on you, you can start dissociating from them and bid them farewell. 

It’s okay to want more and it’s even healthier to start thinking you deserve it. Of course, this won’t happen overnight, but as long as you start telling yourself empowering words daily, you will manage to rewire your subconscious in a way that’s more financially supportive. This is a process that takes time and progress may not always be straightforward. Old beliefs will sometimes creep into everything you approach financially, so it’s important to take notice of them and stop them in their tracks.

3. Let Abundance Flow Into Other Areas of Your Life As Well For Financial Prosperity

Abundance is abundance, no matter what areas of your life you are manifesting it in. If financial abundance is taking a little longer to attract, know that if you start embodying abundance in other areas too, your overall vibration will rise and will make room for higher financial grounds too. 

What you need to do in order for this to happen is to commit to living your life with an emphasis on adding more value to others. As soon as you start giving recognition, praise, inspiration, and support to others, you’ll start feeling a lot more grateful for what you have and you’ll tap into that inner wealth that will eventually build more positive emotions for you. If you give out of a place of genuine generosity, you will receive just that – generosity a hundred times back.

These tips are only the stepping stones on which you can envision and create a better financial future for yourself. Additionally to this, you also need to stop making excuses for yourself, even for life’s more trivial activities, and to commit to offering yourself the best possible version of life because you truly feel you deserve that and nothing less. Don’t settle, don’t compromise, practice gratitude, empower others and work hard on changing your blueprints. The rest will soon fall into place.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Why Does Financial Abundance Feel So Far Away and What Can You Do About It

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