4 Digital Skills to Learn for Free Online And Be Successful

What are those 4 digital skills to learn for free online which will make you have the perfect digital skills to thrive on the internet?

Given, the internet does indeed possess a very dark side and is culpable for a wide variety of social ills. Yet there are also some general exceptions to this detrimental trend. To begin with, the internet is in an excellent position of equipping you with useful real-world skills. Even better, there are some that you can be able to master without spending a dime. As such, there is no shortage of valuable knowledge online, which you can capitalize on to improve your life and even career. Well, here then are some top 4

Given, the internet does indeed possess a very dark side and is culpable for a wide variety of social ills. Yet there are also some general exceptions to this detrimental trend. To begin with, the internet is in an excellent position of equipping you with useful real-world skills. Even better, there are some that you can be able to master without spending a dime. As such, there is no shortage of valuable knowledge online, which you can capitalize on to improve your life and even career. Well, here then are some top 4 digital skills to learn for free online that you may want to look into.

1. How to successfully launch a startup

If you are burning with an intense entrepreneurship zeal, but are perhaps clueless on what to do next, the internet can effectively sort you out. Now more than ever, there are numerous websites, which offer entrepreneurship courses at no cost at all. Through which you can conveniently learn just what you need to do to build your startup from the ground up.

One of the finest of these courses is labeled ‘how to start a startup.’ These lessons are taught under the auspices of Stanford University working hand at hand with the University of Reddit. The chief instructor of this course is none other than Sam Altman, the founder of Y Combinator. The ‘how to start a startup’ course curriculum includes guest lectures from highly acclaimed speakers from companies like PayPal, LinkedIn, Facebook, and so on.

2. Learn the basics of coding

The internet is crammed to the gills with many free courses on web design, web development, and even programming. By enrolling in the best of these courses, you can be in a position of learning extremely useful and very in-demand high technology skills. Should you wish to build a professional website from scratch or develop the next big mobile app, there are numerous websites that can assist you in your quest. You will be able to understand the basics of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, database manipulation, and a wide range of programming languages. The Code Academy is definitely one of the best websites that offer free tutorials for all the above-listed digital skills. Harvard University also offers an introductory course for computer science online totally for free.

3. Learn a foreign language

Being multilingual is a very marketable skill to possess as a professional. Taking the necessary time to master several foreign languages can expand your career prospects in ways you would never have deemed possible. To this end, there happen to be many websites, which are primarily devoted to teaching foreign languages to their users at no charge at all.

The finest of these online courses are highly acclaimed for being extensive and can cover a plethora of languages. Some of the most notable languages English users can learn are French, German, Italian, Irish, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Greek, Portuguese, Hebrew, Hindu to name but a few. One of the most comprehensive foreign language courses online you could enroll in are those offered by DouLingo. This website makes it a point to update its curriculum on a regular basis to make sure that it can adequately cater to the requirements and preferences of its students.

4. Learn touch typing

Touch typing is yet another invaluable skill you can be able to master for free through the internet. In essence, this skill is designed to assist you in significantly improve typing speed as well as typing accuracy. This is brought about by the learner integrating an ingenious typing method that places reliance on motor reflexes rather than sight. Basically, mastering touch typing lets you place your full concentration on your PC’s screen as opposed to the keyboard while typing. Being a touch typist can greatly improve your overall productivity.

You will be able to type elaborate and in-depth professional reports, internal circulars, and even business proposals in a much quicker time than you formerly did. This, in its turn, will naturally make you more marketable to both your current employer and prospective ones. Finally, the art of touch typing also lets you imbibe typing best practices such as ideal keyboard finger placement and the right posture to integrate when typing. All of which can greatly minimize the risks of sustaining injuries or a lot of fatigue when you engage in typing for protracted periods of time. If you wish to determine just how fast you can type and discover effective methods of improving your average typing speed and accuracy, start with one of the free online courses and be sure it can be fun and easy.

About the Author

My name is Daria Postoyalkina, I’m a development manager at Ratatype. This project helps children and adults to learn touch typing via an online typing test and lessons. I am in charge of developing the proper typing lessons and exercise for typists who want to improve their typing speed.

Positive Words Research – 4 Digital Skills to Learn for Free Online

4 skills learn free online

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