Category Archives: Inspiring Words

Foster positivity and motivation through the power of language with our inspiring words. Let words uplift and guide you to greater heights!

Positive Adjectives That Start With C Letter List

Positive Words Research has compiled a list of positive adjectives that start with C to describe a person. Find here adjectives to describe a person, C adjectives, adjectives for people, adjectives to describe people, adjectives starting with C, positive adjectives to describe a person, C adjectives to describe a person.

Positive adjectives that start with C letter


For more complimentary adjectives, inspiring adjectives, empowering adjectives, motivational adjectives, good adjectives, kind adjectives, nice adjectives go to positive adjectives from A-Z .

Positive Adjectives That Start With C

Best 20 Positive Adjectives That Start With B Letter List

Positive Words Research has compiled a list of positive adjectives that start with B to describe a person. Find here adjectives to describe a person, B adjectives, adjectives for people, adjectives to describe people, adjectives starting with B, positive adjectives to describe a person, B adjectives to describe a person.

Positive Adjectives That Start With B Letter


For more complimentary adjectives, inspiring adjectives, empowering adjectives, motivational adjectives, good adjectives, kind adjectives, nice adjectives go to positive adjectives from A-Z .

Positive Adjectives That Start With B

Positive Adjectives That Start With A Letter – Describe a Person List

Positive Words Research has compiled a list of positive adjectives that start with A to describe a person. Find here adjectives to describe a person, A adjectives, adjectives for people, adjectives to describe people, adjectives starting with A, positive adjectives to describe a person, A adjectives to describe a person.

Positive Adjectives That Start With A Letter


For more complimentary adjectives, inspiring adjectives, empowering adjectives, motivational adjectives, good adjectives, kind adjectives, nice adjectives go to positive adjectives from A-Z .

Positive adjectives that start with A

Top 30 Good Adjectives for Women and Feminine Energy

Positive Words Research has compiled a list with 30 good adjectives for women. These kind adjectives for her are specifically chosen to lift up the feminine energy.

Read each morning this list of positive adjectives to have a more positive outlook on life. You will see that there is an amazing link between complimentary words and happiness. With the below positive adjectives for women you will be empowered to boost the self-esteem of the women around you.

Every day we rush to do so many things. We take care of everyone. We try as much as we can to talk good with everyone. But sometimes we forget about us. We forget to talk good to us. We look at our face in the mirror and maybe nothing good and kind comes to our mind about us.

How about every morning you take five minutes for yourself. Look at the below list. Look at your face in the mirror. Look into your eyes and whisper some kind adjective to yourself. Maybe even starting with the powerful I AM. I am harmonious, I am authentic. I am joyful. I am creative. I am brave.

Enjoy the below inspiring adjectives for women. The motivational words were chosen especially for you.

30 Good Adjectives for Women

  5. BRAVE
  7. SMART
  9. HAPPY
  16. WISE
  17. WINNER
  18. LOVING
  21. LUCKY
  27. BRIGHT
  28. FUNNY
  29. UNIQUE

Another idea is to mix the above adjectives with “May I be … today”. May I be flourishing today. May I be funny today. May I be bright today.

In this way you set a positive intention for the day ahead of you.

Add some positive vibes and positive energy to your entire day, starting with the morning and share this list and empower a women, a friend.

Positive Words Research – 30 Good Adjectives for Women

30 Good Adjectives for Women

How Can You Better Stick to Your Resolutions for the Year

Now that we’re full-on into the New Year, yet still, at its beginning, it’s time to see how well we’re sticking to the resolutions list we’ve made for ourselves a little while back. While making a resolution list in full enthusiasm and with an open heart is inspiring, unfortunately, it’s also no guarantee to help us stick to our plans in the year ahead. 

How Can You Better Stick to Your Resolutions for the Year?

We may get sidetracked by other unforeseen plans or even discouraged by the proportions of what we’ve set out to accomplish for ourselves. However, the good news is that, as with everything else in life, there are ways to slow down and pursue what we want in a calmer, more efficient matter. Let’s look at some tips on how we can make sure we’ll cross off the list even our wildest objectives and dreams:

1. Break Down Objectives into Bite-Size Portions

When you wrote down your list, you probably took note of everything you want to accomplish, but rather in the bigger-picture kind of way. Now it’s time to take the first still unmet objective on your list and break it down into smaller steps. Write down the first thing you can do to get closer to this goal and assign it a timeframe. When can you have it ready? What needs to happen for you to be able to meet that deadline? What can stop you from achieving it? What external help and resources do you need to make it happen? 

Say, for example, one goal was for you to reach financial prosperity this year, but that’s too vague. Think that by March you’ll apply to ten different jobs, by May you take on that extra freelancing job you’ve always wanted to and by July you’ll collaborate with someone on a new project. It’s all about envisioning the small steps that together can bring you the financial prosperity you’ve dreamed of. Additionally, you can look at poor habits that prevent you from reaching and maintaining financial prosperity.

2. Reach Out for External Support

Even though they may be our own dreams and goals, it doesn’t mean we need to work alone on them. The beauty of moving through life organically towards what brings you fulfillment is that the right people will always come your way to help you get where you want to. So try to relieve some of the pressure you’ve put on yourself and look outside, in trying to identify which people from your social circles can contribute to your dreams. 

Remember, happiness is only real when shared, so do your best to collaborate with people that share your vision and aspirations. In the end, the reward will be so much bigger when you’ll cross the finish line together, rather than just by yourself. And who knows, you may also be helping someone fulfill their own dreams in the process. And you will for sure stick to your resolutions for the year.

3. Don’t Give Up the Resolutions for the Year

Sometimes reaching out to something we really want can become overwhelming, scary and exhausting. This is why it’s important that within those moments we step back and treat ourselves gently. Instead of putting even more pressure on ourselves, we need to allow ourselves to take a break whenever we need it, so we can come back to our projects and dreams with a fresher mind. It’s often so easy to lose sight of the reason why we’re doing what we’re doing or to disconnect from gratitude and positive thinking. In this way you will stick to your resolutions for the year.

But that’s just when we need to bring gentleness and calm in our already turbulent mindsets. By practicing this shift every day, you’ll soon notice how inner peace is following its natural course again and your energy levels are slowly back to normal. Life is filled with setbacks and energy rushes, so it’s important to remember how natural they are and how it only requires patience and calm from our side to manage all these fleeting emotions.

Ultimately, it’s important to realize that our dreams will always be there for us, calmly waiting for us to come and bring them to reality. So we need to pace ourselves in this crazy rush to get things done, look for outside support whenever necessary and constantly have faith in who we are and what our personal mission is. Everything does fall into place eventually. And this is how you better stick to your resolutions for the year.

About the Author

‘Claudia Spataru is a free spirit located in Bucharest, Romania and always in search of answers to life’s greatest questions. She loves to understand how people work, what makes them tick and find ways to help them reach higher grounds. She adores the sea, traveling and laughing.’

Positive Words Research – How Can You Better Stick to Your Resolutions for the Year?

How Can You Better Stick to Your Resolutions for the Year

Top 10 Positive Words For 2020: Find Your Word For The Year

Positive words for 2020 is an article that I think is very much needed in the current situation with the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19.

Based on Positive Words Research analysis of nice words for 2020 to think, so that we can successfully match the current situation, we have discovered some interesting inspiring words.

Our research started by analyzing the negative feelings and emotions that emerged worldwide after the start of the coronavirus COVID-19 epidemy.

Mainly, we have seen an increase in doubt, greed, panic, anxiety, lots of fear, hate, and anger. Also, we have noticed that there was an increase in verbal bullying, especially on social media.

This being said, we have come up with the following list of ten positive words for 2020:


Hope cultivated correctly is one of the antidots for doubt, together with ease and optimism. It is also said that hope is one of the essentials foods that we need as humans. There are four essential different types of food that we need in order to survive and thrive:

  • The first type of food is “bitten food”; this is the physical food – anything that can be bitten and chewed, like a piece of apple;
  • The second type of food is sleep;
  • The third food is hope, and ancient books describe it as such. A horse strayed into the Sahara, in the desert, and wandered the sands for several days in search of water. Even when he is ready to die of thirst, he smells of water; he crawls on his knees over a hill and sees down an oasis with a small freshwater lake. The idea is – no matter how close the end is – the horse will be able to reach the water. Maybe his body is weak, but the hope is enough to sustain him for the last hundred yards. Hope keeps him on his feet, as we all do.
  • The fourth food simply consists of uninterrupted moments of concentration.

The above four types of food are specified in Geshe Michael Roach – “Love Karma”, pages 150-151.


Generosity is one of the antidotes for greed, together with altruism, benevolence, self-restraint, and unselfishness.

Making sure that every day you feel generous is the base for prosperity, abundance, financial freedom. Having all the money you need when you needed it comes from a feeling of generosity. You feel the power of the feeling of generosity when you think that all that you need is more than you need it and it is always at your disposal.

Some higher thoughts of generosity will appear in your mind when you convince yourself that you can be paid by being you and there is money for you in the world like the oxygen. Some lower thoughts of generosity, but also very efficient, will come to you if you just believe that you have and you will always have more than enough. Believe that life will always take care of anything you need.


Surprisingly, loving-kindness is one of the antidotes for panic, together with self-relief and body movement. Loving-kindness is a difficult feeling to feel, especially to feel it every day and choose it every moment, when needed. Monks practice embodying loving-kindness for years, through many actions that they take every day. But even at a lower level, loving-kindness has tremendous benefits on your mind and body.

Loving-kindness is more than kindness. It is said that if you want to really feel what love is, then practice kindness for two years, then loving-kindness for another two years, then you are ready to practice Love. This practice is done in three ways: towards yourself, towards other people and towards life (the entire existence as it is). Be kind to yourself, to other people and to life as it shows right now.


Centeredness is one of the antidotes for anxiety, together with self-relief and body movement. Centeredness is again something challenging to do, especially in these times. Some people center themselves in the center of the Earth, of course through visualization. You can do it too. Just imagine that you are connected with a golden light full of pure unconditional love in the center of Earth.

Besides centering yourself on the Planet Earth, I suggest centering your mind and heart in something higher than Earth. This can be done through a combination of connecting with your higher self, with the six Dimension (the formless dimension full of unconditional love) as it is done in theta healing, with the Holy Trinity (Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, God) as it is done in Christianity and many other divine connections as they exist in every culture.

No matter how you connect with a divine higher force (power, grace) is perfect. What I want to draw attention upon is for you to do it. It’s more important, not how you do it, but to just do it. Keep your mind focused (connected) on that higher power, no matter how you define it or believe in it.


Bravery is another word for courage and it is one of the antidotes for fear, together with action and fearlessness. Have courage in these difficult times, be brave. Easily said, harder to be done when fear is knocking on your door. But humans are stronger and more courageous than they know. Due to our modern facilities, we have become comfortable in many ways. When our modern facilities are threatened, our comfort gets disturbed.

But we are not machines to operate only in a certain way. We are humans and there are many strong qualities and abilities in us, that are only dormant. Wake up your human abilities and be amazed by how brave you really are. Inspire yourself to have the courage and you will inspire other people to have courage too.


Appreciation, believe it or not, is one of the antidotes for hate, together with gentle love and goodwill.

I think a lot of verbal bullying comes from the lack of a temporary ability of one person to appreciate. First, this situation occurs because the person lacks education and does not know how to practice the art of appreciation. Surprisingly, based on the research I’ve done through my Positive Words Research project, this is the main reason why people don’t appreciate more. Second, this situation occurs because people did not train themselves to be strong in their choice between appreciation and bullying/hating/criticizing.

I strongly believe that practicing the art of appreciation can stop bullying, self-hatred, hating others, self-criticizing or criticizing others.


Acceptance and mainly “acceptance of what is” is one of the antidotes for anger, together with humbleness and forgiveness. The faster you accept what is, the faster you cool yourself down, even before you caught fire. Not catching fire is the secret of winning over anger.

Some say that anger is good, it’s transforming energy. Anger makes you change things. A lot of people change the material world with the energy of anger. I agree that anger is good. But I need to point something out and it is very important.

In the scale of consciousness, Dr. David Hawkins presents, below anger, the lower energies of shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, and desire. Therefore if you find yourself in a state of apathy, then anger is good because you will get yourself out of apathy and raise your vibration. Same, if you find yourself in a state of fear, then anger again is good.

Then again, on the same scale of consciousness, the same doctor presents, above anger, the feelings of pride, courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace and enlightenment. If you find yourself at the level of reason and you let yourself feel the anger then you significantly drop in vibration and consciousness. Also, please notice that acceptance is a state above anger. Therefore in order for you to reach the acceptance stage, you need to let go of anger.


Embracing vulnerability is one of the antidotes for shame, together with audaciousness and self-worth.

Brene Brown has made amazing research on vulnerability and she briefly explains her research on her viral TEDx talk “The Power of Vulnerability”. Among her many conclusions, she also states: “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change.”

Yes, change is scary. But, also, change is constant. Change is security. You can always trust that change will happen. In the middle of change, when change is happening remember: This too shall pass… this too shall change.


Maybe surprisingly for some people, but friendship is one of the antidotes for boredom, together with fun and playfulness. We like to be friends with people we like. We like to be friends with people with whom we have things in common.

How about expanding our boundaries and starting showing friendship to people we never thought we could be friends with. For example with people from other countries or people from the same country as you, who are returning home. No need to make a spectacular contribution, just small acts of kindness. Like a good welcome comment on a social network, or an encouragement of some kind. Empathy helps you a lot in friendship.


Contentment is one of the antidotes for helplessness, together with serenity and ease. Contentment is a little more than thankfulness and less than gratitude, joy or happiness. But it helps a lot. It has a lot to do with being thankful for what you have, but is actually, being content with what you have. A little smile on your face is an ingredient of contentment.

I remember one of the smallest types of meditation that I learned at one point in my life “Sit, don’t talk, smile”. In this meditation: sit still, don’t speak with your mouth, smile and mentally scan all the organs in your body. This is contentment.

Well, I hope you found some inspiration to help you get through these challenging times.

Meditate upon the positive words in this list and try to implement small actions in your life. In this way, these powerful words will become antidots for negative feelings and emotions. For yourself and the people around you.

Copy the link of this article, then send it and inspire a friend!

Learn Positive Words

Best 3 Free Apps with Positive Words to Enjoy Online Now

Here at Positive Words Research, we love nice words. Find here the apps – online applications with good words – developed by Positive Words Research. Learn and practice motivational words with our apps.

Elena, the person behind Positive Words Research, is passionate about powerful words since 2012. She is dedicated to bringing inspiring words in the lives of everyone in the world. Elena believes that her life purpose is to promote positive words. This is why she started working with IT experts to create many online applications with nice words.

Positive Words Research is dedicated to contributing to the field of positive words. This is why we are continuously bringing new tools to your disposal. Here is a list of apps – online applications with positive words – that you can use and improve your good words knowledge.

Think positive with the online apps developed by Positive Words Research!

Online Applications With Positive Words

1. Positive Words Researcher

Positive Words Researcher is an online free application that is analyzing your text in terms of positive words. The text length to be analyzed is unlimited. For example, you can analyze an entire book with this application. The application helps you with three things:

  1. Extracts the positive words found in your text;
  2. Computes some simple analytical indicators (counting the positive words, calculating the percentage of text positivity);
  3. Gives to you the list of positive words not found in your text. The application has a database of positive words, compares your text with this database and exports the positive words not found in your text, as a list in alphabetical order.

2. Name Acronym with Positive Words

Name Acronym with Positive Words is an app designed to allocate a positive word for every letter of your name. This app can be used for yourself or for the one you care about.

3. Positive Words Jar

Positive Words Jar is an online application where you will find a jar that you can fill with positive words starting with the first letter of your name.

Come back to this page because we are constantly developing new online applications with kind words that will make you use daily good words, will help you learn inspiring words and embody them until they become like a second skin to you and will also brighten your day.

Free Online Apps and Games with Positive Words

Best 4 Positive Sentences to Improve Your Life And Be Happy

Have you taken a moment recently to think about the power of the words you say? Too often, we say words and sentences that are very careless or even harmful. Either to others or ourselves and don’t even stop to think about the far-reaching effects that doing so will have. I have found that one of the best ways to stop having a negative influence through speaking and writing is by increasing the positive sayings that I put out into the world. Here are five simple examples of positive sentences you can begin using to get started on a path to a more optimistic and joyful life.

Four Positive Sentences to Improve Your Life

I Am Well

It isn’t always easy to convince ourselves that we are happy. It isn’t even always easy to convince ourselves that we are good, healthy, kind, or any of the other typical affirmations that you will hear. But what is fairly easy to tell ourselves, at least in my experience, is that we are well. As powerful as well-being is, there is something about this saying that it is easy on the brain, eyes, and ears.

Wellness can almost be a state of mind; I believe this is why it is a good quality to affirm as being present within yourself. Especially if you are highly skeptical with regard to positive thinking. Our spirits can be well, even when our minds, finances, or bodies are not. Remind yourself that you are going to be okay. It can really help you put your life into perspective. Moreover when you get wrapped up in the small, everyday stressors of life.

I Am Enough

It feels so relaxing to state that you are enough to yourself, especially when you affirm it aloud. Modern society will tell you that you are anything but enough.  Day in and day out, we are all being sold the idea that we need something more to complete ourselves – whether that “something” is money, clothes, or another material possession of some sort. Reminding yourself that, at the end of the day, you really are enough can work wonders on your self-esteem and your inner peace. You are fine as-is. It is always a good idea to work on yourself. But making a mistake or skipping a day of self-improvement is not the end of the world or a sign that you are worthless.

People Are Good

Here is another lie that we have been taught throughout history. “Most everyone is bad, and no one can really be trusted.” It is important to remember, though, that all of us imperfect people are doing the best job we can with the resources we have and the worldviews we have been raised to accept as true. I would argue that the majority of people living today believe that they are good and doing what is right by their moral standards. Reminding yourself that “people are good” can really help you put the behavior and mindsets of others into perspective. Practice being more tolerant of those who don’t agree with you – or even those who have hurt or offended you in some way. Letting go of negative feelings toward such people really makes a world of difference where your mood is concerned.

Goodness Is Everywhere.

It is important to remember that, even when it may not seem like it, good things are always surrounding us. Even if you are holed up inside feeling miserable and alone, there is new life being born, inspiring art being created, and kindness being expressed. Even if you can’t personally see or feel it. Write out an affirmation that “goodness is everywhere” or say this simple sentence out loud to yourself. This statement is so true that it is hard to reason against it, even if you are a highly pessimistic person.

People go through numerous ups and downs in life. Having a basic structure in place to handle these emotional rollercoasters can help you to feel more capable of dealing with them when they occur. Even if you are weary of affirmation or find it hard to be happy. Writing or speaking these four little sentences will improve your day, your outlook, and even your life.


Lindsey J. Flagg is a writer who started her freelancing journey in June of 2018. Lindsey lives in the Greater Chicago Area and spends her free time writing for fun, listening to music, and studying foreign languages. She graduated from Purdue University Northwest with her BA in Communication and a Minor in Media & Culture.

Four Positive Sentences to Improve Your Life

Top Reasons About How To Find The Courage To Switch Career

Are you deciding to switch an established career at a late-life stage of life is indeed a challenge?! We need to determine various aspects before making the actual jump, and this post is showing all in a nutshell. According to the USA Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average baby boomer from 18 to 48 age held 11.7 jobs in a career. Older workers are now exploring new job opportunities. These jobs are available thanks to innovative job profiles like social media, cybersecurity, financial regulations, and international relationship management. According to an anonymous survey, 82% of workers are ready to change the job after the age of 45.

These statistics indicate that changes in career and directions are inevitable and happen at any age. Now, the question is that why people prefer a change in job or career path at a later stage of life.

Reasons behind the change in career at a later stage of life

To Cut the Stress

After 40 human body starts its declining phase and physical stamina goes down gradually that becomes visible after 50. It also cut the stress-bearing capabilities and tolerance to physical as well as psychological stress. Therefore, despite high position, good pay scale, and a number of benefits like paid time off, medical care, and long vacations are proving worthless against the day-to-day stress they bear in a regular in-house job.

Learning Appetite

Everybody wants a reason to jump out of bed in the morning with excitement and new energy. Unfortunately, one and long career lost it after a long span, and monotony in life begins that proves boring. If a new career is challenging and provide opportunities to learn new things, skills, it brings excitement to daily life. It is a strong reason to leave the old one and adopts a new one immediately.

Respecting Passion

Many stick with a career to make money only even though they are not passionate about it. At a midlife stage, they have saved enough money to start a career that follows their passion and fulfilling life.

For a Shake of Changing Pace

Despite all excitement and lucrative career, many are tired of the frantic pace of working life and want to bring fresh air into it. Therefore, they decide to leave even a successful career behind and begin a new journey.

Checklist before a Switch Career

Whatever the reasons seem to trigger a change in your career at a later stage of life, you must consider following things before taking a jump as a precautionary measure.

Recognize Your Strength

We have seen that an employee held an average of 11.7 jobs in a career. It means most of the jobbers have multiple jobs in a career and each new job comes with some innovative and challenging experiences where skills and strength develop further. At a later stage of life, you have to recognize your strength and weakness well through analysis. It will help you identify how you will fit into a new career at a later stage of life and new types of job environments.

After recognition of your strength and skills, you can present yourself to the prospective recruiter with confidence, and they will consider your experience as a guarantee to meet your claims for delivery.

Passion for Learning New Skills

The job market is constantly evolving and coming with innovative roles/jobs that you have never imagined. New types of jobs require new types of skill sets too. For instance, intense digitalization has made computer skills compulsory for any employee working in any industry.

If you are not ready to learn new essential skills for your next career or role, you may hardly get succeed in your late career. Therefore, a passion for learning new skills constantly is a must.

Advantages of Experience

Some jobs and companies need highly experienced people in their organization for a certain post. However, a career switch with years of experience would provide you a good opportunity to grab those all at good perks and satisfaction.


At a later stage of life, let’s say after 50 you have enough maturity, skills, experiences, and resources to start up a new adventure related to your niche expertise. Therefore, the highest rate of entrepreneurship is reported among the over-50 age group.

Recognize the Fastest Job Categories

Nurses and medical aids, teachers, and software engineer job categories are growing rapidly with stable demands. Similarly, some other job areas have big prospects, and you have to recognize those areas if aligned with your skills or passion and apply for it.

Overcome Myths

Despite enough thrill and enthusiasm regarding changing the job or career some prevailing job market myths may prevent you from taking instant decisions. Therefore, you must learn about those myths and overcome them all at once.

Myth 1 – Employer Refrain Hiring Aged Candidates

At a later stage, you may lose some physical and mental strengths to compete with young competitors for a post/job in some areas. However, you have intense experiences, strong confidence, and a rich set of skills as well as determination power to fulfill the promises or delivery claims. These all positive factors surpass your age-related issues and make it all minor in hiring considerations.

Therefore, don’t feel low or intimidated about any age-related issue.

Myth 2 – Unable to Compete Youngers’ Tech Prowess

We are experiencing constant waves of technologies and relevant innovations in the market. Computers, mobiles, and now wearable technologies are growing at a rapid pace, and penetration is almost 100% in all fields.

Therefore, you must be a tech-savvy candidate that can demonstrate adequate command and familiarity over the upcoming technologies. Learning new technologies, tools, and technique is not dominant of the young generation, you can learn all at any age and at any moment if you’re strongly determined it.

Myth 3 – Learning New Business

Many entrepreneurs want to start their own venture in new trades and trends, which were not existing before a decade or a half. They believe learning new businesses over-50 is daunting and challenging.

Unfortunately, that is not true at all. Today we have entrepreneur training courses, classes, and government/NGO organizations to support you in all respects. So, you have smooth sailing in starting a new business of your choice.

Myth 4 – Return in Employment

Some employees over-50 once lost their existing and prolonged jobs they feel extreme depression regarding re-employment. They lost the courage to return to their niche or other by rejuvenating their skills, strengths, and experiences. In fact, many companies looking for an experienced and stable workforce, and trends are increasing among the highly volatile job market where youngsters are frequently changing the job and have inadequate experiences to manage certain roles.

What you have to do is to recognize those areas and companies and make a strong presentation of your skills, experiences, and commitment to fulfill their expectations, you may have a good perk awaiting in your call letter!

Who Can Help You?

Present statics and surveys of the international job market reveal that switching careers at a later stage of life is becoming a common trend everywhere. In the United Kingdom and the USA like affluent countries, there are multiple reasons that people prefer switching careers or starting a new adventure, and they get significant success too.

Try to get in touch with your area’s Career advisers to help you to prepare resumes, face interviews, make effective presentations of your skills and experiences and most importantly provide mentoring services to boost morale to hit your goals. If you stay in Norwich, UK then our job portal Just Norfolk Jobs provides a strong platform to find the right jobs and assist you to switch careers at an advanced stage of life.

Author’s Bio ~ Manya Ray

Here at Positive Words Research, we are looking to share with our readers original content that hasn’t been published on other sites so if you are comfortable with Positive Words Research being your sole publisher, we are more than happy to share with our readers your inspiring and empowering story.

Positive Words Research – How To Find The Courage To Switch Career


4 Tips On How To Encourage A Child’s Brain Development

The ability of young children to grasp anything is as fast as the speed of light. This is especially from ages birth to three, as they produce 700 new neural connections every second. If you want them to reach the threshold of their potential, you need to take care of many factors, including relationships, experiences, and environment.

The human brain starts developing early in prenatal life- three weeks after conception. Therefore, brain development is something, no parents can compromise. The skills that your child gains in the early years of development will become responsible for the overall academic performance at school. So make sure your child learns ethical practices and acquires great acumen to live a hassle-free life during adolescence.

One of the major differences between brain development in a child versus an adult is the extent and speed of development. The brain of a young child is highly flexible as compared to adult ones. This means that young children’s brains are more susceptible to learning and enriching influences. However, you cannot ignore that your child can develop cognitive problems if they are brought up in a way that limits its development.

1. The Most Important – Excellent Nutrition

Good food is fundamental for overall child development. You need to maintain a healthy diet for your children to keep them mentally sound and physically fit. If you do not want to miss out on any nutrients, vitamins, and omega acids to name a few, you can contact a pediatrician to make a weekly chart of the meals you are going to provide to your children. Sometimes, young ones are more responsive towards a particular dish, which you need to take care of when preparing the meal.

Doctors recommend a balanced, nutritious diet, which contains all essential nutrients, carbs, vitamins, fatty acids, etc., in the right proportion. If your child is stubborn when it comes to taking a balanced diet, don’t be afraid of being creative.  Plenty of finger-licking recipes are available online which contain all the diet essentials you need to give to your children. Use them and live happily!

2. Muscle building

Rather than hitting the gym in adolescence, help your child grow muscles in the early years of development. This is surprisingly easy. Ask your preschooler or kindergartener to roll around on the floor for a couple of seconds. Try to change their posture by asking them to roll in both directions. Raise the level of coordination and strength by asking them to hold on to a toy while they roll. Repeat this activity with small breaks in -between. Not only does this make muscles strong but it also fine-tunes all kinds of developmental skills related to balance, coordination, and strength.

Do not ignore the precautions you need to take. Keep the floor clean, free of dust and mosquitoes. Keep an eye on the balance your child makes because ligaments and tendons are weak at a tender age.

3. Introduce novel materials

Every new experience for your child will act as learning a new chapter of life. So why don’t you keep your child stimulated with new experiences? Let your child discover the new joys of life by experiencing the real world. This can mean everything from bringing new fabrics and materials to touch and play with to bringing him/her along when you leave the house. The idea is to generate tactile stimulation that develops an understanding of how different materials function. This will even enhance spatial awareness as your child learns how to manipulate and combine different toys to play a game.

4. Keep the eye contact

Eye contact helps build the ciliary muscles of your baby’s eyes. This technique prevents eye problems in the future, and your child will be able to recognize faces early. According to studies, newborns start responding to facial expressions at the age of 2.  This shows that your child is developing the skills of problem-solving while being responsive to social interactions. Figuratively, by keeping eye contact, you are building the confidence of your child and helping them act like leaders.

Final words

Learning is important at every stage of life, though the young age is the best to learn anything. The responsibility of parents is to make the senses of their children stronger by nurturing them at every point in time either on their own or through a reputable tutor, click here to find one now. Practicing developmental activities is key to stimulating your child’s brain development. Remember, children, grasp with every passing second. Therefore, they can even consume the wrong elements if negative energy surrounds them. Stay positive to keep their learning ethical by all means.

Author – Danish Wadhwa – India

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